path: root/zap/include/zap/mem.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'zap/include/zap/mem.hh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/mem.hh b/zap/include/zap/mem.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index b237cbc..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/mem.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_cxxhdr_mem
-#define zap_priv_cxxhdr_mem
-#include <zap/bs.hh>
-#include <zap/mem.h>
-namespace zap {
- template<typename desttyp,typename srctyp> struct cpret {
- desttyp * dest;
- srctyp * src;
- };
-namespace zap {
- template<typename desttyp,typename srctyp> zap_attr_iln inline ::zap::cpret<desttyp,srctyp> bytecp(desttyp * zap_restr dest,srctyp const * zap_restr src,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- ::zap_cpret const cpret = ::zap_cp(dest,src,num);
- return ::zap::cpret<desttyp,srctyp> {.dest = static_cast<desttyp *>(cpret.dest),.src = static_cast<srctyp *>(cpret.src),};
- }
- template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> zap_attr_iln inline bool byteeq(ltyp const * lbuf,rtyp const * rbuf,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- return ::zap_eq(lbuf,rbuf,num);
- }
- template<typename typ> zap_attr_iln inline void bytefill(typ * dest,unsigned char const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- ::zap_fill(dest,val,num);
- }
- template<typename typ> zap_attr_iln inline typ * bytesrch(typ * buf,unsigned char const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- return const_cast<typ *>(static_cast<::zap::remqual<typ> *>(::zap_srch(buf,val,num)));
- }
-namespace zap {
- template<typename typ> constexpr ::zap::cpret<typ,typ> cp(typ * zap_restr dest,typ const * zap_restr src,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- zap_priv_ifnconsteval {return ::zap::bytecp(dest,src,num);}
- typ * const zap_restr stop = dest + num;
- while (dest != stop) *dest++ = *src++;
- return ::zap::cpret<typ,typ> {.dest = dest,.src = const_cast<typ *>(src),};
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr bool eq(typ const * lbuf,typ const * rbuf,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- typ const * const stop = lbuf + num;
- while (lbuf != stop) if (*lbuf++ != *rbuf++) return false;
- return true;
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr void fill(typ * dest,typ const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- typ * const stop = dest + num;
- while (dest != stop) *dest++ = val;
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr typ * srch(typ * buf,unsigned char const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- typ const * const stop = buf + num;
- while (buf != stop) {
- typ const * addr = buf++;
- if (*addr == val) return addr;
- }
- return nullptr;
- }