path: root/include/achernar.php
blob: fb63513a3bd94d1ad2b09d49d206c34f9e3503c4 (plain) (tree)






















	function add_overview_card($page, $title) {
		[$background_colour, $text_colour] = page_colours($page);

		$glyph_addr = match ($page) {
			=> "/svg/glyph/" . $page . "Small.svg",

			default => "/svg/glyph/" . $page . ".svg",

		$card_style = "--backgroundColour: $background_colour; --textColour: $text_colour;";

		echo <<<HTML
			<a href="?p=$page" style="$card_style" title="$title">
				<img alt="$page" src="$glyph_addr">

<?php add_heading("The future is now", "about"); ?>

	<p><em>Achernar</em> is a European indie development studio based in the Capital Region of Denmark. &#127465;&#127472;</p>
	<p>We aim to develop high-quality video games and software alike, and we believe that all technologies should be for humanity as a whole. We therefore publish all relevant source code for our products.</p>
	<p class="note">See footer for contact information.</p>

<?php add_heading("Projects", "projects"); ?>

<section class="fullWidth">
	<p>The following is a list of our current projects. Click on a card to view the project's page.</p>
	<p class="note">Scroll <a href="">down</a> for more information about us.</p>
	<div id="overview">
			add_overview_card("agbsum",     "agbsum");
			add_overview_card("ax",         "AX");
			//add_overview_card("backspace",  "Backspace");
			add_overview_card("benoit",     "Benoit");
			add_overview_card("bowshock",   "Bowshock");
			add_overview_card("bzipper",    "Bzipper");
			//add_overview_card("deltaWorld", "Delta&middot;World");
			add_overview_card("dux",        "Dux");
			add_overview_card("eas",        "eAS");
			add_overview_card("luma",       "Luma");
			add_overview_card("pollex",     "Pollex");
			add_overview_card("u8c",        "u8c");

<?php add_heading("Vision", "vision"); ?>

	<p>The goal of Achernar is to promote modern and robust software for everyone. In other words, our vision is to develop a human and clean industry and community for technology.</p>
	<p>We believe in a society free of patents, and as such we release our scientific software in open-source form. For our games, we try to keep the base engine as open as possible whilst still keeping in mind that they yield our main income.</p>

<?php add_heading("Roadmap", "roadmap"); ?>

	<p>Currently, the following tasks are our highest priorities (in order of decreasing priority):</p>
			<p>Implement derive macros for the <code>Serialise</code> and <code>Deserialise</code> traits in <a href="?p=bzipper">bzipper</a></p>
			<p>Develop <a href="?p=bowshock">Bowshock</a> to a semi-playable state and begin marketing hereof</p>
			<p>Implement the graphical front-end (<code>benoit-cli</code>) for <a href="?p=benoit">Benoit</a><a></a></p>
	<p>The following additional goals denote company objectives:</p>
			<p>Complete the webservice before <strong>autumn, 2024</strong></p>
			<p>Release our first game by <strong>2024</strong>, as well as company merchandise in some form</p>
			<p>Release early-access for Bowshock (on Steam) by <strong>2025</strong></p>
			<p>Restructure to a normal sole proprietorship <strong>sometime</strong></p>
	<p>These roadmaps are, however, also subject to change, altough we do strive to fullfil our goals.</p>

<?php add_heading("Team", "team"); ?>

	<p>As Achernar is currently registered as a PMV (lesser sole proprietorship), Gabriel Bjørnager Jensen is currently our only member.</p>

<?php add_heading("Inception", "inception"); ?>

	<p><em>Achernar</em> was incorporated on the first july of 2024 by current sole proprietor Gabriel Bjørnager Jensen.</p>
	<p>Our first domain &ndash; <code></code> &ndash; was already registered in the winter of 2021, at that time being used for hosting on-line source code repositories. This was, however, quickly outsourced to <code><a href=""></a></code> after I had managed to secure that domain.</p>
	<p><code></code> was then, in the mean time, used for hosting a few look-up references. This mostly served as my own notes for school &ndash; mainly mathematics, physics, and chemistry &ndash; but quickly grew unorganised and unmaintained, although I did have plans to expand the encyclopedia.</p>
	<p>The idea of a company had started in the spring of 2020. At that time it would've been named after the binary system Sheliak (Bayer: <code>&beta;&nbsp;Lyr&#230;</code>). But it was this idea that evolved into &ldquo;Achernar.&rdquo;</p>
	<p>Shortly after being incorporated, we registered the domain <code></code>. At that time, we also set up mail services using our domain.</p>

<?php add_heading("Credits", "credits"); ?>

<section class="fullWidth">
	<p>Thanks to <strong>Nicolas Gallagher</strong> for the <a href="">Normalize.css</a> stylesheet. Additionally thanks to the following creators for the fonts which we use on our website:</p>
			<p>Carrois Apostrophe: <a href=""><strong style="font-family: Fira Mono;">Fira Mono</strong></a></p>
			<p>Roman Shamin & the &#8220;people&#8221; at Evil Martians &#128125;: <a href=""><strong style="font-family: Martian Mono;">Martian Mono</strong></a></p>
			<p>Sorkin Type: <a href=""><strong style="font-family: Merriweather;">Merriweather</strong></a></p>
			<p>Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral, and Jacques Le Bailly: <a href=""><strong style="font-family: Montserrat;">Montserrat</strong></a></p>
			<p>Claus Eggers S&#248;rensen: <a href=""><strong style="font-family: Playfair Display;">Playfair Display</strong></a></p>
			<p>Matt McInerney, Pablo Impallari, and Rodrigo Fuenzalida: <a href=""><strong style="font-family: Raleway;">Raleway</strong></a></p>