diff options
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/bs.d/urch.ii (renamed from zap/source/any/sys/syscall.c)6
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/mem.d/equ.ii (renamed from zap/source/any/str/streq.c)14
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/mem.d/fil.ii (renamed from zap/source/any/mem/fill.c)8
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/priv/arch.h (renamed from zap/include/zap/sys.d/arch.h)22
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/priv/impl.h (renamed from zap/include/zap/sys.d/cmp.h)22
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/priv/os.h (renamed from zap/include/zap/sys.d/os.h)66
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/priv/std.h (renamed from zap/include/zap/sys.d/lang.h)34
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8declen.ii (renamed from zap/source/any/str/utf8declen.c)27
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8enclen.ii (renamed from zap/source/any/str/utf8enclen.c)21
-rw-r--r--zp/include/zp/str.d/win1252enc.ii (renamed from zap/source/any/str/win1252enc.c)77
-rw-r--r--zp/source/amd64/bs/syscl.s (renamed from zap/source/amd64/sys/syscall.s)4
-rw-r--r--zp/source/amd64/bs/trp.s (renamed from zap/source/amd64/bs/trap.s)4
-rw-r--r--zp/source/any/bs/syscl.c (renamed from zap/source/any/str/strlen.c)8
-rw-r--r--zp/source/any/bs/trp.c (renamed from zap/source/any/bs/trap.c)6
-rw-r--r--zp/source/arm/bs/syscl.s (renamed from zap/source/arm/sys/syscall.s)4
-rw-r--r--zp/source/arm64/bs/syscl.s (renamed from zap/source/arm64/sys/syscall.s)4
-rw-r--r--zp/source/ia32/bs/syscl.s (renamed from zap/source/ia32/sys/syscall.s)4
134 files changed, 4005 insertions, 2143 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ca10573..0155cfe 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index 5d39064..60d4a77 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,107 @@
+# 0.0.0
+* Rename C++ cp to cpy;
+* Rename C++ eq to equ;
+* Rename C++ srch to srh;
+* Rename C cp and C++ bytecp to memcpy;
+* Rename C eq and C++ byteeq to memequ;
+* Rename C fill and C++ bytefill to memfil;
+* Add function for copying strings: strcpy;
+* Add function for searching strings: strsrh;
+* Rename cpyret.dest to cpyret.dst;
+* Add new headers to makefile;
+* Rename math to mth;
+* Rename root to nrt;
+* Rename unreach to urch;
+* Make likly and ulikly public;
+* Add extver to C++;
+* Fix fixflt macros;
+* Rename trap to trp;
+* Add functions for UTF-16 encoding/decoding;
+* Add C++ variants to UTF-8, UTF-16, and Windows-1252 functions;
+* Move public C++ definitions to implementation files ('.ii);
+* Make C++ string functions call their C equivalent at run-time;
+* Add wide-string and UTF-32-string functions to C;
+* Rename typeq to typequ;
+* Use built-in type _Bool in C;
+* Fix language-detection macros;
+* Don't typedef cpyret;
+* Fix C-implementation of cpy;
+* Fix C-implementation of syscall;
+* Define wchr as wchar_t in C++;
+* Add minimum-width character types;
+* Add minimum-width integral types;
+* Update type codes;
+* Remove type identifiers;
+* Install implementation files;
+* Fix non-existent source being referenced on ARM64;
+* Use trailing return types;
+* Fix isflttyp;
+* Add more fixed-width floating-point types;
+* Add more fixed-width integer types;
+* Make ifconsteval public in the form of a compile-time function;
+* Don't typedef pair;
+* Add mathematical functions to C++;
+* Add NaN constants;
+* Add infinity constants to C;
+* Add mathematical function for natural logarithm (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for binary logarithm (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for common logarithm (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for cube root (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical functions for distance (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for arc cosine (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for arc sine (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for arc tangens (unimplemented);
+* Add mathematical function for logarithm (unimplemented)s
+* Add mathematical functions for dot product;
+* Add structures for vectors;
+* Add classes for vector;
+* Add mathematical function for fourth root (unimplemented);
+* Assert arithmetic types in mathematical templates;
+* Rename sign to sgn and usign to usgn;
+* Add functions for adding vectors;
+* Add functions for subtracting vectors;
+* Implement 'any' architecture using C++;
+* Add metaprogramming class for determening signed and unsigned types;
+* Add UTF-8 encoders/decoders to C++;
+* Add format to C++;
+* Change type of fmtlen to sz;
+* Remove attr prefix from attributes;
+* Support shared libraries;
+* Rename unuse to nuse;
+* Remove sys and move members to bs;
+* Add types for system call return values and system call identifier;
+* Rename C srch and C++ bytesrch to memsrh;
+* Restructure headers and implementations files;
+* Add constant that defines the largest Unicode codepoint: unimax;
+* Clean up code;
+* Use binary literals;
+* Rename is*typ to is*;
+* Add functions for determening non-numbers;
+* Add minimum-value and maximum-value constants to floating-point types;
+* Define dos on DOS-like systems;
+* Don't use file extensions for C++ headers;
+* Update type codes;
+* Change namespace to zp;
+* Rename noret to nret;
+* Rename project to zp (from zap);
+* Add readme;
+* Reset version epoch;
+* Add logo;
+* Add csys logo;
+* Add null pointer type: nullptrtyp;
+* Rename cmp to impl;
+* Rename lang to std;
+* Rename syscall to syscl;
+* Add more comments to headers;
+* Rename nullptr to nulptr;
+* Add attribute for warning against unused results;
+* Change type of ver and extver to i04m;
+* Add type for storing the result of pointer subtraction: ptrdif;
+* Rename ptr to intptr;
+* Update gitignore;
+* Rewrite test program;
# 1B.0.1
* Fix CSys still being included;
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f4657b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/csys.svg b/csys.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15425ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csys.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<svg height="60" width="60" xmlns="">
+ <rect fill="#000000" height="144" width="144" x="0" y="0" />
+ <circle cx="30" cy="30" r="12" stroke="#00D143" stroke-width="12" />
+ <polygon fill="#000000" points="60,0 30,30 60,60" />
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cc3b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <exception>
+#include <fmt/core.h>
+#include <source_location>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <zp/mem>
+#include <zp/mth>
+#include <zp/str>
+int main() {
+ int unsigned num;
+ int unsigned numerr;
+ auto const tst = [&num](char const * const cmp) noexcept {
+ ::fmt::print("\n\x1B[38;5;75mtesting\x1B[0m {}\n\n",cmp);
+ num = 0x0;
+ };
+ auto const cmp = [&num,&numerr]<typename ltyp,typename rtyp>(ltyp const & lvalref,rtyp const & rvalref,::std::source_location const srcloc = ::std::source_location::current()) {
+ char const * const ltypnm = typeid (ltyp).name();
+ char const * const rtypnm = typeid (rtyp).name();
+ auto const getval = []<typename typ>(typ const & valref) {
+ if constexpr (::zp::ischr<typ>) {return static_cast<::zp::i02m>(valref);}
+ else {return valref;}
+ };
+ auto const lval = getval(lvalref);
+ auto const rval = getval(rvalref);
+ ::fmt::print(" {}. comparing {} ({}) vs. {} ({})... ",num++,ltypnm,lval,rtypnm,rval);
+ if (lval != rval) {
+ ::fmt::print("\x1B[38;5;161munequal\x1B[0m (at #{})\n",srcloc.line());
+ //throw ::std::exception {};
+ ++numerr;
+ }
+ ::fmt::print("\x1B[38;5;77mequal\x1B[0m\n");
+ };
+ ::fmt::print("zp test\n\nAPI version: {}\nEXT version: {}\n",::zp::ver,::zp::extver);
+ try {
+ [&] {
+ tst("vectors");
+ ::zp::vec2<int> const lvec2 = {
+ .x = +0x1,
+ .y = -0x3,
+ };
+ ::zp::vec2<int> const rvec2 = {
+ .x = +0x2,
+ .y = -0x4,
+ };
+ cmp(::zp::dot(lvec2,rvec2),0xE);
+ ::zp::vec3<int> const lvec3 = {
+ .x = +0x1,
+ .y = -0x3,
+ .z = +0x5,
+ };
+ ::zp::vec3<int> const rvec3 = {
+ .x = +0x2,
+ .y = -0x4,
+ .z = +0x6,
+ };
+ cmp(::zp::dot(lvec3,rvec3),0x2C);
+ ::zp::vec4<int> const lvec4 = {
+ .x = +0x1,
+ .y = -0x3,
+ .z = +0x5,
+ .w = -0x7,
+ };
+ ::zp::vec4<int> const rvec4 = {
+ .x = +0x2,
+ .y = -0x4,
+ .z = +0x6,
+ .w = -0x8,
+ };
+ cmp(::zp::dot(lvec4,rvec4),0x64);
+ auto const avec2 = ::zp::vadd(lvec2,rvec2);
+ auto const svec2 = ::zp::vsub(lvec2,rvec2);
+ cmp(avec2.x,+0x3);
+ cmp(avec2.y,-0x7);
+ cmp(svec2.x,-0x1);
+ cmp(svec2.y,+0x1);
+ }();
+ [&] {
+ tst("special numbers");
+ cmp(::zp::isnan(::zp::nan<float>), true);
+ cmp(::zp::isnan(::zp::nan<double>), true);
+ cmp(::zp::isnan(::zp::nan<long double>),true);
+ }();
+ [&] {
+ tst("strings");
+ char str[] = "Hello there!";
+ wchar_t wstr[] = L"Hello there!";
+ char32_t str02[] = U"Hello there!";
+ ::zp::sz const len = ::zp::strlen(str);
+ ::zp::sz const wlen = ::zp::strlen(wstr);
+ ::zp::sz const len02 = ::zp::strlen(str02);
+ cmp(len, 0xCu);
+ cmp(wlen, 0xCu);
+ cmp(len02,0xCu);
+ auto const buf = new char[ len];
+ auto const wbuf = new wchar_t[ wlen];
+ auto const buf02 = new char32_t[len02];
+ cmp(::zp::strcpy(buf, str), len);
+ cmp(::zp::strcpy(wbuf, wstr), wlen);
+ cmp(::zp::strcpy(buf02,str02),len02);
+ delete[] buf;
+ delete[] wbuf;
+ delete[] buf02;
+ }();
+ [&] {
+ tst("UTF-8");
+ char32_t const src[] = U"\U0001F480";
+ ::zp::sz const buf8len = ::zp::utf8enclen(src);
+ cmp(buf8len,0x4u);
+ char8_t * buf8 = new char8_t[buf8len+0x1u];
+ ::zp::utf8enc(buf8,src);
+ cmp(buf8[0x0u],0xF0u);
+ cmp(buf8[0x1u],0x9Fu);
+ cmp(buf8[0x2u],0x92u);
+ cmp(buf8[0x3u],0x80u);
+ cmp(buf8[0x4u],0x00u);
+ ::zp::sz const buf02len = ::zp::utf8declen(buf8);
+ cmp(buf02len,0x1u);
+ char32_t * buf02 = new char32_t[buf02len+0x1u];
+ ::zp::utf8dec(buf02,buf8);
+ cmp(buf02[0x0u],0x1F480u);
+ cmp(buf02[0x1u],0x0u);
+ delete[] buf8;
+ delete[] buf02;
+ }();
+ [&] {
+ tst("UTF-16");
+ char32_t const src[] = U"\U0001F480\u00F0";
+ ::zp::sz const buf01len = ::zp::utf16enclen(src);
+ cmp(buf01len,0x3u);
+ char16_t * buf01 = new char16_t[buf01len+0x1u];
+ ::zp::utf16enc(buf01,src);
+ cmp(buf01[0x0u],0xD83Du);
+ cmp(buf01[0x1u],0xDC80u);
+ cmp(buf01[0x2u],0x00F0u);
+ cmp(buf01[0x3u],0x0000u);
+ ::zp::sz const buf02len = ::zp::utf16declen(buf01);
+ cmp(buf02len,0x2u);
+ char32_t * buf02 = new char32_t[buf02len+0x1u];
+ ::zp::utf16dec(buf02,buf01);
+ cmp(buf02[0x0u],0x1F480u);
+ cmp(buf02[0x1u],0xF0u);
+ cmp(buf02[0x2u],0x0u);
+ delete[] buf01;
+ delete[] buf02;
+ }();
+ }
+ catch (::std::exception const &) {
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ ::fmt::print("\nDone - {} error(s)\n",numerr);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/ b/
index d7d3a73..63f65f9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,407 +1,116 @@
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
#include <climits>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
-#include <zap/math.hh>
-#include <zap/mem.hh>
-#include <zap/str.hh>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <zp/mth>
+#include <zp/mem>
+#include <zp/str>
-#define test(_expr,_val,_cmp) \
- ::std::fprintf(stderr,"(" #_expr "): %" PRIXMAX "\n(" #_val "): %" PRIXMAX "\n",(uintmax_t)(_expr),(uintmax_t)(_val)); \
- if (!((_expr) _cmp (_val))) { \
- ::std::fputs("\x1B[91mFailure\x1B[0m (" #_cmp ")\n\n",stderr); \
- return EXIT_FAILURE; \
- } \
- ::std::fputs("\x1B[92mSuccess\x1B[0m (" #_cmp ")\n\n",stderr);
+int main() {
+ [] consteval {
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::sgn<int>, int> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::sgn<int unsigned>,int> == true);
-int main(void) {
- test(::zap::bytelen,CHAR_BIT,==)
- {
- test(::zap::minval<bool>, ::std::numeric_limits<bool>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<signed char>, ::std::numeric_limits<signed char>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<short>, ::std::numeric_limits<short>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<int>, ::std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<long>, ::std::numeric_limits<long>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<long long>, ::std::numeric_limits<long long>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<unsigned char>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<unsigned short>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<unsigned int>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<unsigned long>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<unsigned long long>,::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::min(),==)
- test(::zap::minval<char>, ::std::numeric_limits<char>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<wchar_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<char8_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<char8_t>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<char16_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<char16_t>::min(), ==)
- test(::zap::minval<char32_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<char32_t>::min(), ==)
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::usgn<int unsigned>,int unsigned> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::usgn<int>, int unsigned> == true);
- test(::zap::maxval<bool>, ::std::numeric_limits<bool>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<signed char>, ::std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<short>, ::std::numeric_limits<short>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<int>, ::std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<long>, ::std::numeric_limits<long>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<long long>, ::std::numeric_limits<long long>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<unsigned char>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<unsigned short>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<unsigned int>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<unsigned long>, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<unsigned long long>,::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max(),==)
- test(::zap::maxval<char>, ::std::numeric_limits<char>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<wchar_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<char8_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<char8_t>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<char16_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<char16_t>::max(), ==)
- test(::zap::maxval<char32_t>, ::std::numeric_limits<char32_t>::max(), ==)
- }
- // math
- {
- auto const pair = ::zap::divmod(0x45,0x5);
- test(pair.lval,0xD,==)
- test(pair.rval,0x4,==)
- }
- // mem
- {
- ::zap::i8 const src[0x36u] = {
- 0x02u,0x03u,0x05u,0x07u,0x0Bu,0x0Du,0x11u,0x13u,
- 0x17u,0x1Du,0x1Fu,0x25u,0x29u,0x2Bu,0x2Fu,0x35u,
- 0x3Bu,0x3Du,0x43u,0x47u,0x49u,0x4Fu,0x53u,0x59u,
- 0x61u,0x65u,0x67u,0x6Bu,0x6Du,0x71u,0x7Fu,0x83u,
- 0x89u,0x8Bu,0x95u,0x97u,0x9Du,0xA3u,0xA7u,0xADu,
- 0xB3u,0xB5u,0xBFu,0xC1u,0xC5u,0xC7u,0xD3u,0xDFu,
- 0xE3u,0xE5u,0xE9u,0xEFu,0xF1u,0xFBu,
- };
- ::zap::i8 dest[sizeof (src)];
- ::zap::cpret const cpret = ::zap::bytecp(dest,src,sizeof (src));
- test(cpret.dest,dest + sizeof(src),==)
- test(cpret.src,src + sizeof(src),==)
- test(dest[0x00u],0x02u,==)
- test(dest[0x01u],0x03u,==)
- test(dest[0x02u],0x05u,==)
- test(dest[0x03u],0x07u,==)
- test(dest[0x04u],0x0Bu,==)
- test(dest[0x05u],0x0Du,==)
- test(dest[0x06u],0x11u,==)
- test(dest[0x07u],0x13u,==)
- test(dest[0x08u],0x17u,==)
- test(dest[0x09u],0x1Du,==)
- test(dest[0x0Au],0x1Fu,==)
- test(dest[0x0Bu],0x25u,==)
- test(dest[0x0Cu],0x29u,==)
- test(dest[0x0Du],0x2Bu,==)
- test(dest[0x0Eu],0x2Fu,==)
- test(dest[0x0Fu],0x35u,==)
- test(dest[0x10u],0x3Bu,==)
- test(dest[0x11u],0x3Du,==)
- test(dest[0x12u],0x43u,==)
- test(dest[0x13u],0x47u,==)
- test(dest[0x14u],0x49u,==)
- test(dest[0x15u],0x4Fu,==)
- test(dest[0x16u],0x53u,==)
- test(dest[0x17u],0x59u,==)
- test(dest[0x18u],0x61u,==)
- test(dest[0x19u],0x65u,==)
- test(dest[0x1Au],0x67u,==)
- test(dest[0x1Bu],0x6Bu,==)
- test(dest[0x1Cu],0x6Du,==)
- test(dest[0x1Du],0x71u,==)
- test(dest[0x1Eu],0x7Fu,==)
- test(dest[0x1Fu],0x83u,==)
- test(dest[0x20u],0x89u,==)
- test(dest[0x21u],0x8Bu,==)
- test(dest[0x22u],0x95u,==)
- test(dest[0x23u],0x97u,==)
- test(dest[0x24u],0x9Du,==)
- test(dest[0x25u],0xA3u,==)
- test(dest[0x26u],0xA7u,==)
- test(dest[0x27u],0xADu,==)
- test(dest[0x28u],0xB3u,==)
- test(dest[0x29u],0xB5u,==)
- test(dest[0x2Au],0xBFu,==)
- test(dest[0x2Bu],0xC1u,==)
- test(dest[0x2Cu],0xC5u,==)
- test(dest[0x2Du],0xC7u,==)
- test(dest[0x2Eu],0xD3u,==)
- test(dest[0x2Fu],0xDFu,==)
- test(dest[0x30u],0xE3u,==)
- test(dest[0x31u],0xE5u,==)
- test(dest[0x32u],0xE9u,==)
- test(dest[0x33u],0xEFu,==)
- test(dest[0x34u],0xF1u,==)
- test(dest[0x35u],0xFBu,==)
- }
- {
- ::zap::i04 val = 0x0u;
- ::zap::bytefill(&val,(::zap::i8)-0x1u,sizeof (val));
- test(val,~(::zap::i04)0x0u,==)
- }
- {
- ::zap::i01 const val0 = 0x4545u;
- ::zap::i01 const val1 = 0x4545u;
- ::zap::i01 const val2 = 0x4560u;
- test(::zap::byteeq(&val0,&val1,sizeof (val0)),0x1u,==)
- test(::zap::byteeq(&val0,&val2,sizeof (val0)),0x0u,==)
- }
- {
- ::zap::i02 const val = 0xFF7F6045u;
- unsigned char const * const arr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const * const>(&val);
- test(::zap::bytesrch(arr,0x7Fu,sizeof (arr)),&arr[0x2u],==)
- }
- // str
- {
- ::zap::i8 const utf8[] = {
- 0x26u,
- 0xC3u,
- 0xB0u,
- 0xE0u,
- 0xB6u,
- 0x9Eu,
- 0xE2u,
- 0x86u,
- 0x8Au,
- 0xE2u,
- 0x86u,
- 0x8Bu,
- 0xF0u,
- 0x9Fu,
- 0x97u,
- 0xBFu,
- 0x0u,
- };
- ::zap::sz const enclen = ::zap_utf8declen(utf8);
- test(enclen,0x6u,==)
- ::zap::i02 * const utf02 = new ::zap::i02[enclen + 0x1u];
- if (utf02 == nullptr) {
- fputs("Memory allocation failed!\n",stderr);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ::zap_utf8dec(utf02,utf8);
- test(utf02[0x0u],0x26u, ==)
- test(utf02[0x1u],0xF0u, ==)
- test(utf02[0x2u],0xD9Eu, ==)
- test(utf02[0x3u],0x218Au, ==)
- test(utf02[0x4u],0x218Bu, ==)
- test(utf02[0x5u],0x1F5FFu,==)
- test(utf02[0x6u],0x0u, ==)
- delete[] utf02;
- }
- {
- ::zap::i02 const utf02[] = {
- 0x26u,
- 0xF0u,
- 0xD9Eu,
- 0x218Au,
- 0x218Bu,
- 0x1F5FFu,
- 0x0u,
- };
- ::zap::sz const enclen = ::zap_utf8enclen(utf02);
- test(enclen,0x10u,==)
- ::zap::i8 * const utf8 = new ::zap::i8[enclen + 0x1u];
- if (utf8 == nullptr) {
- fputs("Memory allocation failed!\n",stderr);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ::zap_utf8enc(utf8,utf02);
- test(utf8[0x0u], 0x26u,==)
- test(utf8[0x1u], 0xC3u,==)
- test(utf8[0x2u], 0xB0u,==)
- test(utf8[0x3u], 0xE0u,==)
- test(utf8[0x4u], 0xB6u,==)
- test(utf8[0x5u], 0x9Eu,==)
- test(utf8[0x6u], 0xE2u,==)
- test(utf8[0x7u], 0x86u,==)
- test(utf8[0x8u], 0x8Au,==)
- test(utf8[0x9u], 0xE2u,==)
- test(utf8[0xAu], 0x86u,==)
- test(utf8[0xBu], 0x8Bu,==)
- test(utf8[0xCu], 0xF0u,==)
- test(utf8[0xDu], 0x9Fu,==)
- test(utf8[0xEu], 0x97u,==)
- test(utf8[0xFu], 0xBFu,==)
- test(utf8[0x10u],0x0u, ==)
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::remqual<int volatile>, int> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::remqual<int const volatile>,int> == true);
- delete[] utf8;
- }
- {
- ::zap::i8 const win1252[] = {
- 0x26u,
- 0xF0u,
- 0x80u,
- 0x82u,
- 0x83u,
- 0x84u,
- 0x85u,
- 0x86u,
- 0x87u,
- 0x88u,
- 0x89u,
- 0x8Au,
- 0x8Bu,
- 0x8Cu,
- 0x8Eu,
- 0x91u,
- 0x92u,
- 0x93u,
- 0x94u,
- 0x95u,
- 0x96u,
- 0x97u,
- 0x98u,
- 0x99u,
- 0x9Au,
- 0x9Bu,
- 0x9Cu,
- 0x9Eu,
- 0x9Fu,
- 0x0u,
- };
- ::zap::sz const enclen = sizeof (win1252) - 0x1u;
- test(enclen,0x1Du,==)
- ::zap::i02 * const utf02 = new ::zap::i02[enclen + 0x1u];
- if (utf02 == nullptr) {
- fputs("Memory allocation failed!\n",stderr);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ::zap_win1252dec(utf02,win1252);
- test(utf02[0x0u], 0x26u, ==);
- test(utf02[0x1u], 0xF0u, ==);
- test(utf02[0x2u], 0x20ACu,==);
- test(utf02[0x3u], 0x201Au,==);
- test(utf02[0x4u], 0x192u, ==);
- test(utf02[0x5u], 0x201Eu,==);
- test(utf02[0x6u], 0x2026u,==);
- test(utf02[0x7u], 0x2020u,==);
- test(utf02[0x8u], 0x2021u,==);
- test(utf02[0x9u], 0x2C6u, ==);
- test(utf02[0xAu], 0x2030u,==);
- test(utf02[0xBu], 0x160u, ==);
- test(utf02[0xCu], 0x2039u,==);
- test(utf02[0xDu], 0x152u, ==);
- test(utf02[0xEu], 0x17Du, ==);
- test(utf02[0xFu], 0x2018u,==);
- test(utf02[0x10u],0x2019u,==);
- test(utf02[0x11u],0x201Cu,==);
- test(utf02[0x12u],0x201Du,==);
- test(utf02[0x13u],0x2022u,==);
- test(utf02[0x14u],0x2013u,==);
- test(utf02[0x15u],0x2014u,==);
- test(utf02[0x16u],0x2DCu, ==);
- test(utf02[0x17u],0x2122u,==);
- test(utf02[0x18u],0x161u, ==);
- test(utf02[0x19u],0x203Au,==);
- test(utf02[0x1Au],0x153u, ==);
- test(utf02[0x1Bu],0x17Eu, ==);
- test(utf02[0x1Cu],0x178u, ==);
- test(utf02[0x1Du],0x0u, ==);
- delete[] utf02;
- }
- {
- ::zap::i02 const utf02[] = {
- 0x26u,
- 0xF0u,
- 0x20ACu,
- 0x201Au,
- 0x192u,
- 0x201Eu,
- 0x2026u,
- 0x2020u,
- 0x2021u,
- 0x2C6u,
- 0x2030u,
- 0x160u,
- 0x2039u,
- 0x152u,
- 0x17Du,
- 0x2018u,
- 0x2019u,
- 0x201Cu,
- 0x201Du,
- 0x2022u,
- 0x2013u,
- 0x2014u,
- 0x2DCu,
- 0x2122u,
- 0x161u,
- 0x203Au,
- 0x153u,
- 0x17Eu,
- 0x178u,
- 0x0u,
- };
- ::zap::sz const enclen = sizeof (utf02) / sizeof (utf02[0x0u]) - 0x1u;
- test(enclen,0x1Du,==)
- ::zap::i8 * const win1252 = new ::zap::i8[enclen + 0x1u];
- if (win1252 == nullptr) {
- fputs("Memory allocation failed!\n",stderr);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ::zap_win1252enc(win1252,utf02);
- test(win1252[0x0u], 0x26u,==);
- test(win1252[0x1u], 0xF0u,==);
- test(win1252[0x2u], 0x80u,==);
- test(win1252[0x3u], 0x82u,==);
- test(win1252[0x4u], 0x83u,==);
- test(win1252[0x5u], 0x84u,==);
- test(win1252[0x6u], 0x85u,==);
- test(win1252[0x7u], 0x86u,==);
- test(win1252[0x8u], 0x87u,==);
- test(win1252[0x9u], 0x88u,==);
- test(win1252[0xAu], 0x89u,==);
- test(win1252[0xBu], 0x8Au,==);
- test(win1252[0xCu], 0x8Bu,==);
- test(win1252[0xDu], 0x8Cu,==);
- test(win1252[0xEu], 0x8Eu,==);
- test(win1252[0xFu], 0x91u,==);
- test(win1252[0x10u],0x92u,==);
- test(win1252[0x11u],0x93u,==);
- test(win1252[0x12u],0x94u,==);
- test(win1252[0x13u],0x95u,==);
- test(win1252[0x14u],0x96u,==);
- test(win1252[0x15u],0x97u,==);
- test(win1252[0x16u],0x98u,==);
- test(win1252[0x17u],0x99u,==);
- test(win1252[0x18u],0x9Au,==);
- test(win1252[0x19u],0x9Bu,==);
- test(win1252[0x1Au],0x9Cu,==);
- test(win1252[0x1Bu],0x9Eu,==);
- test(win1252[0x1Cu],0x9Fu,==);
- test(win1252[0x1Du],0x0u, ==);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::remqual<int>, int> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::remqual<int const>, int> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::remqual<int volatile>, int> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::remqual<int const volatile>,int> == true);
- delete[] win1252;
- }
- {
- char const * str0 = "Hello there!";
- char const * str1 = "";
- ::zap::sz const len0 = ::zap::strlen(str0);
- ::zap::sz const len1 = ::zap::strlen(str1);
- test(len0,0xCu,==);
- test(len1,0x0u,==);
- }
- {
- char const * str0 = "Cogito";
- char const * str1 = "Sum";
- ::zap::i8 const cmp0 = ::zap::streq(str0,str0);
- ::zap::i8 const cmp1 = ::zap::streq(str0,str1);
- test(cmp0,0x0u,>);
- test(cmp1,0x0u,==);
- }
- {
- int val = -0x4560;
- ::zap::i8 len = ::zap_fmtleni(val,0x10u);
- test(len,0x5u,==);
- ::zap::i02 str[0x5u];
- ::zap_fmti(str,val,0x10u,0x1u);
- test(str[0x0u],0x2212u,==);
- test(str[0x1u],0x0034u,==);
- test(str[0x2u],0x0035u,==);
- test(str[0x3u],0x0036u,==);
- test(str[0x4u],0x0030u,==);
- val = 0x8E;
- len = ::zap_fmtleni(val,0xCu);
- test(len,0x2u,==);
- ::zap_fmti(str,val,0xCu,0x0u);
- test(str[0x0u],0x218Au,==);
- test(str[0x1u],0x218Bu,==);
- }
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::nulptrtyp,::std::nullptr_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i8m, ::std::uint_least8_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i8ms, ::std::int_least8_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i01m, ::std::uint_least16_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i01ms,::std::int_least16_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i02m, ::std::uint_least32_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i02ms,::std::int_least32_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i04m, ::std::uint_least64_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::i04ms,::std::int_least64_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::intptr,::std::uintptr_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::typequ<::zp::sz, ::std::size_t> == true);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<char> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<char>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<char16_t> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<char16_t>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<char32_t> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<char32_t>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<char8_t> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<char8_t>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<double> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<double>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<float> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<float>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<int> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<int>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<long> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<long>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<long double> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<long double>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<long long> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<long long>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<short> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<short>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<char signed> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<char signed>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<char unsigned> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<char unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<int unsigned> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<int unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<long unsigned> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<long unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<long long unsigned> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<long long unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<short unsigned> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<short unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::isusgn<wchar_t> == ::std::is_unsigned_v<wchar_t>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<char> == ::std::is_signed_v<char>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<double> == ::std::is_signed_v<double>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<float> == ::std::is_signed_v<float>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<int> == ::std::is_signed_v<int>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<long> == ::std::is_signed_v<long>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<long double> == ::std::is_signed_v<long double>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<long long> == ::std::is_signed_v<long long>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<short> == ::std::is_signed_v<short>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<char signed> == ::std::is_signed_v<char signed>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<char unsigned> == ::std::is_signed_v<char unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<int unsigned> == ::std::is_signed_v<int unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<long unsigned> == ::std::is_signed_v<long unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<long long unsigned> == ::std::is_signed_v<long long unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<short unsigned> == ::std::is_signed_v<short unsigned>);
+ static_assert(::zp::issgn<wchar_t> == ::std::is_signed_v<wchar_t>);
+ static_assert(::zp::bytelen == CHAR_BIT);
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<bool> == ::std::numeric_limits<bool>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<char> == ::std::numeric_limits<char>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<char16_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<char16_t>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<char32_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<char32_t>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<char8_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<char8_t>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<double> == ::std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<float> == ::std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<int> == ::std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<long> == ::std::numeric_limits<long>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<long double> == ::std::numeric_limits<long double>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<long long> == ::std::numeric_limits<long long>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<short> == ::std::numeric_limits<short>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<char signed> == ::std::numeric_limits<char signed>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<char unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<char unsigned>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<short unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<short unsigned>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<int unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<int unsigned>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<long unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<long unsigned>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<long long unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<long long unsigned>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::minval<wchar_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>::lowest());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<bool> == ::std::numeric_limits<bool>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<char> == ::std::numeric_limits<char>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<char16_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<char16_t>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<char32_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<char32_t>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<char8_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<char8_t>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<double> == ::std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<float> == ::std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<int> == ::std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<long> == ::std::numeric_limits<long>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<long double> == ::std::numeric_limits<long double>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<long long> == ::std::numeric_limits<long long>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<short> == ::std::numeric_limits<short>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<char signed> == ::std::numeric_limits<char signed>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<char unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<char unsigned>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<short unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<short unsigned>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<int unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<int unsigned>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<long unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<long unsigned>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<long long unsigned> == ::std::numeric_limits<long long unsigned>::max());
+ static_assert(::zp::maxval<wchar_t> == ::std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>::max());
+ }();
diff --git a/zap/GNUmakefile b/zap/GNUmakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 025f156..0000000
--- a/zap/GNUmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-ifeq "$(arch)" ""
-arch := $(shell ../
-ifeq "$(arch)" "unknown"
-$(error Unable to detect architecture!)
-$(info Detected architecture $(arch) !)
-ifeq "$(stdc)" ""
-stdc := c99
-ifeq "$(stdcxx)" ""
-stdcxx := c++14
-OBJ_BS_TRAP := source/any/bs/trap.o
-OBJ_MATH_ABS := source/any/math/abs.o
-OBJ_MATH_DIVMOD := source/any/math/divmod.o
-OBJ_MEM_CP := source/any/mem/cp.o
-OBJ_MEM_EQ := source/any/mem/eq.o
-OBJ_MEM_FILL := source/any/mem/fill.o
-OBJ_MEM_SRCH := source/any/mem/srch.o
-OBJ_STR_FMT := source/any/str/fmt.o
-OBJ_STR_FMTLEN := source/any/str/fmtlen.o
-OBJ_STR_STREQ := source/any/str/streq.o
-OBJ_STR_STRLEN := source/any/str/strlen.o
-OBJ_STR_UTF8DEC := source/any/str/utf8dec.o
-OBJ_STR_UTF8DECLEN := source/any/str/utf8declen.o
-OBJ_STR_UTF8ENC := source/any/str/utf8enc.o
-OBJ_STR_UTF8ENCLEN := source/any/str/utf8enclen.o
-OBJ_STR_WIN1252DEC := source/any/str/win1252dec.o
-OBJ_STR_WIN1252ENC := source/any/str/win1252enc.o
-OBJ_SYS_SYSCALL := source/any/sys/syscall.o
-ifeq "$(arch)" "amd64"
-OBJ_BS_TRAP := source/$(arch)/bs/trap.o
-OBJ_MEM_CP := source/$(arch)/mem/cp.o
-OBJ_MEM_FILL := source/$(arch)/mem/fill.o
-OBJ_SYS_SYSCALL := source/$(arch)/sys/syscall.o
-else ifeq "$(arch)" "arm"
-OBJ_SYS_SYSCALL := source/$(arch)/sys/syscall.o
-else ifeq "$(arch)" "arm64"
-OBJ_MEM_CP := source/$(arch)/mem/cp.o
-OBJ_SYS_SYSCALL := source/$(arch)/sys/syscall.o
-else ifeq "$(arch)" "ia32"
-OBJ_SYS_SYSCALL := source/$(arch)/sys/syscall.o
-OBJS := \
- $(OBJ_BS_TRAP) \
- $(OBJ_MEM_CP) \
- $(OBJ_MEM_EQ) \
- $(OBJ_STR_FMT) \
- $(OBJ_STR_WIN1252DEC) \
-ifneq "$(nosyscall)" "true"
-OBJS := \
- $(OBJS) \
-LIB := libzap.a
-HDRS := \
- include/zap/bs.h \
- include/zap/math.h \
- include/zap/mem.h
-CFLAGS := \
- -Iinclude \
- -Oz \
- -Wall \
- -Wextra \
- -Wpedantic \
- -ffreestanding \
- -fshort-enums \
- -g \
- -nostdlib \
- -pipe \
- -std=$(stdc)
- -Iinclude \
- -Oz \
- -Wall \
- -Wextra \
- -Wpedantic \
- -ffreestanding \
- -fno-exceptions \
- -fshort-enums \
- -g \
- -nostdlib \
- -pipe \
- -std=$(stdcxx)
-.PHONY: clean install purge
-$(LIB): $(OBJS)
- $(AR) r $(@) $(^)
-install: $(LIB)
- mkdir -pm755 "$(HDRDIR)/zap/bs.d"
- mkdir -pm755 "$(HDRDIR)/zap/sys.d"
- mkdir -pm755 "$(LIBDIR)"
- install -m644 "include/zap/"*".h" "$(HDRDIR)/zap"
- install -m644 "include/zap/"*".hh" "$(HDRDIR)/zap"
- install -m644 "include/zap/bs.d/"*".h" "$(HDRDIR)/zap/bs.d"
- install -m644 "include/zap/sys.d/"*".h" "$(HDRDIR)/zap/sys.d"
- install -m755 "$(LIB)" "$(LIBDIR)"
- $(RM) $(OBJS)
-purge: clean
- $(RM) $(LIB)
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/bs.d/flt.h b/zap/include/zap/bs.d/flt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d65236..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/bs.d/flt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#if \
- zap_arch_amd64 \
-|| zap_arch_arm \
-|| zap_arch_arm64 \
-|| zap_arch_ia32
-#define zap_fixfltf02 (0x1)
-#define zap_fixfltf04 (0x1)
-typedef float zap_f02;
-typedef double zap_f04;
-#define zap_fixflt02 (0x0)
-#define zap_fixflt04 (0x0)
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/bs.d/int.h b/zap/include/zap/bs.d/int.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 864a761..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/bs.d/int.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#define zap_minvaluc ((unsigned char) +0x0u)
-#define zap_minvalus ((unsigned short) +0x0u)
-#define zap_minvalui ((unsigned int) +0x0u)
-#define zap_minvalul ((unsigned long) +0x0u)
-#define zap_minvalull ((unsigned long long)+0x0)
-#define zap_minvalsc ((signed char) -0x80)
-#define zap_minvals ((short) -0x8000)
-#define zap_minvali ((int) -0x80000000)
-#define zap_minvalll ((long long) -0x8000000000000000)
-#define zap_maxvaluc ((unsigned char) +0xFFu)
-#define zap_maxvalus ((unsigned short) +0xFFFFu)
-#define zap_maxvalui ((unsigned int) +0xFFFFFFFFu)
-#define zap_maxvalull ((unsigned long long)+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu)
-#define zap_maxvalsc ((signed char) +0x7F)
-#define zap_maxvals ((short) +0x7FFF)
-#define zap_maxvali ((int) +0x7FFFFFFF)
-#define zap_maxvalll ((long long) +0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
-#define zap_typid8 zap_typidc
-#define zap_minval8 zap_minvaluc
-#define zap_minval8s zap_minvalsc
-#define zap_maxval8 zap_maxvaluc
-#define zap_maxval8s zap_maxvalsc
-typedef unsigned char zap_i8;
-typedef signed char zap_i8s;
-#define zap_typid01 zap_typids
-#define zap_minval01 zap_minvalus
-#define zap_minval01s zap_minvals
-#define zap_maxval01 zap_maxvalus
-#define zap_maxval01s zap_maxvals
-typedef unsigned short zap_i01;
-typedef short zap_i01s;
-#define zap_typid02 zap_typid
-#define zap_minval02 zap_minvalui
-#define zap_minval02s zap_minvali
-#define zap_maxval02 zap_maxvalui
-#define zap_maxval02s zap_maxvali
-typedef unsigned int zap_i02;
-typedef int zap_i02s;
-#if \
- zap_os_dos \
-|| zap_os_os2 \
-|| zap_os_win
-#define zap_minvall ((long long) -0x80000000)
-#define zap_maxvalul ((unsigned long long)+0xFFFFFFFFu)
-#define zap_maxvall ((long long) +0x7FFFFFFF)
-#define zap_typid04 zap_typidll
-#define zap_minval04 zap_minvalull
-#define zap_minval04s zap_minvalll
-#define zap_maxval04 zap_maxvalull
-#define zap_maxval04s zap_maxvalll
-typedef unsigned long long zap_i04;
-typedef long long zap_i04s;
-#if \
- zap_arch_amd64 \
-|| zap_arch_arm64
-#define zap_minvall ((long long) -0x8000000000000000)
-#define zap_maxvalul ((unsigned long long)+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu)
-#define zap_maxvall ((long long) +0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
-#define zap_typid04 zap_typidl
-#define zap_minval04 zap_minvalul
-#define zap_minval04s zap_minvall
-#define zap_maxval04 zap_maxvalul
-#define zap_maxval04s zap_maxvall
-typedef unsigned long zap_i04;
-typedef long zap_i04s;
-#elif \
- zap_arch_arm \
-|| zap_arch_ia32
-#define zap_minvall ((long long) -0x80000000)
-#define zap_maxvalul ((unsigned long long)+0xFFFFFFFFu)
-#define zap_maxvall ((long long) +0x7FFFFFFF)
-#define zap_typid04 zap_typidl
-#define zap_minval04 zap_minvalul
-#define zap_minval04s zap_minvall
-#define zap_maxval04 zap_maxvalul
-#define zap_maxval04s zap_maxvall
-typedef unsigned long zap_i04;
-typedef long zap_i04s;
-#if \
- zap_arch_arm \
-|| zap_arch_arm64
-#define zap_uchr (0x1)
-#define zap_uchr (0x0)
-#if zap_uchr
-#define zap_minvalc zap_minvaluc
-#define zap_maxvalc zap_maxvaluc
-#define zap_minvalc zap_minvalsc
-#define zap_maxvalc zap_maxvalsc
-#if \
- zap_arch_amd64 \
-|| zap_arch_arm64
-#define zap_typidp zap_typid04
-#define zap_minvalp zap_minval04
-#define zap_maxvalp zap_maxval04
-typedef zap_i04 zap_ptr;
-#define zap_typidsz zap_typid04
-#define zap_minvalsz zap_minval04
-#define zap_maxvalsz zap_maxval04
-typedef zap_i04 zap_sz;
-#elif \
- zap_arch_arm
-|| zap_arch_ia32
-#define zap_typidp zap_typid02
-#define zap_minvalp zap_minval02
-#define zap_maxvalp zap_maxval02
-typedef zap_i02 zap_ptr;
-#define zap_typidsz zap_typid02
-#define zap_minvalsz zap_minval02
-#define zap_maxvalsz zap_maxval02
-typedef zap_i02 zap_sz;
-#if \
- zap_os_dos \
-|| zap_os_os2 \
-|| zap_os_win
-#define zap_typidwc zap_typid01
-#define zap_minvalwc zap_minval01
-#define zap_maxvalwc zap_maxval01
-typedef zap_i01 zap_wchr;
-#if zap_uchr
-#define zap_typidwc zap_typid02
-#define zap_minvalwc zap_minval02
-#define zap_maxvalwc zap_maxval02
-typedef zap_i02 zap_wchr;
-#define zap_typidwc zap_typid02
-#define zap_minvalwc zap_minval02s
-#define zap_maxvalwc zap_maxval02s
-typedef zap_i02s zap_wchr;
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/bs.h b/zap/include/zap/bs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 482f20d..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/bs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_hdr_bs
-#define zap_priv_hdr_bs
-// C99: long long
-#include <zap/sys.h>
-#define zap_ver ((unsigned long)+0x1Bu) // Programs expecting this version will still compile with the current extension version.
-#define zap_extver ((unsigned long)+0x0u) // The extension versions adds functionality without breaking the existing ones.
- // The patch version is not public as it only changes implementation details.
-#define zap_typid_c ((unsigned char)+0x0u)
-#define zap_typid_s ((unsigned char)+0x1u)
-#define zap_typid_i ((unsigned char)+0x2u)
-#define zap_typid_l ((unsigned char)+0x3u)
-#define zap_typid_ll ((unsigned char)+0x4u)
-#define zap_typid_f ((unsigned char)+0x5u)
-#define zap_typid_d ((unsigned char)+0x6u)
-#define zap_typid_ld ((unsigned char)+0x7u)
-#include <zap/bs.d/int.h>
-#include <zap/bs.d/flt.h>
-#define zap_nopos zap_maxvalsz
-#define zap_nullptr ((void *)0x0)
-#define zap_bytelen ((zap_sz)+0x8u)
-zap_noret void zap_trap(void);
-#if zap_cmp_gcc
-#define zap_unreach() ((void)__builtin_unreachable())
-#elif zap_cmp_msvc
-#define zap_unreach() ((void)__assume(0x0))
-#define zap_unreach() (zap_trap())
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/bs.hh b/zap/include/zap/bs.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f66b1..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/bs.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_cxxhdr_bs
-#define zap_priv_cxxhdr_bs
-// C++11: constexpr
-// C++14: template variables
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#error C++ header included from C!
-#include <zap/sys.hh>
-#include <zap/bs.h>
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename typ> struct minval {constexpr static typ val = {};};
- template<> struct minval<bool> {constexpr static auto val = false;};
- template<> struct minval<signed char> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalsc;};
- template<> struct minval<short> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvals;};
- template<> struct minval<int> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvali;};
- template<> struct minval<long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvall;};
- template<> struct minval<long long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalll;};
- template<> struct minval<unsigned char> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvaluc;};
- template<> struct minval<unsigned short> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalus;};
- template<> struct minval<unsigned int> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalui;};
- template<> struct minval<unsigned long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalul;};
- template<> struct minval<unsigned long long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalull;};
- template<> struct minval<char> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalc;};
- template<> struct minval<wchar_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvalwc;};
-#if __cpp_char8_t >= 201811
- template<> struct minval<char8_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minvaluc;};
- template<> struct minval<char16_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minval01;};
- template<> struct minval<char32_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_minval02;};
- template<typename typ> struct maxval {constexpr static typ val = {};};
- template<> struct maxval<bool> {constexpr static auto val = true;};
- template<> struct maxval<signed char> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalsc;};
- template<> struct maxval<int> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvali;};
- template<> struct maxval<short> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvals;};
- template<> struct maxval<long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvall;};
- template<> struct maxval<long long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalll;};
- template<> struct maxval<unsigned char> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvaluc;};
- template<> struct maxval<unsigned short> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalus;};
- template<> struct maxval<unsigned int> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalui;};
- template<> struct maxval<unsigned long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalul;};
- template<> struct maxval<unsigned long long> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalull;};
- template<> struct maxval<char> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalc;};
- template<> struct maxval<wchar_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvalwc;};
-#if __cpp_char8_t >= 201811
- template<> struct maxval<char8_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxvaluc;};
- template<> struct maxval<char16_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxval01;};
- template<> struct maxval<char32_t> {constexpr static auto val = zap_maxval02;};
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto minval = ::zap::impl::minval<typ>::val;
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto maxval = ::zap::impl::maxval<typ>::val;
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename ityp> struct sign {using typ = ityp;};
- template<> struct sign<unsigned char> {using typ = signed char;};
- template<> struct sign<unsigned int> {using typ = int;};
- template<> struct sign<unsigned long> {using typ = long;};
- template<> struct sign<unsigned long long> {using typ = long long;};
- template<> struct sign<unsigned short> {using typ = short;};
- template<typename ityp> struct usign {using typ = ityp;};
- template<> struct usign<signed char> {using typ = unsigned char;};
- template<> struct usign<int> {using typ = unsigned int;};
- template<> struct usign<long> {using typ = unsigned long;};
- template<> struct usign<long long> {using typ = unsigned long long;};
- template<> struct usign<short> {using typ = unsigned short;};
- }
- template<typename typ> using sign = typename ::zap::impl::sign<typ>::typ;
- template<typename typ> using usign = typename ::zap::impl::usign<typ>::typ;
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename ityp> struct remqual {using typ = ityp;};
- template<typename ityp> struct remqual<ityp const> {using typ = ityp;};
- template<typename ityp> struct remqual<ityp volatile> {using typ = ityp;};
- template<typename ityp> struct remqual<ityp const volatile> {using typ = ityp;};
- }
- template<typename typ> using remqual = typename ::zap::impl::remqual<typ>::typ;
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> struct typeq {constexpr static bool eq = false;};
- template<typename typ> struct typeq<typ,typ> {constexpr static auto eq = true;};
- }
- template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> constexpr auto typeq = ::zap::impl::typeq<ltyp,rtyp>::eq;
-namespace zap {
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto ischrtyp =
- ::zap::typeq<typ,char>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,char16_t>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,char32_t>
-#if __cpp_char8_t
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,char8_t>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,unsigned char>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,wchar_t>;
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto isflttyp =
- ::zap::typeq<typ,double>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,float>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,long double>
-#if __STDCPP_BFLOAT16_T__
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,decltype (0x0.0p0bf16)>
-#if __STDCPP_FLOAT128_T__
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,decltype (0x0.0p0f16)>
-#if __STDCPP_FLOAT16_T__
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,decltype (0x0.0p0f32)>
-#if __STDCPP_FLOAT32_T__
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,decltype (0x0.0p0f64)>
-#if __STDCPP_FLOAT64_T__
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,decltype (0x0.0p0f128)>
- ;
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto isinttyp =
- ::zap::typeq<typ,int>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,long>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,long long>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,short>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,signed char>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,unsigned char>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,unsigned int>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,unsigned long>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,unsigned long long>
- || ::zap::typeq<typ,unsigned short>;
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto isarithtyp =
- ::zap::isflttyp<typ>
- || ::zap::isinttyp<typ>;
-namespace zap {
- using i8 = ::zap_i8;
- using i8s = ::zap_i8s;
- using i01 = ::zap_i01;
- using i01s = ::zap_i01s;
- using i02 = ::zap_i02;
- using i02s = ::zap_i02s;
- using i04 = ::zap_i04;
- using i04s = ::zap_i04s;
- using ptr = ::zap_ptr;
- using sz = ::zap_sz;
-#if zap_fixflt02
- using f02 = ::zap_f02;
-#if zap_fixflt04
- using f04 = ::zap_f04;
-namespace zap {
- constexpr auto ver = zap_ver;
- constexpr auto bytelen = zap_bytelen;
- constexpr auto nopos = zap_nopos;
-namespace zap {
- [[noreturn]] zap_attr_iln inline void trap() noexcept {::zap_trap();}
- [[noreturn]] zap_attr_iln inline void unreach() noexcept {zap_unreach();}
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/math.h b/zap/include/zap/math.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f90116c..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/math.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_hdr_math
-#define zap_priv_hdr_math
-#include <zap/bs.h>
-typedef struct {
- signed char lval;
- signed char rval;
-} zap_pairsc;
-typedef struct {
- short lval;
- short rval;
-} zap_pairs;
-typedef struct {
- int lval;
- int rval;
-} zap_pairi;
-typedef struct {
- long lval;
- long rval;
-} zap_pairl;
-typedef struct {
- long long lval;
- long long rval;
-} zap_pairll;
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairsc zap_divmodsc(signed char num,signed char den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairs zap_divmods( short num,short den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairi zap_divmodi( int num,int den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairl zap_divmodl( long num,long den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairll zap_divmodll(long long num,long long den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairsc zap_divmodsc(signed char num,signed char den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairs zap_divmods( short num,short den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairi zap_divmodi( int num,int den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairl zap_divmodl( long num,long den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq zap_pairll zap_divmodll(long long num,long long den);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq float zap_absf( float val);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq double zap_absd( double val);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq long double zap_absld(long double val);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq float zap_cosf( float ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq double zap_cosd( double ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq long double zap_cosld(long double ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq float zap_sinf( float ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq double zap_sind( double ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq long double zap_sinld(long double ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq float zap_sqrtf( float val);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq double zap_sqrtd( double val);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq long double zap_sqrtld(long double val);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq float zap_rootf( float val,float n);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq double zap_rootd( double val,double n);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq long double zap_rootld(long double val,long double n);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq float zap_tanf( float ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq double zap_tand( double ang);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_attr_unseq long double zap_tanld(long double ang);
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/math.hh b/zap/include/zap/math.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index ae159c8..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/math.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_cxxhdr_math
-#define zap_priv_cxxhdr_math
-#include <zap/bs.hh>
-#include <zap/math.h>
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename typ> struct inf {constexpr static auto val = ::zap::maxval<typ>;};
-#if zap_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_huge_valf)
- template<> struct inf<float> {constexpr static auto val = __builtin_huge_valf();};
-#if zap_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_huge_val)
- template<> struct inf<double> {constexpr static auto val = __builtin_huge_val();};
-#if zap_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_huge_vall)
- template<> struct inf<long double> {constexpr static auto val = __builtin_huge_vall();};
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto inf = ::zap::impl::inf<typ>::val;
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename ityp> struct cpairtyp {using typ = ityp;};
- template<> struct cpairtyp<signed char> {using typ = ::zap_pairsc;};
- template<> struct cpairtyp<short> {using typ = ::zap_pairs;};
- template<> struct cpairtyp<int> {using typ = ::zap_pairi;};
- template<> struct cpairtyp<long> {using typ = ::zap_pairl;};
- template<> struct cpairtyp<long long> {using typ = ::zap_pairll;};
- }
- template<typename typ> class pair {
- public:
- using cpairtyp = typename ::zap::impl::cpairtyp<typ>::typ;
- typ lval;
- typ rval;
- constexpr auto cpair() noexcept -> cpairtyp {
- cpairtyp pair;
- pair.lval = this->lval;
- pair.rval = this->rval;
- return pair;
- }
- };
-namespace zap {
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto abs(typ const val) noexcept -> ::zap::usign<typ> {
- using newtyp = ::zap::usign<typ>; // If a floating-point type was used, the new type would be identical.
- if (val > typ {0x0}) return static_cast<newtyp>(val);
- return typ {0x0} - static_cast<newtyp>(val);
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto divmod(typ const num,typ const den) noexcept -> ::zap::pair<typ> {
- ::zap::pair<typ> pair;
- zap_priv_ulikly (den == 0x0) {
- pair.lval = ::zap::inf<typ>;
- pair.rval = pair.lval;
- return pair;
- }
- for (pair = ::zap::pair<typ> {typ {0x0},num};pair.rval >= den;++pair.lval,pair.rval -= den);
- return pair;
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto exp(typ const val,typ const n) noexcept -> typ {
- zap_priv_ulikly (n == typ {0x0}) {
- return typ {0x1};
- }
- zap_priv_ulikly (val == typ {0x0}) {
- return typ {0x0};
- }
- typ exp = val;
- for (typ i = typ {0x1};i < n;++i) exp *= val;
- return exp;
- }
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/mem.h b/zap/include/zap/mem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0364b9d..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_hdr_mem
-#define zap_priv_hdr_mem
-#include <zap/bs.h>
-typedef struct {
- void * dest;
- void * src;
-} zap_cpret;
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_cpret zap_cp( void * zap_restr dest,void const * zap_restr src, zap_sz num);
-zap_attr_nthrw zap_i8 zap_eq( void const * lbuf,void const * rbuf,zap_sz num);
-zap_attr_nthrw void zap_fill(void * dest,unsigned char val, zap_sz num);
-zap_attr_nthrw void * zap_srch(void const * buf, unsigned char val, zap_sz num);
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/mem.hh b/zap/include/zap/mem.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index b237cbc..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/mem.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_cxxhdr_mem
-#define zap_priv_cxxhdr_mem
-#include <zap/bs.hh>
-#include <zap/mem.h>
-namespace zap {
- template<typename desttyp,typename srctyp> struct cpret {
- desttyp * dest;
- srctyp * src;
- };
-namespace zap {
- template<typename desttyp,typename srctyp> zap_attr_iln inline ::zap::cpret<desttyp,srctyp> bytecp(desttyp * zap_restr dest,srctyp const * zap_restr src,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- ::zap_cpret const cpret = ::zap_cp(dest,src,num);
- return ::zap::cpret<desttyp,srctyp> {.dest = static_cast<desttyp *>(cpret.dest),.src = static_cast<srctyp *>(cpret.src),};
- }
- template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> zap_attr_iln inline bool byteeq(ltyp const * lbuf,rtyp const * rbuf,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- return ::zap_eq(lbuf,rbuf,num);
- }
- template<typename typ> zap_attr_iln inline void bytefill(typ * dest,unsigned char const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- ::zap_fill(dest,val,num);
- }
- template<typename typ> zap_attr_iln inline typ * bytesrch(typ * buf,unsigned char const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- return const_cast<typ *>(static_cast<::zap::remqual<typ> *>(::zap_srch(buf,val,num)));
- }
-namespace zap {
- template<typename typ> constexpr ::zap::cpret<typ,typ> cp(typ * zap_restr dest,typ const * zap_restr src,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- zap_priv_ifnconsteval {return ::zap::bytecp(dest,src,num);}
- typ * const zap_restr stop = dest + num;
- while (dest != stop) *dest++ = *src++;
- return ::zap::cpret<typ,typ> {.dest = dest,.src = const_cast<typ *>(src),};
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr bool eq(typ const * lbuf,typ const * rbuf,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- typ const * const stop = lbuf + num;
- while (lbuf != stop) if (*lbuf++ != *rbuf++) return false;
- return true;
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr void fill(typ * dest,typ const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- typ * const stop = dest + num;
- while (dest != stop) *dest++ = val;
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr typ * srch(typ * buf,unsigned char const val,::zap::sz const num) noexcept {
- typ const * const stop = buf + num;
- while (buf != stop) {
- typ const * addr = buf++;
- if (*addr == val) return addr;
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/str.h b/zap/include/zap/str.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c75fb..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/str.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_hdr_str
-#define zap_priv_hdr_str
-#include <zap/bs.h>
-zap_i8 zap_streq( char const * lstr,char const * rstr);
-zap_sz zap_strlen(char const * str);
-zap_sz zap_utf8declen(zap_i8 const * buf);
-zap_sz zap_utf8enclen(zap_i02 const * buf);
-void zap_utf8dec( zap_i02 * zap_restr dest,zap_i8 const * zap_restr src);
-void zap_utf8enc( zap_i8 * zap_restr dest,zap_i02 const * zap_restr src);
-void zap_win1252dec(zap_i02 * zap_restr dest,zap_i8 const * zap_restr src);
-void zap_win1252enc(zap_i8 * zap_restr dest,zap_i02 const * zap_restr src);
-void zap_fmti( zap_i02 * buf,int val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtl( zap_i02 * buf,long val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtll( zap_i02 * buf,long long val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmts( zap_i02 * buf,short val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtsc( zap_i02 * buf,signed char val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtuc( zap_i02 * buf,unsigned char val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtui( zap_i02 * buf,unsigned int val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtul( zap_i02 * buf,unsigned long val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtull(zap_i02 * buf,unsigned long long val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-void zap_fmtus( zap_i02 * buf,unsigned short val,zap_i8 bs,zap_i8 rtl);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtleni( int val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenl( long val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenll( long long val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlens( short val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlensc( signed char val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenuc( unsigned char val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenui( unsigned int val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenul( unsigned long val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenull(unsigned long long val,zap_i8 bs);
-zap_i8 zap_fmtlenus( unsigned short val,zap_i8 bs);
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/str.hh b/zap/include/zap/str.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 288ca07..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/str.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_cxxhdr_str
-#define zap_priv_cxxhdr_str
-#include <zap/bs.hh>
-#include <zap/str.h>
-namespace zap {
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto streq(typ const * lstr,typ const * rstr) noexcept -> bool {
- static_assert(::zap::ischrtyp<typ>,"Input type must be a character type.");
- for (;;++lstr,++rstr) {
- typ const lchr = *lstr;
- typ const rchr = *rstr;
- if (lchr != rchr) return false;
- if (lchr == typ {0x0}) break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- template<typename typ> constexpr auto strlen(typ const * str) noexcept -> ::zap::sz {
- static_assert(::zap::ischrtyp<typ>,"Input type must be a character type.");
- typ const * const start = str;
- while (*str++ != typ {0x0});
- return static_cast<::zap::sz>(str - start) - 0x1u;
- }
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/attr.h b/zap/include/zap/sys.d/attr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4a268..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/attr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#if zap_priv_hasattr(__always_inline__)
-#define zap_attr_iln __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
-#define zap_attr_iln
-#if zap_priv_hasattr(__nothrow__)
-#define zap_attr_nthrw __attribute__ ((__nothrow__))
-#elif zap_cmp_msvc
-#define zap_attr_nthrw __declspec (nothrow)
-#define zap_attr_nthrw
-#if zap_priv_hasattr(__const__)
-#define zap_attr_unseq __attribute__ ((__const__))
-#elif zap_lang_c23
-#define zap_attr_unseq [[unsequenced]]
-#define zap_attr_unseq
-#if zap_priv_hasattr(__unused__)
-#define zap_attr_unuse __attribute__ ((__unused__))
-#elif zap_lang_c23 || zap_lang_cxx11
-#define zap_attr_unuse [[maybe_unused]]
-#define zap_attr_unuse
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.h b/zap/include/zap/sys.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 96cfb42..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_hdr_sys
-#define zap_priv_hdr_sys
- Sources for pre-defined macros:
- clang: <>
- cray: <>
- gcc: <>
- icc: <>
- icx: <>
- xlc: <>
- msvc: <>
- vsi: <>
- ... as well as my own tests.
- We define all of the platform detection macros to the value (1) of the type int.
-#include <zap/sys.d/cmp.h>
-#include <zap/sys.d/arch.h>
-#include <zap/sys.d/os.h>
-#include <zap/sys.d/lang.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define zap_priv_cdecl extern "C" {
-#define zap_priv_cdeclend }
-#define zap_priv_cdecl
-#define zap_priv_cdeclend
-#ifdef __has_builtin
-#define zap_priv_hasbuiltin(builtin) __has_builtin(builtin)
-#define zap_priv_hasbuiltin(builtin) (0x0)
-#ifdef __has_attribute
-#define zap_priv_hasattr(attr) __has_attribute(attr)
-#define zap_priv_hasattr(attr) (0x0)
-#if zap_cmp_gcc
-#define zap_restr __restrict__
-#elif zap_cmp_msvc
-#define zap_restr __restrict
-#elif zap_lang_c99
-#define zap_restr restrict
-#define zap_restr
-#if zap_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_expect)
-#define zap_priv_likly(expr) if (__builtin_expect((expr),0x1))
-#define zap_priv_ulikly(expr) if (__builtin_expect((expr),0x0))
-#elif __cplusplus > 202002
-#define zap_priv_likly(expr) if ((expr)) [[likely]]
-#define zap_priv_ulikly(expr) if ((expr)) [[unlikely]]
-#define zap_priv_likly(expr) if ((expr))
-#define zap_priv_ulikly(expr) if ((expr))
-#if zap_lang_cxx89
-#if zap_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_is_constant_evaluated)
-#define zap_priv_ifconsteval if (__builtin_is_constant_evaluated())
-#define zap_priv_ifnconsteval if (!__builtin_is_constant_evaluated())
-#elif zap_lang_cxx23
-#define zap_priv_ifconsteval if consteval
-#define zap_priv_ifnconsteval if !consteval
-#define zap_priv_ifconsteval if (false)
-#define zap_priv_ifnconsteval if (true)
-#if zap_priv_hasattr(__noreturn__)
-#define zap_noret __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
-#elif zap_cmp_msvc
-#define zap_noret __declspec (noreturn)
-#elif zap_lang_c23 || __cplusplus >= 201103
-#define zap_noret [[noreturn]]
-#elif zap_lang_c99
-#define zap_noret _Noreturn
-#define zap_noret
-#include <zap/sys.d/attr.h>
-unsigned long zap_syscall(unsigned long id,...);
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.hh b/zap/include/zap/sys.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b210e6..0000000
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#ifndef zap_priv_cxxhdr_sys
-#define zap_priv_cxxhdr_sys
-// C++11: parameter pack
-#include <zap/sys.h>
-namespace zap {
- template<typename... typs> zap_attr_iln inline unsigned long syscall(unsigned long const id,typs... args) noexcept {return ::zap_syscall(id,args...);}
diff --git a/zap/source/amd64/math/abs.s b/zap/source/amd64/math/abs.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 178b5a7..0000000
--- a/zap/source/amd64/math/abs.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-.globl zap_abs8
-.globl zap_abs01
-.globl zap_abs02
-.globl zap_abs04
- mov al,dil
- neg al # zap_i8 ret = -inv; // Invert the copy of the input value. This also tests the sign of the value.
- cmovs ax,di # if (val < 0x0) ret = val; // If it was positive, just return the unmodified input.
- ret # return ret;
- mov ax,di
- neg ax
- cmovs ax,di
- ret
- mov eax,edi
- neg eax
- cmovs eax,edi
- ret
- mov rax,rdi
- neg rax
- cmovs rax,rdi
- ret
diff --git a/zap/source/amd64/mem/cp.s b/zap/source/amd64/mem/cp.s
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b91e5..0000000
--- a/zap/source/amd64/mem/cp.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-.globl zap_cp
- # zap_i8 val1;
- # zap_i04 val8;
- # unsigned int128_t val01;
- # unsigned int256_t val02;
-.big02cp: # big02cp:; // We assume AVX.
- cmp rdx,0x20
- jl short .big01cp # if (rem < 0x20u) goto big01cp;
- vmovdqu ymm0,[rsi] # val02 = *(unsigned int256_t *)src;
- vmovdqu [rdi],ymm0 # *(unsigned int256_t *)dest = val02;
- add rdi,0x20 # dest += 0x20u;
- add rsi,0x20 # src += 0x20u;
- sub rdx,0x20 # rem -= 0x20u;
- jmp short .big02cp # goto big02cp;
-.big01cp: # big01cp:;
- cmp rdx,0x10
- jl short .wrdcp # if (rem < 0x10u) goto wrdcp;
- movdqu xmm0,[rsi] # val01 = *(unsigned int128_t *)src;
- movdqu [rdi],xmm0 # *(unsigned int128_t *)dest = val01;
- add rdi,0x10 # dest += 0x10u;
- add rsi,0x10 # src += 0x10u;
- sub rdx,0x10 # rem -= 0x10u;
- jmp short .big01cp # goto big01cp;
-.wrdcp: # wrdcp:;
- cmp rdx,0x8
- jl short .bytecp # if (rem < 0x8u) goto bytecp;
- mov rcx,[rsi] # val8 = *(zap_i04 *)src;
- mov [rdi],rcx # *(zap_i04 *)dest = val8;
- add rsi,0x8 # dest += 0x8u;
- add rdi,0x8 # src += 0x8u;
- sub rdx,0x8 # rem -= 0x8u;
- jmp short .wrdcp # goto wrdcp
-.bytecp: # bytecp:;
- test rdx,rdx # if (rem == 0x0)
- jz short .done # goto done
- mov cl,[rsi] # val1 = *(zap_i8 *)src;
- mov [rdi],cl # *(zap_i8 *)dest = val1;
- inc rdi # ++dest;
- inc rsi # ++src;
- dec rdx # --rem;
- jmp short .bytecp # goto bytecp;
- mov rax,rdi
- mov rdx,rsi
- ret # return (zap_cpret) {.dest = dest,.src = src};
diff --git a/zap/source/amd64/mem/fill.s b/zap/source/amd64/mem/fill.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e3f5fd..0000000
--- a/zap/source/amd64/mem/fill.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-.globl zap_fill
- movzx rsi,sil # zap_i04 extval = val;
- mov rax,0x0101010101010101 # zap_i04 val = 0x0101010101010101u;
- imul rax,rsi # val *= extval;
-.wrdfill: # wrdfill:;
- cmp rdx,0x8
- jl short .bytefill # if (num < 0x8u) goto bytefill;
- mov [rdi],rax # *(zap_i04 *)dest = val8;
- add rdi,0x8 # dest += 0x8u;
- sub rdx,0x8 # num -= 0x8u;
- jmp short .wrdfill # goto wrdfill
-.bytefill: # bytefill:;
- test rdx,rdx # if (rem == 0x0)
- jz short .done # goto done
- mov [rdi],al # *(zap_i8 *)dest = val1;
- inc rdi # ++dest;
- dec rdx # --rem;
- jmp short .bytefill # goto bytefill;
- ret # return
diff --git a/zap/source/any/math/ b/zap/source/any/math/
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e5a22..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/math/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/math.hh>
-extern "C" {
- zap_attr_nthrw float zap_absf( float const val) {return ::zap::abs(val);}
- zap_attr_nthrw double zap_absd( double const val) {return ::zap::abs(val);}
- zap_attr_nthrw long double zap_absld(long double const val) {return ::zap::abs(val);}
diff --git a/zap/source/any/math/ b/zap/source/any/math/
deleted file mode 100644
index f117013..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/math/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/math.hh>
-extern "C" {
- zap_attr_nthrw auto zap_divmodsc(signed char const num,signed char const den) -> ::zap_pairsc {return ::zap::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
- zap_attr_nthrw auto zap_divmods( short const num,short const den) -> ::zap_pairs {return ::zap::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
- zap_attr_nthrw auto zap_divmodi( int const num,int const den) -> ::zap_pairi {return ::zap::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
- zap_attr_nthrw auto zap_divmodl( long const num,long const den) -> ::zap_pairl {return ::zap::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
- zap_attr_nthrw auto zap_divmodll(long long const num,long long const den) -> ::zap_pairll {return ::zap::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
diff --git a/zap/source/any/mem/cp.c b/zap/source/any/mem/cp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f0de644..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/mem/cp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/mem.h>
-void * zap_cp(void * const zap_restr voiddest,void const * const zap_restr voidsrc,zap_sz const num) {
- unsigned char * dest = voiddest;
- unsigned char const * src = voidsrc;
- unsigned char * const stop = dest + num;
- while (dest != stop) *dest++ = *src++;
- return dest;
diff --git a/zap/source/any/mem/eq.c b/zap/source/any/mem/eq.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff5c4f..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/mem/eq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/mem.h>
-zap_i8 zap_eq(void const * const voidlbuf,void const * const voidrbuf,zap_sz const num) {
- unsigned char const * lbuf = voidlbuf;
- unsigned char const * rbuf = voidrbuf;
- unsigned char const * const stop = lbuf + num;
- while (lbuf != stop) if (*lbuf++ != *rbuf++) return 0x0u;
- return 0x1u;
diff --git a/zap/source/any/mem/srch.c b/zap/source/any/mem/srch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c8ec8..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/mem/srch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/mem.h>
-void * zap_srch(void const * const voidbuf,zap_i8 const val,zap_sz const num) {
- unsigned char const * buf = voidbuf;
- unsigned char const * const stop = buf + num;
- while (buf != stop) {
- unsigned char const * addr = buf++;
- if (*addr == val) return (void *)addr;
- }
- return zap_nullptr;
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/ b/zap/source/any/str/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff6edb1..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/str/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.hh>
-#include "numdig.hh"
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename signtyp> zap_attr_iln inline static auto fmt(::zap::i02 * buf,signtyp signval,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) noexcept -> void {
- using typ = typename ::zap::usign<signtyp>;
- char32_t const * digs = U"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
- if (bs == 0xCu) digs = U"0123456789\u218A\u218B";
- if (signval < 0x0) {
- signval = -signval;
- *buf++ = 0x2212u;
- }
- typ val = static_cast<typ>(signval);
- if (rtl) {
- buf += ::zap::impl::numdig(val,bs) - 0x1u;
- for (;val > 0x0u;val /= bs) *buf-- = static_cast<::zap::i02>(digs[static_cast<::zap::sz>(val % static_cast<typ>(bs))]);
- return;
- }
- for (;val > 0x0u;val /= bs) *buf++ = static_cast<::zap::i02>(digs[static_cast<::zap::sz>(val % static_cast<typ>(bs))]);
- }
- }
-extern "C" {
- auto zap_fmti( ::zap::i02 * const buf,int const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtl( ::zap::i02 * const buf,long const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtll( ::zap::i02 * const buf,long long const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmts( ::zap::i02 * const buf,short const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtsc( ::zap::i02 * const buf,signed char const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtuc( ::zap::i02 * const buf,unsigned char const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtui( ::zap::i02 * const buf,unsigned int const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtul( ::zap::i02 * const buf,unsigned long const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtull(::zap::i02 * const buf,unsigned long long const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
- auto zap_fmtus( ::zap::i02 * const buf,unsigned short const val,::zap::i8 const bs,::zap::i8 const rtl) -> void {return ::zap::impl::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/ b/zap/source/any/str/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e508c..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/str/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/math.hh>
-#include <zap/str.hh>
-#include "numdig.hh"
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename typ> zap_attr_iln inline static auto fmtlen(typ val,::zap::i8 const bs) noexcept -> ::zap::i8 {
- ::zap::i8 len = 0x0u;
- if (val < 0x0) {
- val = static_cast<typ>(::zap::abs(val));
- len = 0x1u;
- }
- len += ::zap::impl::numdig(val,bs);
- return len;
- }
- }
-extern "C" {
- auto zap_fmtleni( int const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenl( long const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenll( long long const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlens( short const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlensc( signed char const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenuc( unsigned char const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenui( unsigned int const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenul( unsigned long const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenull(unsigned long long const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
- auto zap_fmtlenus( unsigned short const val,::zap::i8 const bs) -> ::zap::i8 {return ::zap::impl::fmtlen(val,bs);}
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/numdig.hh b/zap/source/any/str/numdig.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index ea36f0b..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/str/numdig.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-namespace zap {
- namespace impl {
- template<typename typ> zap_attr_iln inline static auto numdig(typ fmtval,::zap::i8 const bs) noexcept -> ::zap::i8 {
- ::zap::i8 len = 0x0u;
- if (fmtval == typ {0x0}) return 0x1u;
- for (typ val = fmtval;val > 0x0;val /= static_cast<typ>(bs)) ++len;
- return len;
- }
- }
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/utf8dec.c b/zap/source/any/str/utf8dec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index add8697..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/str/utf8dec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
-void zap_utf8dec(zap_i02 * dest,zap_i8 const * src) {
- for (;;++dest) {
- zap_i8 const oct = *src;
- if (oct == 0x0u) break;
- if (oct >= 0xF0u) { /* Four octets. */
- zap_i02 chr = ((zap_i02)oct ^ 0xF0u) << 0x12u;
- ++src;
- chr += ((zap_i02)*src ^ 0x80u) << 0xCu;
- ++src;
- chr += ((zap_i02)*src ^ 0x80u) << 0x6u;
- ++src;
- chr += (zap_i02)*src ^ 0x80u;
- ++src;
- *dest = chr;
- continue;
- }
- if (oct >= 0xE0u) { /* Three octets. */
- zap_i02 chr = ((zap_i02)oct ^ 0xE0u) << 0xCu;
- ++src;
- chr += ((zap_i02)*src ^ 0x80u) << 0x6u;
- ++src;
- chr += (zap_i02)*src ^ 0x80u;
- ++src;
- *dest = chr;
- continue;
- }
- if (oct >= 0xC0u) { /* Two octets. */
- zap_i02 chr = ((zap_i02)oct ^ 0xC0u) << 0x6u;
- ++src;
- chr += (zap_i02)*src ^ 0x80u;
- ++src;
- *dest = chr;
- continue;
- }
- /* One octet. */
- *dest = oct;
- ++src;
- }
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/utf8enc.c b/zap/source/any/str/utf8enc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b31c6..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/str/utf8enc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
-void zap_utf8enc(zap_i8 * dest,zap_i02 const * src) {
- for (;;++src) {
- zap_i02 const chr = *src;
- if (chr > 0xFFFFu) { /* Four octets. */
- *dest = 0xF0u + (chr >> 0x12u);
- ++dest;
- *dest = 0x80u + (chr >> 0xCu & 0x3Fu);
- ++dest;
- *dest = 0x80u + (chr >> 0x6u & 0x3Fu);
- ++dest;
- *dest = 0x80u + (chr & 0x3Fu);
- ++dest;
- continue;
- }
- if (chr >= 0x7FFu) { /* Three octets. */
- *dest = 0xE0u + (zap_i8)(chr >> 0xCu);
- ++dest;
- *dest = 0x80u + (zap_i8)(chr >> 0x6u & 0x3Fu);
- ++dest;
- *dest = 0x80u + (zap_i8)(chr & 0x3Fu);
- ++dest;
- continue;
- }
- if (chr >= 0x7Fu) { /* Two octets. */
- *dest = 0xC0u + (zap_i8)(chr >> 0x6u);
- ++dest;
- *dest = 0x80u + (zap_i8)(chr & 0x3Fu);
- ++dest;
- continue;
- }
- /* One octet. */
- *dest = chr;
- ++dest;
- if (chr == 0x0u) break;
- }
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/win1252dec.c b/zap/source/any/str/win1252dec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e29a5a..0000000
--- a/zap/source/any/str/win1252dec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
-void zap_win1252dec(zap_i02 * dest,zap_i8 const * src) {
- for (;;++src,++dest) {
- zap_i8 const chr = *src;
- if (chr == 0x0u) break;
- switch (chr) {
- default:
- *dest = *src;
- break;
- case 0x81: /* Bad characters. */
- case 0x8D:
- case 0x8F:
- case 0x90:
- case 0x9D:
- break;
- case 0x80:
- *dest = 0x20ACu;
- break;
- case 0x82:
- *dest = 0x201Au;
- break;
- case 0x83:
- *dest = 0x192u;
- break;
- case 0x84:
- *dest = 0x201Eu;
- break;
- case 0x85:
- *dest = 0x2026u;
- break;
- case 0x86:
- *dest = 0x2020u;
- break;
- case 0x87:
- *dest = 0x2021u;
- break;
- case 0x88:
- *dest = 0x2C6u;
- break;
- case 0x89:
- *dest = 0x2030u;
- break;
- case 0x8A:
- *dest = 0x160u;
- break;
- case 0x8B:
- *dest = 0x2039u;
- break;
- case 0x8C:
- *dest = 0x152u;
- break;
- case 0x8E:
- *dest = 0x17Du;
- break;
- case 0x91:
- *dest = 0x2018u;
- break;
- case 0x92:
- *dest = 0x2019u;
- break;
- case 0x93:
- *dest = 0x201Cu;
- break;
- case 0x94:
- *dest = 0x201Du;
- break;
- case 0x95:
- *dest = 0x2022u;
- break;
- case 0x96:
- *dest = 0x2013u;
- break;
- case 0x97:
- *dest = 0x2014u;
- break;
- case 0x98:
- *dest = 0x2DCu;
- break;
- case 0x99:
- *dest = 0x2122u;
- break;
- case 0x9A:
- *dest = 0x161u;
- break;
- case 0x9B:
- *dest = 0x203Au;
- break;
- case 0x9C:
- *dest = 0x153u;
- break;
- case 0x9E:
- *dest = 0x17Eu;
- break;
- case 0x9F:
- *dest = 0x178u;
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/zp.svg b/zp.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3123f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<svg height="48" width="48" xmlns="">
+ <clipPath id="clip61">
+ <rect height="48" width="18" x="30" />
+ </clipPath>
+ <!-- background -->
+ <rect fill="#000000" height="48" width="48" />
+ <!-- letter -->
+ <polyline fill="none" points="30,12 24,12 24,36 12,36 24,24 12,24 30,24" stroke="#00D143" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" />
+ <circle clip-path="url(#clip61)" cx="30" cy="18" fill="none" r="6" stroke="#00D143" stroke-width="3" />
diff --git a/zp/GNUmakefile b/zp/GNUmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e6b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/GNUmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+ifeq "$(arch)" ""
+arch := $(shell ../
+ifeq "$(arch)" "unknown"
+$(error Unable to detect architecture!)
+$(info Detected architecture $(arch)!)
+ifeq "$(stdc)" ""
+stdc := c99
+ifeq "$(stdcxx)" ""
+stdcxx := c++14
+OBJ_BS_TRP := source/any/bs/trp.o
+OBJ_MEM_MEMCPY := source/any/mem/memcpy.o
+OBJ_MEM_MEMEQU := source/any/mem/memequ.o
+OBJ_MEM_MEMFIL := source/any/mem/memfil.o
+OBJ_MEM_MEMSRH := source/any/mem/memsrh.o
+OBJ_MTH_ABS := source/any/mth/abs.o
+OBJ_MTH_DIVMOD := source/any/mth/divmod.o
+OBJ_MTH_DOT := source/any/mth/dot.o
+OBJ_MTH_VADD := source/any/mth/vadd.o
+OBJ_MTH_VSUB := source/any/mth/vsub.o
+OBJ_STR_FMT := source/any/str/fmt.o
+OBJ_STR_FMTLEN := source/any/str/fmtlen.o
+OBJ_STR_STRCPY := source/any/str/strcpy.o
+OBJ_STR_STREQU := source/any/str/strequ.o
+OBJ_STR_STRLEN := source/any/str/strlen.o
+OBJ_STR_STRSRH := source/any/str/strsrh.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF16DEC := source/any/str/utf16dec.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF16DECLEN := source/any/str/utf16declen.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF16ENC := source/any/str/utf16enc.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF16ENCLEN := source/any/str/utf16enclen.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF32CPY := source/any/str/utf32cpy.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF32EQU := source/any/str/utf32equ.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF32LEN := source/any/str/utf32len.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF32SRH := source/any/str/utf32srh.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF8DEC := source/any/str/utf8dec.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF8DECLEN := source/any/str/utf8declen.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF8ENC := source/any/str/utf8enc.o
+OBJ_STR_UTF8ENCLEN := source/any/str/utf8enclen.o
+OBJ_STR_WIN1252DEC := source/any/str/win1252dec.o
+OBJ_STR_WIN1252ENC := source/any/str/win1252enc.o
+OBJ_STR_WSTRCPY := source/any/str/wstrcpy.o
+OBJ_STR_WSTREQU := source/any/str/wstrequ.o
+OBJ_STR_WSTRLEN := source/any/str/wstrlen.o
+OBJ_STR_WSTRSRH := source/any/str/wstrsrh.o
+OBJ_BS_SYSCL := source/any/bs/syscl.o
+ifeq "$(arch)" "amd64"
+OBJ_BS_SYSCL := source/amd64/bs/syscl.o
+OBJ_BS_TRP := source/amd64/bs/trp.o
+OBJ_MEM_MEMCPY := source/amd64/mem/memcpy.o
+OBJ_MEM_MEMFIL := source/amd64/mem/memfil.o
+else ifeq "$(arch)" "arm"
+OBJ_BS_SYSCL := source/arm/bs/syscl.o
+else ifeq "$(arch)" "arm64"
+OBJ_BS_SYSCL := source/arm64/bs/syscl.o
+else ifeq "$(arch)" "ia32"
+OBJ_BS_SYSCL := source/ia32/bs/syscl.o
+OBJS := \
+ $(OBJ_BS_TRP) \
+ \
+ \
+ $(OBJ_MTH_ABS) \
+ $(OBJ_MTH_DOT) \
+ \
+ $(OBJ_STR_FMT) \
+ $(OBJ_STR_WIN1252DEC) \
+ $(OBJ_STR_WIN1252ENC) \
+ifneq "$(nosyscl)" "true"
+OBJS := \
+ $(OBJS) \
+ifeq "$(shrlib)" "true"
+LIB :=
+LIB := libzp.a
+HDRS := \
+ include/zp/bs \
+ include/zp/bs.h \
+ include/zp/mem \
+ include/zp/mem.h \
+ include/zp/mth \
+ include/zp/mth.h \
+ include/zp/str \
+ include/zp/str.h \
+ include/zp/bs.d/isconsteval.ii \
+ include/zp/bs.d/syscl.ii \
+ include/zp/bs.d/trp.ii \
+ include/zp/bs.d/urch.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/cpy.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/equ.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/fil.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/memcpy.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/memequ.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/memfil.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/memsrh.ii \
+ include/zp/mem.d/srh.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/abs.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/dist.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/divmod.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/dot.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/exp.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/isnan.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/vadd.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/vsub.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/pair/cpair.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/vec2/cvec.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/vec3/cvec.ii \
+ include/zp/mth.d/vec4/cvec.ii \
+ include/zp/priv/arch.h \
+ include/zp/priv/chr.h \
+ include/zp/priv/flt.h \
+ include/zp/priv/impl.h \
+ include/zp/priv/int.h \
+ include/zp/priv/os.h \
+ include/zp/priv/std.h \
+ include/zp/str.d/fmt.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/fmtlen.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/numdig.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/strcpy.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/strequ.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/strlen.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/strsrh.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf16dec.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf16declen.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf16enc.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf16enclen.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf8dec.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf8declen.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf8enc.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/utf8enclen.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/win1252dec.ii \
+ include/zp/str.d/win1252enc.ii \
+CFLAGS := \
+ -Iinclude \
+ -Oz \
+ -Wall \
+ -Wextra \
+ -ffreestanding \
+ -fshort-enums \
+ -nostdlib \
+ -pipe \
+ -std=$(stdc)
+ -Dzp_priv_consteval \
+ -Iinclude \
+ -Oz \
+ -Wall \
+ -Wextra \
+ -ffreestanding \
+ -fno-exceptions \
+ -fshort-enums \
+ -nostdlib \
+ -pipe \
+ -std=$(stdcxx)
+ifeq "$(shrlib)" "true"
+CFLAGS := \
+ $(CFLAGS) \
+ -g
+ -g
+ $(LDFLAGS) \
+ -shared
+.PHONY: clean install purge
+ifeq "$(shrlib)" "true"
+$(LIB): $(OBJS)
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o$(@) $(^)
+$(LIB): $(OBJS)
+ $(AR) r $(@) $(^)
+$(OBJS): $(HDRS)
+install: $(LIB)
+ mkdir -pm755 "$(HDRDIR)/zp/priv"
+ mkdir -pm755 "$(HDRDIR)/zp/"{"bs","mem","str"}".d"
+ mkdir -pm755 "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mth.d/"{"pair","vec2","vec3","vec4"}
+ mkdir -pm755 "$(LIBDIR)"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/"{"bs","mem","mth","str"}{"",".h"} "$(HDRDIR)/zp"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/priv/"{arch,chr,flt,impl,int,os,std}".h" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/priv"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/bs.d/"{"isconsteval","syscl","trp","urch"}".ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/bs.d"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/mem.d/"{"cpy","equ","fil","memcpy","memequ","memfil","memsrh","srh"}".ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mem.d"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/mth.d/"{"abs","dist","divmod","dot","exp","isnan","vadd","vsub"}".ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mth.d"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/mth.d/pair/cpair.ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mth.d/pair"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/mth.d/vec2/cvec.ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mth.d/vec2"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/mth.d/vec3/cvec.ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mth.d/vec3"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/mth.d/vec4/cvec.ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/mth.d/vec4"
+ install -m644 "include/zp/str.d/"{"fmt","fmtlen","numdig","strcpy","strequ","strlen","strsrh","utf16dec","utf16declen","utf16enc","utf16enclen","utf8dec","utf8declen","utf8enc","utf8enclen","win1252dec","win1252enc"}".ii" "$(HDRDIR)/zp/str.d"
+ install -m755 "$(LIB)" "$(LIBDIR)"
+ $(RM) $(OBJS)
+purge: clean
+ $(RM) $(LIB)
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/bs b/zp/include/zp/bs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d85b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/bs
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_cxxhdr_bs
+#define zp_priv_cxxhdr_bs
+// C++11: constexpr, parameter pack
+// C++14: template variables
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#error C++ header included from C!
+#include <zp/bs.h>
+namespace zp {
+ using i8m = ::zp_i8m;
+ using i8ms = ::zp_i8ms;
+ using i01m = ::zp_i01m;
+ using i01ms = ::zp_i01ms;
+ using i02m = ::zp_i02m;
+ using i02ms = ::zp_i02ms;
+ using i04m = ::zp_i04m;
+ using i04ms = ::zp_i04ms;
+#if zp_fixint8
+ using i8 = ::zp_i8;
+ using i8s = ::zp_i8s;
+#if zp_fixint01
+ using i01 = ::zp_i01;
+ using i01s = ::zp_i01s;
+#if zp_fixint02
+ using i02 = ::zp_i02;
+ using i02s = ::zp_i02s;
+#if zp_fixint04
+ using i04 = ::zp_i04;
+ using i04s = ::zp_i04s;
+#if zp_fixint08
+ using i08 = ::zp_i08;
+ using i08s = ::zp_i08s;
+#if zp_fixint08
+ using i08 = ::zp_i08;
+ using i08s = ::zp_i08s;
+ using intptr = ::zp_intptr;
+ using sz = ::zp_sz;
+#if zp_fixflt01
+ using f01 = ::zp_f01;
+#if zp_fixflt02
+ using f02 = ::zp_f02;
+#if zp_fixflt04
+ using f04 = ::zp_f04;
+#if zp_fixflt08
+ using f08 = ::zp_f08;
+ using wchr = ::zp_wchr;
+ using c8 = ::zp_c8;
+ using c01 = ::zp_c01;
+ using c02 = ::zp_c02;
+ using sysclid = ::zp_sysclid;
+ using sysclret = ::zp_sysclret;
+ using nulptrtyp = ::zp_nulptrtyp;
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename typ> struct minval {constexpr static typ val = {};};
+ template<> struct minval<bool> {constexpr static auto val = false;};
+ template<> struct minval<char> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalc;};
+ template<> struct minval<char16_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalc01;};
+ template<> struct minval<char32_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalc02;};
+ template<> struct minval<double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvald;};
+ template<> struct minval<float> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalf;};
+ template<> struct minval<int> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvali;};
+ template<> struct minval<long> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvall;};
+ template<> struct minval<long double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalld;};
+ template<> struct minval<long long> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalll;};
+ template<> struct minval<short> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvals;};
+ template<> struct minval<char signed> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalcs;};
+ template<> struct minval<char unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalcu;};
+ template<> struct minval<int unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvaliu;};
+ template<> struct minval<long unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvallu;};
+ template<> struct minval<long long unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalllu;};
+ template<> struct minval<short unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalsu;};
+ template<> struct minval<wchar_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalw;};
+ template<> struct minval<::zp::nulptrtyp> {constexpr static auto val = nullptr;};
+#if __cpp_char8_t >= 201811
+ template<> struct minval<char8_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_minvalc8;};
+ template<typename typ> struct maxval {constexpr static typ val = {};};
+ template<> struct maxval<bool> {constexpr static auto val = true;};
+ template<> struct maxval<char> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalc;};
+ template<> struct maxval<char16_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalc01;};
+ template<> struct maxval<char32_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalc02;};
+ template<> struct maxval<double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvald;};
+ template<> struct maxval<float> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalf;};
+ template<> struct maxval<int> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvali;};
+ template<> struct maxval<long> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvall;};
+ template<> struct maxval<long double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalld;};
+ template<> struct maxval<long long> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalll;};
+ template<> struct maxval<short> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvals;};
+ template<> struct maxval<char signed> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalcs;};
+ template<> struct maxval<char unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalcu;};
+ template<> struct maxval<int unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvaliu;};
+ template<> struct maxval<long unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvallu;};
+ template<> struct maxval<long long unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalllu;};
+ template<> struct maxval<short unsigned> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalsu;};
+ template<> struct maxval<wchar_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalw;};
+ template<> struct maxval<::zp::nulptrtyp> {constexpr static auto val = nullptr;};
+#if __cpp_char8_t >= 201811
+ template<> struct maxval<char8_t> {constexpr static auto val = zp_maxvalc8;};
+ }
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto minval = ::zp::det::minval<typ>::val;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto maxval = ::zp::det::maxval<typ>::val;
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename ityp> struct sgn {using typ = ityp;};
+ template<> struct sgn<char unsigned> {using typ = char signed;};
+ template<> struct sgn<int unsigned> {using typ = int;};
+ template<> struct sgn<long unsigned> {using typ = long;};
+ template<> struct sgn<long long unsigned> {using typ = long long;};
+ template<> struct sgn<short unsigned> {using typ = short;};
+ template<typename ityp> struct usgn {using typ = ityp;};
+ template<> struct usgn<char signed> {using typ = char unsigned;};
+ template<> struct usgn<int> {using typ = int unsigned;};
+ template<> struct usgn<long> {using typ = long unsigned;};
+ template<> struct usgn<long long> {using typ = long long unsigned;};
+ template<> struct usgn<short> {using typ = short unsigned;};
+ }
+ template<typename typ> using sgn = typename ::zp::det::sgn<typ>::typ;
+ template<typename typ> using usgn = typename ::zp::det::usgn<typ>::typ;
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename ityp> struct remqual {using typ = ityp;};
+ template<typename ityp> struct remqual<ityp const> {using typ = ityp;};
+ template<typename ityp> struct remqual<ityp volatile> {using typ = ityp;};
+ template<typename ityp> struct remqual<ityp const volatile> {using typ = ityp;};
+ }
+ template<typename typ> using remqual = typename ::zp::det::remqual<typ>::typ;
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> struct typequ {constexpr static bool equ = false;};
+ template<typename typ> struct typequ<typ,typ> {constexpr static auto equ = true;};
+ }
+ template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> constexpr auto typequ = ::zp::det::typequ<ltyp,rtyp>::equ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto isusgn =
+ ::zp::typequ<typ,char16_t>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char32_t>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,int unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long long unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,short unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i8m>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i01m>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i02m>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i04m>
+#if __cpp_char8_t
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char8_t>
+#if zp_fixint08
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i08>
+#if zp_uchr
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char>
+#if zp_uwchr
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>
+ || false;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto issgn =
+ ::zp::typequ<typ,double>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,float>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,int>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long double>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long long>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,short>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char signed>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i8ms>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i01ms>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i02ms>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i04ms>
+#if __STDCPP_BFLOAT16_T__
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,decltype (0.0bf16)>
+#if zp_fixflt01
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_f01>
+#if zp_fixflt02
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_f02>
+#if zp_fixflt04
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_f04>
+#if zp_fixint08
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_i08s>
+#if !zp_uchr
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char>
+#if !zp_uwchr
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>
+ || false;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto ischr =
+ ::zp::typequ<typ,char>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_c01>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_c02>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,::zp_c8>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto isflt =
+ ::zp::typequ<typ,double>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,float>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long double>
+#if __STDCPP_BFLOAT16_T__
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,decltype (0.0bf16)>
+#if __STDCPP_FLOAT128_T__
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,decltype (0.0f128)>
+#if __STDCPP_FLOAT16_T__
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,decltype (0.0f16)>
+#if __STDCPP_FLOAT32_T__
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,decltype (0.0f32)>
+#if __STDCPP_FLOAT64_T__
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,decltype (0.0f64)>
+ || false;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto isint =
+ ::zp::typequ<typ,int>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long long>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,short>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char signed>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,char unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,int unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,long long unsigned>
+ || ::zp::typequ<typ,short unsigned>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto isarith =
+ ::zp::isflt<typ>
+ || ::zp::isint<typ>;
+ constexpr auto ver = zp_ver;
+ constexpr auto extver = zp_extver;
+ constexpr auto nulptr = zp_nulptr;
+ constexpr auto bytelen = zp_bytelen;
+ constexpr auto nopos = zp_nopos;
+ constexpr auto unimax = zp_unimax;
+ zp_iln constexpr auto isconsteval() noexcept -> bool;
+ [[noreturn]] zp_iln inline auto trp() noexcept -> void;
+ [[noreturn]] zp_iln inline auto urch() noexcept -> void;
+ template<typename... typs> zp_iln inline auto syscl(::zp::sysclid id,typs const &... args) noexcept -> ::zp::sysclret;
+#include <zp/bs.d/isconsteval.ii>
+#include <zp/bs.d/syscl.ii>
+#include <zp/bs.d/trp.ii>
+#include <zp/bs.d/urch.ii>
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/bs.d/isconsteval.ii b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/isconsteval.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c51fbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/isconsteval.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::isconsteval() noexcept -> bool {
+#ifdef zp_priv_consteval // We use this to implement the run-time API for the "any" architecture.
+ return true;
+#elif zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_is_constant_evaluated)
+ return __builtin_is_constant_evaluated();
+#elif __cpp_if_consteval >= 202106
+ if consteval {return true;}
+ else {return false;}
+ return true; // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/bs.d/syscl.ii b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/syscl.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2f31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/syscl.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename... typs> inline auto ::zp::syscl(::zp::sysclid const id,typs const &... args) noexcept -> ::zp::sysclret {
+ return ::zp_syscl(id,args...);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/bs.d/trp.ii b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/trp.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ee500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/trp.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+inline auto ::zp::trp() noexcept -> void {
+ ::zp_trp();
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zap/source/any/sys/syscall.c b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/urch.ii
index 46d1074..7c33a0a 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/sys/syscall.c
+++ b/zp/include/zp/bs.d/urch.ii
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
-void zap_syscall(unsigned long,...) {
- zap_trap(); // Unsupported.
+inline auto ::zp::urch() noexcept -> void {
+ zp_urch();
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/bs.h b/zp/include/zp/bs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ecff15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/bs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+// All identifiers in the "priv" namespaces are,
+// well, private, and may not be used by any
+// program (causes UB or something).
+ Greater Header Dependencies:
+ bs →┬→ mem
+ ├→ mth
+ └→ str
+#ifndef zp_priv_hdr_bs
+#define zp_priv_hdr_bs
+// C99: long long
+ Sources for pre-defined macros:
+ clang: <>
+ cray: <>
+ gcc: <>
+ icc: <>
+ icx: <>
+ xlc: <>
+ msvc: <>
+ vsi: <>
+ ... as well as my own tests.
+ We define all of the platform detection macros
+ to the value (1) of the type int.
+ ...
+ How we check for system features:
+ - We first look after macros that identify the
+ platform (compiler, architecture, operating
+ system...) and define our macros using them. If
+ the compiler defines macros for another
+ platform, we don't care and just define the
+ macro for the other platform as well (usually),
+ compilers do this to signal compatibility, the
+ extend of which we don't want to deduce
+ ourselves.
+ - For implementation details (such as the data
+ model), we go with the "standard" ABI for the
+ platform (arch/os), for example the Itanium C++
+ ABI or the ARM64 ABI. If not overly
+ complicated, we may look at predefined macros
+ signaling non-standard changes (such as the
+ sign of char).
+ - For features (such as urch), we look for a
+ generic indicator (such as __has_builtin)
+ before determening if we can implement it.
+ Otherwise, we look at the compiler. Otherwise,
+ we define it in a standard-compliant manner
+ that doesn't result in ANY "broken" code, such
+ as just always returning true in isconsteval,
+ which would break if we returned false, as
+ this could lead to reaching non-constexpr
+ friendly code.
+ For types that have their own built-in type in
+ C++ (such as wchar_t), we define that type
+ using the C++ variant in C++ and using the
+ standard type in C (wchr will always be wchar_t
+ in C++, but in C it is the underlying type of a
+ wide string; could be int).
+ By default, we don't support platforms which we
+ don't have any macros for. This is mainly
+ because we don't really know how to deduce the
+ target data model, and without the data model
+ we can't. However, if we know (for example) the
+ architecture, we CAN deduce the data model from
+ the architecture ABI standard (if any), usually
+ being just the GNU ABI.
+#include <zp/priv/impl.h>
+#include <zp/priv/arch.h>
+#include <zp/priv/os.h>
+#include <zp/priv/std.h>
+#if zp_std_cxx
+#define zp_priv_cdecl extern "C" {
+#define zp_priv_cdeclend }
+#define zp_priv_cdecl
+#define zp_priv_cdeclend
+#ifdef __has_builtin
+#define zp_priv_hasbuiltin(builtin) __has_builtin(builtin)
+#define zp_priv_hasbuiltin(builtin) (0x0)
+#ifdef __has_attribute
+#define zp_priv_hasattr(attr) __has_attribute(attr)
+#define zp_priv_hasattr(attr) (0x0)
+// ext: GCC complains when we use __int128 without using "__extension__".
+#ifdef zp_impl_gcc
+#define zp_priv_ext __extension__
+#define zp_priv_ext
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#ifndef zp_std_c23
+ Valid, because:
+ ISO/IEC 9899:1999 7.16.4 "Notwithstanding the
+ provisions of 7.1.3, a program may undefine and
+ perhaps then redefine the macros bool, true,
+ and false."
+ In C23 (and later), these are keywords (or
+ predefined macros), and we therefore don't need
+ to define these macros to be sure they are
+ present. We could also define our own boolean
+ type (zp_bool), but this is... better. :)
+#undef bool
+#undef false
+#undef true
+#define bool _Bool
+#define false (0x0)
+#define true (0x1)
+#if zp_impl_gcc
+#define zp_restr __restrict__
+#elif zp_impl_msvc
+#define zp_restr __restrict
+#elif zp_std_c99
+#define zp_restr restrict
+#define zp_restr
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_expect)
+#define zp_likly(expr) if (__builtin_expect((expr),0x1))
+#define zp_ulikly(expr) if (__builtin_expect((expr),0x0))
+#elif zp_std_cxx20
+#define zp_likly(expr) if ((expr)) [[likely]]
+#define zp_ulikly(expr) if ((expr)) [[unlikely]]
+#define zp_likly(expr) if ((expr))
+#define zp_ulikly(expr) if ((expr))
+#if zp_priv_hasattr(__noreturn__)
+#define zp_nret __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
+#elif zp_impl_msvc
+#define zp_nret __declspec (noreturn)
+#elif zp_std_c23 || zp_std_cxx
+#define zp_nret [[noreturn]]
+#elif zp_std_c99
+#define zp_nret _Noreturn
+#define zp_nret
+#if zp_priv_hasattr(__always_inline__)
+#define zp_iln __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
+#define zp_iln
+#if zp_priv_hasattr(__nothrow__)
+#define zp_nthrw __attribute__ ((__nothrow__))
+#elif zp_impl_msvc
+#define zp_nthrw __declspec (nothrow)
+#define zp_nthrw
+#if zp_priv_hasattr(__const__)
+#define zp_useq __attribute__ ((__const__))
+#elif zp_std_c23
+#define zp_useq [[usequenced]]
+#define zp_useq
+#if zp_priv_hasattr(__unused__)
+#define zp_nuse __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+#elif zp_std_c23 || zp_std_cxx
+#define zp_nuse [[maybe_unused]]
+#define zp_nuse
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_unreachable)
+#define zp_urch() ((void)__builtin_unreachable())
+#elif zp_impl_msvc
+#define zp_urch() ((void)__assume(0x0))
+#define zp_urch() (zp_trp())
+#if zp_priv_hasattr(__unused__)
+#define zp_useres __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
+#elif zp_std_c23 || zp_std_cxx
+#define zp_useres [[nodiscard]]
+#define zp_useres
+#include <zp/priv/int.h>
+#include <zp/priv/flt.h>
+#include <zp/priv/chr.h>
+typedef long unsigned zp_sysclid;
+typedef long unsigned zp_sysclret;
+ nullptrtyp: The strange type.
+ In C23 and C++11, the nullptr_t type is a sui
+ generis (distinct) type: It is not an
+ arithmetic type and has only one valid value,
+ yet it may be converted to pointer types and
+ bool, the result of which is the null-pointer
+ value of that pointer type or false.
+ However, we define it a little differently: We
+ define it as the type of our constant nullptr,
+ which may be the standard nullptr_t, but may
+ also be a pointer-to-void type (C) or an
+ integral type (before C++11). Therefore, we
+ don't assert the same limitations/guarantees as
+ the standard, except that it may be cast to any
+ pointer type, and that such casts results in
+ the null-pointer value for that pointer type.
+#if zp_std_c23
+typedef typeof (nullptr) zp_nulptrtyp;
+#elif zp_std_cxx11
+typedef decltype (nullptr) zp_nulptrtyp;
+#elif zp_std_cxx
+typedef zp_intptr
+typedef void * zp_nulptrtyp;
+#define zp_ver ((zp_i04m)+0x0u) // Programs expecting this version will still compile with the current extension version.
+#define zp_extver ((zp_i04m)+0x0u) // The extension versions adds functionality without breaking the existing ones.
+ // The patch version is not public as it only changes implementation details.
+#define zp_bytelen ((zp_sz)+0x8u)
+#define zp_nopos zp_maxvalz
+#if zp_std_c23 || zp_std_cxx
+#define zp_nulptr (nullptr)
+#define zp_nulptr ((void *)0x0u)
+#define zp_unimax ((zp_c02)+0x10FFFFu)
+zp_nret void zp_trp(void);
+zp_sysclret zp_syscl(zp_sysclid id,...);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem b/zp/include/zp/mem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0354be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_cxxhdr_mem
+#define zp_priv_cxxhdr_mem
+#include <zp/bs>
+#include <zp/mem.h>
+namespace zp {
+ template<typename dsttyp,typename srctyp> struct cpyret {
+ dsttyp * dst;
+ srctyp * src;
+ };
+ template<typename dsttyp,typename srctyp> zp_iln inline auto memcpy(dsttyp * zp_restr dst,srctyp const * zp_restr src,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> ::zp::cpyret<dsttyp,srctyp>;
+ template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> [[nodiscard]] zp_iln inline auto memequ(ltyp const * lbuf,rtyp const * rbuf,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> bool;
+ template<typename typ> zp_iln inline auto memfil(typ * dst,char unsigned val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> void;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] zp_iln inline auto memsrh(typ * buf,char unsigned val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ *;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] zp_iln inline auto memsrh(typ const * buf,char unsigned val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ const *;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto cpy(typ * zp_restr dst,typ const * zp_restr src,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> ::zp::cpyret<typ,typ>;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto equ(typ const * lbuf,typ const * rbuf,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> bool;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto fil(typ * dst,typ const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> void;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto srh(typ * buf,typ const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ *;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto srh(typ const * buf,typ const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ const *;
+#include <zp/mem.d/cpy.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/equ.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/fil.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/memcpy.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/memequ.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/memfil.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/memsrh.ii>
+#include <zp/mem.d/srh.ii>
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.d/cpy.ii b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/cpy.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..002b0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/cpy.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::cpy(typ * zp_restr dst,typ const * zp_restr src,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> ::zp::cpyret<typ,typ> {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {return ::zp::memcpy(dst,src,num);}
+ typ * const zp_restr stop = dst+num;
+ while (dst != stop) {*dst++ = *src++;}
+ return ::zp::cpyret<typ,typ> {.dst = dst,.src = const_cast<typ *>(src),};
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/streq.c b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/equ.ii
index 6b1002d..9ce6a92 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/str/streq.c
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/equ.ii
@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::equ(typ const * lbuf,typ const * rbuf,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> bool {
+ typ const * const stop = lbuf+num;
-zap_i8 zap_streq(char const * lstr,char const * rstr) {
- for (;;++lstr,++rstr) {
- char const lchr = *lstr;
- char const rchr = *rstr;
- if (lchr != rchr) return 0x0u;
- if (lchr == '\x0') break;
+ while (lbuf != stop) {
+ zp_likly (*lbuf++ != *rbuf++) {return false;}
- return zap_maxval8;
+ return true;
diff --git a/zap/source/any/mem/fill.c b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/fil.ii
index 548dfeb..c57b584 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/mem/fill.c
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/fil.ii
@@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/mem.h>
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::fil(typ * dst,typ const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> void {
+ typ * const stop = dst+num;
-void zap_fill(void * const voiddest,unsigned char const val,zap_sz const num) {
- unsigned char * dest = voiddest;
- unsigned char * const stop = dest + num;
- while (dest != stop) *dest++ = val;
+ while (dst != stop) {*dst++ = val;}
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memcpy.ii b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memcpy.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce95b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memcpy.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename dsttyp,typename srctyp> inline auto ::zp::memcpy(dsttyp * zp_restr dst,srctyp const * zp_restr src,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> ::zp::cpyret<dsttyp,srctyp> {
+ ::zp_cpyret const cpyret = ::zp_memcpy(dst,src,num);
+ return ::zp::cpyret<dsttyp,srctyp> {.dst = static_cast<dsttyp *>(cpyret.dst),.src = static_cast<srctyp *>(cpyret.src),};
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memequ.ii b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memequ.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f6706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memequ.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename ltyp,typename rtyp> inline auto ::zp::memequ(ltyp const * lbuf,rtyp const * rbuf,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> bool {
+ return ::zp_memequ(lbuf,rbuf,num);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memfil.ii b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memfil.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92a4fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memfil.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> inline auto ::zp::memfil(typ * dst,char unsigned const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> void {
+ ::zp_memfil(dst,val,num);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memsrh.ii b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memsrh.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de6fbb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/memsrh.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> inline auto ::zp::memsrh(typ * buf,char unsigned const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ * {
+ return static_cast<typ *>(::zp_memsrh(buf,val,num));
+template<typename typ> inline auto ::zp::memsrh(typ const * buf,char unsigned const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ const * {
+ return const_cast<typ const *>(static_cast<typ *>(::zp_memsrh(buf,val,num)));
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.d/srh.ii b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/srh.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5863076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.d/srh.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::srh(typ * buf,typ val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ * {
+ return const_cast<typ *>(::zp::srh(const_cast<typ const *>(buf),val));
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::srh(typ const * buf,typ const val,::zp::sz const num) noexcept -> typ const * {
+ typ const * const stop = buf+num;
+ while (buf != stop) {
+ typ const * addr = buf++;
+ zp_ulikly (*addr == val) {return addr;}
+ }
+ return nullptr;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mem.h b/zp/include/zp/mem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df1c46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_hdr_mem
+#define zp_priv_hdr_mem
+#include <zp/bs.h>
+struct zp_cpyret {
+ void * dst;
+ void * src;
+zp_nthrw struct zp_cpyret zp_memcpy(void * zp_restr dst, void const * zp_restr src, zp_sz num);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres bool zp_memequ(void const * lbuf,void const * rbuf,zp_sz num);
+zp_nthrw void zp_memfil(void * dst, char unsigned val, zp_sz num);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres void * zp_memsrh(void const * buf, char unsigned val, zp_sz num);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth b/zp/include/zp/mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0326131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_cxxhdr_mth
+#define zp_priv_cxxhdr_mth
+#include <zp/bs>
+#include <zp/mth.h>
+namespace zp {
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename typ> struct inf {constexpr static auto val = ::zp::maxval<typ>;};
+ template<> struct inf<double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_inff;};
+ template<> struct inf<float> {constexpr static auto val = zp_infd;};
+ template<> struct inf<long double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_infld;};
+ template<typename typ> struct nan {constexpr static auto val = typ {0x0};};
+ template<> struct nan<double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_nanf;};
+ template<> struct nan<float> {constexpr static auto val = zp_nand;};
+ template<> struct nan<long double> {constexpr static auto val = zp_nanld;};
+ }
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto inf = ::zp::det::inf<typ>::val;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto nan = ::zp::det::nan<typ>::val;
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename ityp> struct cpairtyp {using typ = void;};
+ template<> struct cpairtyp<char signed> {using typ = ::zp_pairsc;};
+ template<> struct cpairtyp<short> {using typ = ::zp_pairs;};
+ template<> struct cpairtyp<int> {using typ = ::zp_pairi;};
+ template<> struct cpairtyp<long> {using typ = ::zp_pairl;};
+ template<> struct cpairtyp<long long> {using typ = ::zp_pairll;};
+ }
+ template<typename typ> class pair {
+ public:
+ using ctyp = typename ::zp::det::cpairtyp<typ>::typ;
+ typ lval;
+ typ rval;
+ constexpr auto cpair() const noexcept -> ctyp;
+ };
+ namespace det {
+ template<typename ityp> struct cvec2typ {using typ = void;};
+ template<> struct cvec2typ<double> {using typ = ::zp_vec2d;};
+ template<> struct cvec2typ<float> {using typ = ::zp_vec2f;};
+ template<> struct cvec2typ<long double> {using typ = ::zp_vec2ld;};
+ template<typename ityp> struct cvec3typ {using typ = void;};
+ template<> struct cvec3typ<double> {using typ = ::zp_vec3d;};
+ template<> struct cvec3typ<float> {using typ = ::zp_vec3f;};
+ template<> struct cvec3typ<long double> {using typ = ::zp_vec3ld;};
+ template<typename ityp> struct cvec4typ {using typ = void;};
+ template<> struct cvec4typ<double> {using typ = ::zp_vec4d;};
+ template<> struct cvec4typ<float> {using typ = ::zp_vec4f;};
+ template<> struct cvec4typ<long double> {using typ = ::zp_vec4ld;};
+ }
+ template<typename typ> class vec2 {
+ public:
+ using ctyp = typename ::zp::det::cvec2typ<typ>::typ;
+ typ x;
+ typ y;
+ constexpr auto cvec() const noexcept -> ctyp;
+ };
+ template<typename typ> class vec3 {
+ public:
+ using ctyp = typename ::zp::det::cvec3typ<typ>::typ;
+ typ x;
+ typ y;
+ typ z;
+ constexpr auto cvec() const noexcept -> ctyp;
+ };
+ template<typename typ> class vec4 {
+ public:
+ using ctyp = typename ::zp::det::cvec4typ<typ>::typ;
+ typ x;
+ typ y;
+ typ z;
+ typ w;
+ constexpr auto cvec() const noexcept -> ctyp;
+ };
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto abs(typ val) noexcept -> ::zp::usgn<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto acos(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto asin(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto atan(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto cbrt(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto cos(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto dist(typ x,typ y) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto dist(typ x,typ y,typ z) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto dist(typ x,typ y,typ z,typ w) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto divmod(typ num,typ den) noexcept -> ::zp::pair<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto dot(::zp::vec2<typ> lvec,::zp::vec2<typ> rvec) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto dot(::zp::vec3<typ> lvec,::zp::vec3<typ> rvec) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto dot(::zp::vec4<typ> lvec,::zp::vec4<typ> rvec) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto exp(typ val,typ n) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto isnan(typ val) noexcept -> bool;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto lb(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto lg(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto ln(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto log(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto nrt(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto sin(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto sqrt(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto tan(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto tsrt(typ val) noexcept -> typ;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto vadd(::zp::vec2<typ> lvec,::zp::vec2<typ> rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec2<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto vadd(::zp::vec3<typ> lvec,::zp::vec3<typ> rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec3<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto vadd(::zp::vec4<typ> lvec,::zp::vec4<typ> rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec4<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto vsub(::zp::vec2<typ> lvec,::zp::vec2<typ> rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec2<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto vsub(::zp::vec3<typ> lvec,::zp::vec3<typ> rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec3<typ>;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto vsub(::zp::vec4<typ> lvec,::zp::vec4<typ> rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec4<typ>;
+#include <zp/mth.d/pair/cpair.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/vec2/cvec.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/vec3/cvec.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/vec4/cvec.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/abs.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/dist.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/divmod.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/dot.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/exp.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/isnan.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/vadd.ii>
+#include <zp/mth.d/vsub.ii>
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/abs.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/abs.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e51f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/abs.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::abs(typ const val) noexcept -> ::zp::usgn<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ using newtyp = ::zp::usgn<typ>; // If a floating-point type was used, the new type would be identical.
+ if (val > typ {0x0}) return static_cast<newtyp>(val);
+ return typ {0x0}-static_cast<newtyp>(val);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/dist.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/dist.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e835c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/dist.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+/*template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::dist(typ const x,typ const y) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::sqrt(x*x+y*y);
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::dist(typ const x,typ const y,typ const z) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::cbrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::dist(typ const x,typ const y,typ const z,typ const w) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::tsrt(x*x+y*y+z*z+w*w);
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/divmod.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/divmod.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c7e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/divmod.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::divmod(typ const num,typ const den) noexcept -> ::zp::pair<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isint<typ>,"type must be an integral type");
+ ::zp::pair<typ> pair;
+ zp_ulikly (den == 0x0) {
+ pair.lval = ::zp::inf<typ>;
+ pair.rval = pair.lval;
+ return pair;
+ }
+ for (pair = ::zp::pair<typ> {typ {0x0},num};pair.rval >= den;++pair.lval,pair.rval -= den);
+ return pair;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/dot.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/dot.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0761379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/dot.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::dot(::zp::vec2<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec2<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return lvec.x*rvec.x+lvec.y*rvec.y;
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::dot(::zp::vec3<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec3<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return lvec.x*rvec.x+lvec.y*rvec.y+lvec.z*rvec.z;
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::dot(::zp::vec4<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec4<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return lvec.x*rvec.x+lvec.y*rvec.y+lvec.z*rvec.z+lvec.w*rvec.w;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/exp.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/exp.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49c227a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/exp.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::exp(typ const val,typ const n) noexcept -> typ {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ zp_ulikly (n == typ {0x0}) {
+ return typ {0x1};
+ }
+ zp_ulikly (val == typ {0x0}) {
+ return typ {0x0};
+ }
+ typ exp = val;
+ for (typ i = typ {0x1};i < n;++i) exp *= val;
+ return exp;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/isnan.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/isnan.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd43b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/isnan.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::isnan(typ const val) noexcept -> bool {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ if (::zp::isflt<typ>) {
+ return val != val;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/pair/cpair.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/pair/cpair.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f98c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/pair/cpair.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::pair<typ>::cpair() const noexcept -> ::zp::pair<typ>::ctyp {
+ return ::zp::pair<typ>::ctyp {
+ this->lval,
+ this->rval,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vadd.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vadd.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b047ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vadd.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec2<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec2<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec2<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::vec2<typ> {
+ lvec.x+rvec.x,
+ lvec.y+rvec.y,
+ };
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec3<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec3<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec3<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::vec3<typ> {
+ lvec.x+rvec.x,
+ lvec.y+rvec.y,
+ lvec.z+rvec.z,
+ };
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec4<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec4<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec4<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::vec4<typ> {
+ lvec.x+rvec.x,
+ lvec.y+rvec.y,
+ lvec.z+rvec.z,
+ lvec.w+rvec.w,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec2/cvec.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec2/cvec.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a784de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec2/cvec.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vec2<typ>::cvec() const noexcept -> ::zp::vec2<typ>::ctyp {
+ return typename ::zp::vec2<typ>::ctyp {
+ this->x,
+ this->y,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec3/cvec.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec3/cvec.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4a294c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec3/cvec.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vec3<typ>::cvec() const noexcept -> ::zp::vec3<typ>::ctyp {
+ return typename ::zp::vec3<typ>::ctyp {
+ this->x,
+ this->y,
+ this->z,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec4/cvec.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec4/cvec.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..107bb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vec4/cvec.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vec4<typ>::cvec() const noexcept -> ::zp::vec4<typ>::ctyp {
+ return typename ::zp::vec4<typ>::ctyp {
+ this->x,
+ this->y,
+ this->z,
+ this->w,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vsub.ii b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vsub.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7230937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.d/vsub.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec2<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec2<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec2<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::vec2<typ> {
+ lvec.x-rvec.x,
+ lvec.y-rvec.y,
+ };
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec3<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec3<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec3<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::vec3<typ> {
+ lvec.x-rvec.x,
+ lvec.y-rvec.y,
+ lvec.z-rvec.z,
+ };
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec4<typ> const lvec,::zp::vec4<typ> const rvec) noexcept -> ::zp::vec4<typ> {
+ static_assert(::zp::isarith<typ>,"type must be an arithmetic type");
+ return ::zp::vec4<typ> {
+ lvec.x-rvec.x,
+ lvec.y-rvec.y,
+ lvec.z-rvec.z,
+ lvec.w-rvec.w,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/mth.h b/zp/include/zp/mth.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24adbe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/mth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_hdr_mth
+#define zp_priv_hdr_mth
+#include <zp/bs.h>
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_huge_val)
+#define zp_infd (__builtin_huge_val())
+#define zp_infd (0.0);
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_huge_valf)
+#define zp_inff (__builtin_huge_valf())
+#define zp_inff (0.0f);
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_huge_vall)
+#define zp_infld (__builtin_huge_vall())
+#define zp_infld (0.0l);
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_nan)
+#define zp_nand (__builtin_nan(""))
+#define zp_nand (0.0);
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_nanf)
+#define zp_nanf (__builtin_nanf(""))
+#define zp_nanf (0.0f);
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_nanl)
+#define zp_nanld (__builtin_nanl(""))
+#define zp_nanld (0.0l);
+struct zp_pairsc {
+ char signed lval;
+ char signed rval;
+struct zp_pairs {
+ short lval;
+ short rval;
+struct zp_pairi {
+ int lval;
+ int rval;
+struct zp_pairl {
+ long lval;
+ long rval;
+struct zp_pairll {
+ long long lval;
+ long long rval;
+struct zp_vec2d {
+ double x;
+ double y;
+struct zp_vec2f {
+ float x;
+ float y;
+struct zp_vec2ld {
+ long double x;
+ long double y;
+struct zp_vec3d {
+ double x;
+ double y;
+ double z;
+struct zp_vec3f {
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+struct zp_vec3ld {
+ long double x;
+ long double y;
+ long double z;
+struct zp_vec4d {
+ double x;
+ double y;
+ double z;
+ double w;
+struct zp_vec4f {
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+ float w;
+struct zp_vec4ld {
+ long double x;
+ long double y;
+ long double z;
+ long double w;
+// is not-a-number
+#define zp_isnand( val) ((bool)(val != val))
+#define zp_isnanf( val) ((bool)(val != val))
+#define zp_isnanld(val) ((bool)(val != val))
+// absolute
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_absf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_absd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_absld(long double val);
+// arc cosine
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_acosf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_acosd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_acosld(long double val);
+// arc sine
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_asinf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_asind( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_asinld(long double val);
+// arc tangens
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_atanf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_atand( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_atanld(long double val);
+// cube root
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_cbrtf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_cbrtd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_cbrtld(long double val);
+// cosine
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_cosf( float ang);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_cosd( double ang);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_cosld(long double ang);
+// two-space distance
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dist2f( float x,float y);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dist2d( double x,double y);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dist2ld(long double x,long double y);
+// three-space distance
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dist3f( float x,float y,float z);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dist3d( double x,double y,double z);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dist3ld(long double x,long double y,long double z);
+// four-space distance
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dist4f( float x,float y,float z,float w);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dist4d( double x,double y,double z,double w);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dist4ld(long double x,long double y,long double z,long double w);
+// division-modulo
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairsc zp_divmodsc(char signed num,char signed den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairs zp_divmods( short num,short den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairi zp_divmodi( int num,int den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairl zp_divmodl( long num,long den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairll zp_divmodll(long long num,long long den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairsc zp_divmodsc(char signed num,char signed den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairs zp_divmods( short num,short den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairi zp_divmodi( int num,int den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairl zp_divmodl( long num,long den);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres struct zp_pairll zp_divmodll(long long num,long long den);
+// two-space dot product
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dot2f( zp_vec2f lvec,zp_vec2f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dot2d( zp_vec2d lvec,zp_vec2d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dot2ld(zp_vec2ld lvec,zp_vec2ld rvec);
+// three-space dot product
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dot3f( zp_vec3f lvec,zp_vec3f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dot3d( zp_vec3d lvec,zp_vec3d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dot3ld(zp_vec3ld lvec,zp_vec3ld rvec);
+// four-space dot product
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dot4f( zp_vec4f lvec,zp_vec4f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dot4d( zp_vec4d lvec,zp_vec4d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dot4ld(zp_vec4ld lvec,zp_vec4ld rvec);
+// two-space dot product
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_dotf( float x,float y);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_dotd( double x,double y);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_dotld(long double x,long double y);
+// exponentation
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_expd( float val,float n);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_expf( double val,double n);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_expld(long double val,long double n);
+// binary logarithm
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_lbf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_lbd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_lbld(long double val);
+// common logarithm
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_lgf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_lgd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_lgld(long double val);
+// natual logarithm
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_lnf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_lnd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_lnld(long double val);
+// logarithm
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_logf( float val,float n);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_logd( double val,double n);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_logld(long double val,long double n);
+// nth root
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_nrtf( float val,float n);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_nrtd( double val,double n);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_nrtld(long double val,long double n);
+// sine
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_sinf( float ang);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_sind( double ang);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_sinld(long double ang);
+// square root
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_sqrtf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_sqrtd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_sqrtld(long double val);
+// tangens
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_tanf( float ang);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_tand( double ang);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_tanld(long double ang);
+// "tesseract" (fourth) root
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres float zp_tsrtf( float val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres double zp_tsrtd( double val);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres long double zp_tsrtld(long double val);
+// two-space vector addition
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec2f zp_v2addf( zp_vec2f lvec,zp_vec2f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec2d zp_v2addd( zp_vec2d lvec,zp_vec2d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec2ld zp_v2addld(zp_vec2ld lvec,zp_vec2ld rvec);
+// three-space vector addition
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec3f zp_v3addf( zp_vec3f lvec,zp_vec3f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec3d zp_v3addd( zp_vec3d lvec,zp_vec3d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec3ld zp_v3addld(zp_vec3ld lvec,zp_vec3ld rvec);
+// four-space vector addition
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec4f zp_v4addf( zp_vec4f lvec,zp_vec4f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec4d zp_v4addd( zp_vec4d lvec,zp_vec4d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec4ld zp_v4addld(zp_vec4ld lvec,zp_vec4ld rvec);
+// two-space vector subtraction
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec2f zp_v2subf( zp_vec2f lvec,zp_vec2f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec2d zp_v2subd( zp_vec2d lvec,zp_vec2d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec2ld zp_v2subld(zp_vec2ld lvec,zp_vec2ld rvec);
+// three-space vector subtraction
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec3f zp_v3subf( zp_vec3f lvec,zp_vec3f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec3d zp_v3subd( zp_vec3d lvec,zp_vec3d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec3ld zp_v3subld(zp_vec3ld lvec,zp_vec3ld rvec);
+// four-space vector subtraction
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec4f zp_v4subf( zp_vec4f lvec,zp_vec4f rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec4d zp_v4subd( zp_vec4d lvec,zp_vec4d rvec);
+zp_nthrw zp_useq zp_useres zp_vec4ld zp_v4subld(zp_vec4ld lvec,zp_vec4ld rvec);
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/arch.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/arch.h
index 2abd2b2..f3ae133 100644
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/arch.h
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/arch.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
arch- macro-------- vendors-----------------------------------
- clang cray gcc icc icx msvc pcc tiny watcom xlc
+ clang cray gcc icc icx msvc pcc tiny vsi watcom xlc
amd64 __amd64 clang gcc pcc
amd64 __amd64__ clang gcc pcc
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
arm64 __aarch64__ clang gcc
arm64 _M_ARM64 msvc
- ia32 __386__ watcom
- ia32 __I86__ watcom
- ia32 __X86__ watcom
+ ia32 __386__ watcom
+ ia32 __I86__ watcom
+ ia32 __X86__ watcom
ia32 __i386 clang gcc icc icx
ia32 __i386__ clang gcc icc icx
- ia32 _M_I386 watcom
- ia32 _M_I86 watcom
- ia32 _M_IX86 icc icx msvc watcom
+ ia32 _M_I386 watcom
+ ia32 _M_I86 watcom
+ ia32 _M_IX86 icc icx msvc watcom
#if \
@@ -39,20 +39,20 @@
|| defined(__x86_64__) \
|| defined(_M_AMD64) \
|| defined(_M_X64)
-#define zap_arch_amd64 (0x1)
+#define zp_arch_amd64 (0x1)
#if \
defined(__arm) \
|| defined(__arm__) \
|| defined(_M_ARM)
-#define zap_arch_arm (0x1)
+#define zp_arch_arm (0x1)
#if \
defined(__aarch64__) \
|| defined(_M_ARM64)
-#define zap_arch_arm64
+#define zp_arch_arm64 (0x1)
#if \
@@ -64,5 +64,5 @@
|| defined(_M_I386) \
|| defined(_M_I86) \
|| defined(_M_IX86)
-#define zap_arch_ia32
+#define zp_arch_ia32 (0x1)
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/priv/chr.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/chr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6e1137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/chr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+ We define character types as replacments for
+ the standard library types:
+ wchr wchar_t
+ c8 char8_t
+ c01 char16_t
+ c02 char32_t
+ These are equal to the underlying types of the
+ appropriate string literal. In C++, these are
+ equal to their fundamental equivalent (such as
+ char32_t), if supported.
+#if \
+ zp_arch_arm \
+|| zp_arch_arm64
+#define zp_uchr (0x1)
+#define zp_uchr (0x0)
+#if \
+ zp_arch_arm \
+|| zp_arch_arm64 \
+|| zp_os_win
+#define zp_uwchr (0x1)
+#define zp_uwchr (0x0)
+#if zp_uchr
+#define zp_minvalc ((char)+zp_minvalcu)
+#define zp_maxvalc ((char)+zp_maxvalcu)
+#define zp_minvalc ((char)+zp_minvalcs)
+#define zp_maxvalc ((char)+zp_maxvalcs)
+#if \
+ zp_os_dos
+#define zp_minvalw ((zp_wchr)+zp_minvalsu)
+#define zp_maxvalw ((zp_wchr)+zp_maxvalsu)
+typedef short unsigned zp_priv_wchr;
+#if zp_uchr
+#define zp_minvalw ((zp_wchr)+zp_minvaliu)
+#define zp_maxvalw ((zp_wchr)+zp_maxvaliu)
+typedef int unsigned zp_priv_wchr;
+#define zp_minvalw ((zp_wchr)+zp_minvali)
+#define zp_maxvalw ((zp_wchr)+zp_maxvali)
+typedef int zp_priv_wchr;
+#ifdef zp_std_cxx
+typedef wchar_t zp_wchr;
+typedef zp_priv_wchr zp_wchr;
+#define zp_minvalc8 ((zp_c8)+zp_minvalcu)
+#define zp_maxvalc8 ((zp_c8)+zp_maxvalcu)
+#if __cpp_char8_t >= 201811
+typedef char8_t zp_c8;
+typedef char unsigned zp_c8;
+#define zp_minvalc01 ((zp_c01)+zp_minvali01m)
+#define zp_maxvalc01 ((zp_c01)+zp_maxvali01m)
+#ifdef zp_std_cxx
+typedef char16_t zp_c01;
+typedef zp_i01m zp_c01;
+#define zp_minvalc02 ((zp_c02)+zp_minvali02m)
+#define zp_maxvalc02 ((zp_c02)+zp_maxvali02m)
+#ifdef zp_std_cxx
+typedef char32_t zp_c02;
+typedef zp_i02m zp_c02;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/priv/flt.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/flt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d8087e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/flt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+ On platforms that support them, we define fixed-
+ width IEEE floating-point types:
+ f01 ::std::float16_t binary16, fraction: 10 exponent: 5 sign:1
+ f02 ::std::float32_t binary32, fraction: 23 exponent: 8 sign:1
+ f04 ::std::float64_t binary64, fraction: 52 exponent:11 sign:1
+ f08 ::std::float128_t binary128, fraction:112 exponent:15 sign:1
+ f001 binary256, fraction:236 exponent:19 sign:1
+ ...
+ There are equivalent to the ISO C and the C++
+ types in stdfloat, with some minor differences,
+ mainly that these may be equal to a generic
+ type (such as double).
+ In the future, we may define extra floating-
+ point types, such as decimal floating-point
+ types (which could have the name fXd).
+ We can define the largest absolute value of a IEEE-like floating-point type as:
+ 2^(2^e/2-1)*(2-2^-f)
+ ... where e is the number of exponential bits and f is the number of fractional bits.
+#define zp_minvalf ((float) -3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38f)
+#define zp_maxvalf ((float) +3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38f)
+#define zp_minvald ((double)-1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368e+308)
+#define zp_maxvald ((double)+1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368e+308)
+#if \
+ zp_arch_amd64 \
+|| zp_arch_ia32
+#if \
+ zp_os_dos
+#if \
+ __MINGW32__ \
+|| __MINGW64__
+#define zp_minvalld ((long double)-1.18973149535723176502126385303097020516906332229462420044032373389173700552297072261641029033652888285354569780749557731442744315367028843419812557385374367867359320070697326320191591828296152436552951064679108661431179063216977883889613478656060039914875343321145491116008867984515486651285234014977303760000912547939396622315138362241783854274391783813871780588948754057516822634765923557697480511372564902088485522249479139937758502601177354918009979622602685950855888360815984690023564513234659447638493985927645628457966177293040780660922910271504608538808795932778162298682754783076808004015069494230341172895777710033571401055977524212405734700738625166011082837911962300846927720096515350020847447079244384854591288672300061908512647211195136146752763351956292759795725027800298079590419313960302147099703527646744553092202267965628099149823208332964124103850923918473478612192169721054348428704835340811304257300221642134891734717423480071488075100206439051723424765600472176809648610799494341570347632064355862420744350442438056613601760883747816538902780957697597728686007148702828795556714140463261583262360276289631617397848425448686060994827086796804807870251185893083854658422304090880599629459458620190376604844679092600222541053077590106576067134720012584640695703025713896098375799892695455305236856075868317922311363951946885088077187210470520395758748001314313144425494391994017575316933939236688185618912993172910425292123683515992232205099800167710278403536014082929639811512287776813570604578934353545169653956125404884644716978689321167108722908808277835051822885764606221873970285165508372099234948333443522898475123275372663606621390228126470623407535207172405866507951821730346378263135339370677490195019784169044182473806316282858685774143258116536404021840272491339332094921949842244273042701987304453662035026238695780468200360144729199712309553005720614186697485284685618651483271597448120312194675168637934309618961510733006555242148519520176285859509105183947250286387163249416761380499631979144187025430270675849519200883791516940158174004671147787720145964446117520405945350476472180797576111172084627363927960033967047003761337450955318415007379641260504792325166135484129188421134082301547330475406707281876350361733290800595189632520707167390454777712968226520622565143991937680440029238090311243791261477625596469422198137514696707944687035800439250765945161837981185939204954403611491531078225107269148697980924094677214272701240437718740921675661363493890045123235166814608932240069799317601780533819184998193300841098599393876029260139091141452600372028487213241195542428210183120421610446740462163533690058366460659115629876474552506814500393294140413149540067760295100596225302282300363147382468105964844244132486457313743759509641616804802412935187620466813563687753281467553879887177183651289394719533506188500326760735438867336800207438784965701457609034985757124304510203873049485425670247933932280911052604153852899484920399109194612991249163328991799809438033787952209313146694614970593966415237594928589096048991612194498998638483702248667224914892467841020618336462741696957630763248023558797524525373703543388296086275342774001633343405508353704850737454481975472222897528108302089868263302028525992308416805453968791141829762998896457648276528750456285492426516521775079951625966922911497778896235667095662713848201819134832168799586365263762097828507009933729439678463987902491451422274252700636394232799848397673998715441855420156224415492665301451550468548925862027608576183712976335876121538256512963353814166394951655600026415918655485005705261143195291991880795452239464962763563017858089669222640623538289853586759599064700838568712381032959192649484625076899225841930548076362021508902214922052806984201835084058693849381549890944546197789302911357651677540623227829831403347327660395223160342282471752818181884430488092132193355086987339586127607367086665237555567580317149010847732009642431878007000879734603290627894355374356444885190719161645514115576193939969076741515640282654366402676009508752394550734155613586793306603174472092444651353236664764973540085196704077110364053815007348689179836404957060618953500508984091382686953509006678332447257871219660441528492484004185093281190896363417573989716659600075948780061916409485433875852065711654107226099628815012314437794400874930194474433078438899570184271000480830501217712356062289507626904285680004771889315808935851559386317665294808903126774702966254511086154895839508779675546413794489596052797520987481383976257859210575628440175934932416214833956535018919681138909184379573470326940634289008780584694035245347939808067427323629788710086717580253156130235606487870925986528841635097252953709111431720488774740553905400942537542411931794417513706468964386151771884986701034153254238591108962471088538580868883777725864856414593426212108664758848926003176234596076950884914966244415660441955208681198977024e4932l)
+#define zp_maxvalld ((long double)+1.18973149535723176502126385303097020516906332229462420044032373389173700552297072261641029033652888285354569780749557731442744315367028843419812557385374367867359320070697326320191591828296152436552951064679108661431179063216977883889613478656060039914875343321145491116008867984515486651285234014977303760000912547939396622315138362241783854274391783813871780588948754057516822634765923557697480511372564902088485522249479139937758502601177354918009979622602685950855888360815984690023564513234659447638493985927645628457966177293040780660922910271504608538808795932778162298682754783076808004015069494230341172895777710033571401055977524212405734700738625166011082837911962300846927720096515350020847447079244384854591288672300061908512647211195136146752763351956292759795725027800298079590419313960302147099703527646744553092202267965628099149823208332964124103850923918473478612192169721054348428704835340811304257300221642134891734717423480071488075100206439051723424765600472176809648610799494341570347632064355862420744350442438056613601760883747816538902780957697597728686007148702828795556714140463261583262360276289631617397848425448686060994827086796804807870251185893083854658422304090880599629459458620190376604844679092600222541053077590106576067134720012584640695703025713896098375799892695455305236856075868317922311363951946885088077187210470520395758748001314313144425494391994017575316933939236688185618912993172910425292123683515992232205099800167710278403536014082929639811512287776813570604578934353545169653956125404884644716978689321167108722908808277835051822885764606221873970285165508372099234948333443522898475123275372663606621390228126470623407535207172405866507951821730346378263135339370677490195019784169044182473806316282858685774143258116536404021840272491339332094921949842244273042701987304453662035026238695780468200360144729199712309553005720614186697485284685618651483271597448120312194675168637934309618961510733006555242148519520176285859509105183947250286387163249416761380499631979144187025430270675849519200883791516940158174004671147787720145964446117520405945350476472180797576111172084627363927960033967047003761337450955318415007379641260504792325166135484129188421134082301547330475406707281876350361733290800595189632520707167390454777712968226520622565143991937680440029238090311243791261477625596469422198137514696707944687035800439250765945161837981185939204954403611491531078225107269148697980924094677214272701240437718740921675661363493890045123235166814608932240069799317601780533819184998193300841098599393876029260139091141452600372028487213241195542428210183120421610446740462163533690058366460659115629876474552506814500393294140413149540067760295100596225302282300363147382468105964844244132486457313743759509641616804802412935187620466813563687753281467553879887177183651289394719533506188500326760735438867336800207438784965701457609034985757124304510203873049485425670247933932280911052604153852899484920399109194612991249163328991799809438033787952209313146694614970593966415237594928589096048991612194498998638483702248667224914892467841020618336462741696957630763248023558797524525373703543388296086275342774001633343405508353704850737454481975472222897528108302089868263302028525992308416805453968791141829762998896457648276528750456285492426516521775079951625966922911497778896235667095662713848201819134832168799586365263762097828507009933729439678463987902491451422274252700636394232799848397673998715441855420156224415492665301451550468548925862027608576183712976335876121538256512963353814166394951655600026415918655485005705261143195291991880795452239464962763563017858089669222640623538289853586759599064700838568712381032959192649484625076899225841930548076362021508902214922052806984201835084058693849381549890944546197789302911357651677540623227829831403347327660395223160342282471752818181884430488092132193355086987339586127607367086665237555567580317149010847732009642431878007000879734603290627894355374356444885190719161645514115576193939969076741515640282654366402676009508752394550734155613586793306603174472092444651353236664764973540085196704077110364053815007348689179836404957060618953500508984091382686953509006678332447257871219660441528492484004185093281190896363417573989716659600075948780061916409485433875852065711654107226099628815012314437794400874930194474433078438899570184271000480830501217712356062289507626904285680004771889315808935851559386317665294808903126774702966254511086154895839508779675546413794489596052797520987481383976257859210575628440175934932416214833956535018919681138909184379573470326940634289008780584694035245347939808067427323629788710086717580253156130235606487870925986528841635097252953709111431720488774740553905400942537542411931794417513706468964386151771884986701034153254238591108962471088538580868883777725864856414593426212108664758848926003176234596076950884914966244415660441955208681198977024e4932l)
+#define zp_minvalld ((long double)-1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368e+308)
+#define zp_maxvalld ((long double)+1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368e+308)
+#define zp_minvalld ((long double)-1.18973149535723176502126385303097020516906332229462420044032373389173700552297072261641029033652888285354569780749557731442744315367028843419812557385374367867359320070697326320191591828296152436552951064679108661431179063216977883889613478656060039914875343321145491116008867984515486651285234014977303760000912547939396622315138362241783854274391783813871780588948754057516822634765923557697480511372564902088485522249479139937758502601177354918009979622602685950855888360815984690023564513234659447638493985927645628457966177293040780660922910271504608538808795932778162298682754783076808004015069494230341172895777710033571401055977524212405734700738625166011082837911962300846927720096515350020847447079244384854591288672300061908512647211195136146752763351956292759795725027800298079590419313960302147099703527646744553092202267965628099149823208332964124103850923918473478612192169721054348428704835340811304257300221642134891734717423480071488075100206439051723424765600472176809648610799494341570347632064355862420744350442438056613601760883747816538902780957697597728686007148702828795556714140463261583262360276289631617397848425448686060994827086796804807870251185893083854658422304090880599629459458620190376604844679092600222541053077590106576067134720012584640695703025713896098375799892695455305236856075868317922311363951946885088077187210470520395758748001314313144425494391994017575316933939236688185618912993172910425292123683515992232205099800167710278403536014082929639811512287776813570604578934353545169653956125404884644716978689321167108722908808277835051822885764606221873970285165508372099234948333443522898475123275372663606621390228126470623407535207172405866507951821730346378263135339370677490195019784169044182473806316282858685774143258116536404021840272491339332094921949842244273042701987304453662035026238695780468200360144729199712309553005720614186697485284685618651483271597448120312194675168637934309618961510733006555242148519520176285859509105183947250286387163249416761380499631979144187025430270675849519200883791516940158174004671147787720145964446117520405945350476472180797576111172084627363927960033967047003761337450955318415007379641260504792325166135484129188421134082301547330475406707281876350361733290800595189632520707167390454777712968226520622565143991937680440029238090311243791261477625596469422198137514696707944687035800439250765945161837981185939204954403611491531078225107269148697980924094677214272701240437718740921675661363493890045123235166814608932240069799317601780533819184998193300841098599393876029260139091141452600372028487213241195542428210183120421610446740462163533690058366460659115629876474552506814500393294140413149540067760295100596225302282300363147382468105964844244132486457313743759509641616804802412935187620466813563687753281467553879887177183651289394719533506188500326760735438867336800207438784965701457609034985757124304510203873049485425670247933932280911052604153852899484920399109194612991249163328991799809438033787952209313146694614970593966415237594928589096048991612194498998638483702248667224914892467841020618336462741696957630763248023558797524525373703543388296086275342774001633343405508353704850737454481975472222897528108302089868263302028525992308416805453968791141829762998896457648276528750456285492426516521775079951625966922911497778896235667095662713848201819134832168799586365263762097828507009933729439678463987902491451422274252700636394232799848397673998715441855420156224415492665301451550468548925862027608576183712976335876121538256512963353814166394951655600026415918655485005705261143195291991880795452239464962763563017858089669222640623538289853586759599064700838568712381032959192649484625076899225841930548076362021508902214922052806984201835084058693849381549890944546197789302911357651677540623227829831403347327660395223160342282471752818181884430488092132193355086987339586127607367086665237555567580317149010847732009642431878007000879734603290627894355374356444885190719161645514115576193939969076741515640282654366402676009508752394550734155613586793306603174472092444651353236664764973540085196704077110364053815007348689179836404957060618953500508984091382686953509006678332447257871219660441528492484004185093281190896363417573989716659600075948780061916409485433875852065711654107226099628815012314437794400874930194474433078438899570184271000480830501217712356062289507626904285680004771889315808935851559386317665294808903126774702966254511086154895839508779675546413794489596052797520987481383976257859210575628440175934932416214833956535018919681138909184379573470326940634289008780584694035245347939808067427323629788710086717580253156130235606487870925986528841635097252953709111431720488774740553905400942537542411931794417513706468964386151771884986701034153254238591108962471088538580868883777725864856414593426212108664758848926003176234596076950884914966244415660441955208681198977024e4932l)
+#define zp_maxvalld ((long double)+1.18973149535723176502126385303097020516906332229462420044032373389173700552297072261641029033652888285354569780749557731442744315367028843419812557385374367867359320070697326320191591828296152436552951064679108661431179063216977883889613478656060039914875343321145491116008867984515486651285234014977303760000912547939396622315138362241783854274391783813871780588948754057516822634765923557697480511372564902088485522249479139937758502601177354918009979622602685950855888360815984690023564513234659447638493985927645628457966177293040780660922910271504608538808795932778162298682754783076808004015069494230341172895777710033571401055977524212405734700738625166011082837911962300846927720096515350020847447079244384854591288672300061908512647211195136146752763351956292759795725027800298079590419313960302147099703527646744553092202267965628099149823208332964124103850923918473478612192169721054348428704835340811304257300221642134891734717423480071488075100206439051723424765600472176809648610799494341570347632064355862420744350442438056613601760883747816538902780957697597728686007148702828795556714140463261583262360276289631617397848425448686060994827086796804807870251185893083854658422304090880599629459458620190376604844679092600222541053077590106576067134720012584640695703025713896098375799892695455305236856075868317922311363951946885088077187210470520395758748001314313144425494391994017575316933939236688185618912993172910425292123683515992232205099800167710278403536014082929639811512287776813570604578934353545169653956125404884644716978689321167108722908808277835051822885764606221873970285165508372099234948333443522898475123275372663606621390228126470623407535207172405866507951821730346378263135339370677490195019784169044182473806316282858685774143258116536404021840272491339332094921949842244273042701987304453662035026238695780468200360144729199712309553005720614186697485284685618651483271597448120312194675168637934309618961510733006555242148519520176285859509105183947250286387163249416761380499631979144187025430270675849519200883791516940158174004671147787720145964446117520405945350476472180797576111172084627363927960033967047003761337450955318415007379641260504792325166135484129188421134082301547330475406707281876350361733290800595189632520707167390454777712968226520622565143991937680440029238090311243791261477625596469422198137514696707944687035800439250765945161837981185939204954403611491531078225107269148697980924094677214272701240437718740921675661363493890045123235166814608932240069799317601780533819184998193300841098599393876029260139091141452600372028487213241195542428210183120421610446740462163533690058366460659115629876474552506814500393294140413149540067760295100596225302282300363147382468105964844244132486457313743759509641616804802412935187620466813563687753281467553879887177183651289394719533506188500326760735438867336800207438784965701457609034985757124304510203873049485425670247933932280911052604153852899484920399109194612991249163328991799809438033787952209313146694614970593966415237594928589096048991612194498998638483702248667224914892467841020618336462741696957630763248023558797524525373703543388296086275342774001633343405508353704850737454481975472222897528108302089868263302028525992308416805453968791141829762998896457648276528750456285492426516521775079951625966922911497778896235667095662713848201819134832168799586365263762097828507009933729439678463987902491451422274252700636394232799848397673998715441855420156224415492665301451550468548925862027608576183712976335876121538256512963353814166394951655600026415918655485005705261143195291991880795452239464962763563017858089669222640623538289853586759599064700838568712381032959192649484625076899225841930548076362021508902214922052806984201835084058693849381549890944546197789302911357651677540623227829831403347327660395223160342282471752818181884430488092132193355086987339586127607367086665237555567580317149010847732009642431878007000879734603290627894355374356444885190719161645514115576193939969076741515640282654366402676009508752394550734155613586793306603174472092444651353236664764973540085196704077110364053815007348689179836404957060618953500508984091382686953509006678332447257871219660441528492484004185093281190896363417573989716659600075948780061916409485433875852065711654107226099628815012314437794400874930194474433078438899570184271000480830501217712356062289507626904285680004771889315808935851559386317665294808903126774702966254511086154895839508779675546413794489596052797520987481383976257859210575628440175934932416214833956535018919681138909184379573470326940634289008780584694035245347939808067427323629788710086717580253156130235606487870925986528841635097252953709111431720488774740553905400942537542411931794417513706468964386151771884986701034153254238591108962471088538580868883777725864856414593426212108664758848926003176234596076950884914966244415660441955208681198977024e4932l)
+#elif \
+ zp_arch_arm
+#define zp_minvalld ((long double)-1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368e+308)
+#define zp_maxvalld ((long double)+1.79769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368e+308)
+#elif \
+ zp_arch_arm64
+#define zp_minvalld ((long double)-1.189731495357231765085759326628007016196469052641694045529698884212163579755312392324974012848462073525902033564749126859755265433573804462672698751945261490853461958725021262845865799405404493574681566096686172574953791792292256220777095858112702436475442537092608935138247345677279593806773692330094615746119725784172889892521939920757654204864565673356452247278152288867700638935595456496699511441752909606878513250948311396886100526833092128683974752192266386791880873694343077348155564101669971138512786874753496996549221727686770196551512812712488289469952298031867469924683981576664562667786719061499639630341657098305425237220876664630087808767256182803220212219924852375903049520911395910918921205273496768588119030111593018789368039232011671404175845108854706965215605777113516257404818817695075025715299705916714352103671782759119316034498392169720631800164034124698918142227577300459309880454715179606299895507583075851195185857971173167676966057998899352631885417716295302014668802384075846036226606480142977595407135050379808649130157164024060311786908796372510335873512774795275748595417572920936651398752709055215663939505589207804914540432978557623565645991208599669097180808881920063722771431218489011922209679053545963628417326002439732802939524313786668514027381434321036636571171670423586472759561231970793967839279147282720195377060602122638457883204809341717526809639253539447730280863675704796054050525162959099932535265586464682793821550087166946662209865086040990507131145474267411042839542322762994938759613112743837192839682676257555388372814490845395747128162065871588219108887240116651361962050800029176299938826082417547516732269930473133261258921845516815235455354310458114528303607394526100730578774092094736822286015459361126642549541799645333882549670764145955017051330800061253865140180153211929361456500343514792890205532021760061882232615736553377294980974059590520187961459799386741513028505934410453603480192383349321115171811051004108592830991811382552909064873029533418691087118107895004426881765865961841419267486232005929789956207494587649901662172318722999484512325826087031561936383689740686505279775296789331613683822798597040651600524129025149894873153196942095056670847466927644812596506700129443579512479230621373978088731257089799622902183824105412930483065603459863120371744282301377070153823878609951218937542956964157950988060608985782910656238116142203574104757451828170804875257446204128348513829082731722364189380493588338947664370623279820755831646205417488393062838201789547219543194450902113699925965376908192792152122212824578879336506875288617303469517112245451315447164280392523574962804175375927948971096983905242318797695347043690474223813266505639761164438844266531364626851219633994434154098562127395936184421821444273431534507860161614287022720984061569660333372788241037131538077377480152670583257920535569973318188112685673318997967497786786001251403873023920127717626858627038170562807276699687356274072773403132694104831615879354395811585825112837841563222761623334459188131537882355732483030085976890382969734476214593428191212717141333047577867552218517431064848760373196290310124466145087078377140528533048684204278799596652514009368964527494988719996088230065668196236298805733689960371306226158464997243490564472254071897564144128539839986096045563264771285585066304177995720101744844387158329767375560416207800878830072072413908657855667239546369357775781344288195989176313356856417845434232814886744226746707066979755577121788798468777700116472954103621810567107869855646414713502627836321256957407217461738363552424248762436478085351810995749293238174081331905048144612700905541425702220302537611494824228765324577933778519818778697340282580912780674979058938062556856001076057705982166686824756037569615760497619819482052758118532729333127733603742149847001463931981340719681330844408263017545241644293372483217234561694263937855759294448662979095419227451801588425977869694026601427919655168415895923043115191751872713346095752634608254475988154162254952597853199039645883742199236387610395830948074365988397707849632252080920941206268114832425403540515474312327876180802357701527842702008781378306569508588571830140611098042683009530862797403015355464377406249853964481000402231771665700893607521804084523668568649103258862666293372472441435563520595461701042390500795615834505944837326652542467444364861499184275097485253621979537504128523848241127715641240965261646703516395599407360083455079665191393229410544185167999099787655424462558900874388405649169453726739312260234815543297842308646072190147948072928456725835039546121182133640777769925841807579051735838823112759622714067509669913645288281894558925612972425252452248453502562347348900936766966136332741088135837550717443838484760651019872222926016920811114616937143207743488504602012776364256746872315205952601072228970686460932435222754496341763535189105548847634608972381760403137363968e+4932l)
+#define zp_maxvalld ((long double)+1.189731495357231765085759326628007016196469052641694045529698884212163579755312392324974012848462073525902033564749126859755265433573804462672698751945261490853461958725021262845865799405404493574681566096686172574953791792292256220777095858112702436475442537092608935138247345677279593806773692330094615746119725784172889892521939920757654204864565673356452247278152288867700638935595456496699511441752909606878513250948311396886100526833092128683974752192266386791880873694343077348155564101669971138512786874753496996549221727686770196551512812712488289469952298031867469924683981576664562667786719061499639630341657098305425237220876664630087808767256182803220212219924852375903049520911395910918921205273496768588119030111593018789368039232011671404175845108854706965215605777113516257404818817695075025715299705916714352103671782759119316034498392169720631800164034124698918142227577300459309880454715179606299895507583075851195185857971173167676966057998899352631885417716295302014668802384075846036226606480142977595407135050379808649130157164024060311786908796372510335873512774795275748595417572920936651398752709055215663939505589207804914540432978557623565645991208599669097180808881920063722771431218489011922209679053545963628417326002439732802939524313786668514027381434321036636571171670423586472759561231970793967839279147282720195377060602122638457883204809341717526809639253539447730280863675704796054050525162959099932535265586464682793821550087166946662209865086040990507131145474267411042839542322762994938759613112743837192839682676257555388372814490845395747128162065871588219108887240116651361962050800029176299938826082417547516732269930473133261258921845516815235455354310458114528303607394526100730578774092094736822286015459361126642549541799645333882549670764145955017051330800061253865140180153211929361456500343514792890205532021760061882232615736553377294980974059590520187961459799386741513028505934410453603480192383349321115171811051004108592830991811382552909064873029533418691087118107895004426881765865961841419267486232005929789956207494587649901662172318722999484512325826087031561936383689740686505279775296789331613683822798597040651600524129025149894873153196942095056670847466927644812596506700129443579512479230621373978088731257089799622902183824105412930483065603459863120371744282301377070153823878609951218937542956964157950988060608985782910656238116142203574104757451828170804875257446204128348513829082731722364189380493588338947664370623279820755831646205417488393062838201789547219543194450902113699925965376908192792152122212824578879336506875288617303469517112245451315447164280392523574962804175375927948971096983905242318797695347043690474223813266505639761164438844266531364626851219633994434154098562127395936184421821444273431534507860161614287022720984061569660333372788241037131538077377480152670583257920535569973318188112685673318997967497786786001251403873023920127717626858627038170562807276699687356274072773403132694104831615879354395811585825112837841563222761623334459188131537882355732483030085976890382969734476214593428191212717141333047577867552218517431064848760373196290310124466145087078377140528533048684204278799596652514009368964527494988719996088230065668196236298805733689960371306226158464997243490564472254071897564144128539839986096045563264771285585066304177995720101744844387158329767375560416207800878830072072413908657855667239546369357775781344288195989176313356856417845434232814886744226746707066979755577121788798468777700116472954103621810567107869855646414713502627836321256957407217461738363552424248762436478085351810995749293238174081331905048144612700905541425702220302537611494824228765324577933778519818778697340282580912780674979058938062556856001076057705982166686824756037569615760497619819482052758118532729333127733603742149847001463931981340719681330844408263017545241644293372483217234561694263937855759294448662979095419227451801588425977869694026601427919655168415895923043115191751872713346095752634608254475988154162254952597853199039645883742199236387610395830948074365988397707849632252080920941206268114832425403540515474312327876180802357701527842702008781378306569508588571830140611098042683009530862797403015355464377406249853964481000402231771665700893607521804084523668568649103258862666293372472441435563520595461701042390500795615834505944837326652542467444364861499184275097485253621979537504128523848241127715641240965261646703516395599407360083455079665191393229410544185167999099787655424462558900874388405649169453726739312260234815543297842308646072190147948072928456725835039546121182133640777769925841807579051735838823112759622714067509669913645288281894558925612972425252452248453502562347348900936766966136332741088135837550717443838484760651019872222926016920811114616937143207743488504602012776364256746872315205952601072228970686460932435222754496341763535189105548847634608972381760403137363968e+4932l)
+#define zp_fixflt02 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvalf02 zp_minvalf
+#define zp_maxvalf02 zp_maxvalf
+typedef float zp_priv_f02;
+#define zp_fixflt04 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvalf04 zp_minvald
+#define zp_maxvalf04 zp_maxvald
+typedef double zp_priv_f04;
+#if \
+ zp_arch_arm64 // x86 jealous :(
+#define zp_fixflt08 (0x1)
+typedef long double zp_priv_f08;
+#elif \
+ __FLOAT128__ \
+|| __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__
+#define zp_fixflt08 (0x1)
+zp_priv_ext typedef __float128 zp_priv_f08;
+#if zp_std_c
+#if zp_fixflt01
+typedef zp_priv_f01 zp_f01;
+#if zp_fixflt02
+typedef zp_priv_f02 zp_f02;
+#if zp_fixflt04
+typedef zp_priv_f04 zp_f04;
+#if zp_fixflt08
+typedef zp_priv_f08 zp_f08;
+#elif zp_std_cxx
+#if zp_fixflt01
+typedef zp_priv_f01 zp_f01;
+#elif __STDCPP_FLOAT16_T__
+#define zp_fixflt01 (0x1)
+typedef decltype (0.0f16) zp_f01;
+#if zp_fixflt02
+typedef zp_priv_f02 zp_f02;
+#elif __STDCPP_FLOAT32_T__
+#define zp_fixflt02 (0x1)
+typedef decltype (0.0f32) zp_f02;
+#if zp_fixflt04
+typedef zp_priv_f04 zp_f04;
+#elif __STDCPP_FLOAT64_T__
+#define zp_fixflt04 (0x1)
+typedef decltype (0.0f64) zp_f04;
+#if zp_fixflt08
+typedef zp_priv_f08 zp_f08;
+#elif __STDCPP_FLOAT128_T__
+#define zp_fixflt08 (0x1)
+typedef decltype (0.0f128) zp_f08;
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/cmp.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/impl.h
index efc6126..e18d0b7 100644
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/cmp.h
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/impl.h
@@ -7,44 +7,44 @@
#if \
defined(__clang__) \
|| defined(__llvm__)
-#define zap_cmp_clang (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_clang (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_cray (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_cray (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_gcc (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_gcc (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_edg (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_edg (0x1)
#if \
defined(__ICC) \
|| defined(__ICL) \
|| defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
-#define zap_cmp_icc (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_icc (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_icx (0x1)
+#define zp_icx (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_msvc (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_msvc (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_xlc (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_xlc (0x1)
#if \
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@
|| defined(__VAXC) \
|| defined(__vax11c) \
|| defined(__vaxc)
-#define zap_cmp_vsi (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_vsi (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_watcom (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_watcom (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_cmp_tiny (0x1)
+#define zp_impl_tiny (0x1)
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/priv/int.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/int.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d199083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/int.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+ We define the following minimum-width integral
+ types as replacmenets for the standard types:
+ i8m uint_least8_t
+ i8ms uint_least8_t
+ i01m uint_least16_t
+ i01ms uint_least16_t
+ i02m uint_least32_t
+ i02ms uint_least32_t
+ i04m uint_least64_t
+ i04ms uint_least64_t
+ We likewise define the following fixed-width
+ integral types (if supported):
+ i8 uint8_t
+ i8s uint8_t
+ i01 uint16_t
+ i01s uint16_t
+ i02 uint32_t
+ i02s uint32_t
+ i04 uint64_t
+ i04s uint64_t
+ We also - on some platforms - define extended
+ fixed-width integral types:
+ i08 unsigned integral type of one 128 bits
+ i08s same, but signed
+ i001 unsigned integral type of one 256 bits
+ i001s same, but signed
+ ...
+ These may be equivalent to a standard,
+ fundamental integral type (such as long long),
+ or they may be equivalent to an extended type
+ (such as GCC __int128).
+ We also define types as replacements for the
+ more generic standard library types:
+ intptr uintptr_t
+ ptrdif ptrdiff_t
+ sz size_t
+ Unlike ISO C, we guarantee all of these generic
+ types to be present.
+#define zp_minvalcu ((char unsigned) +0x0u)
+#define zp_minvalsu ((short unsigned) +0x0u)
+#define zp_minvaliu ((int unsigned) +0x0u)
+#define zp_minvallu ((long unsigned) +0x0lu)
+#define zp_minvalllu ((long long unsigned)+0x0llu)
+#define zp_minvalcs ((char signed) -0x80)
+#define zp_minvals ((short) -0x8000)
+#define zp_minvali ((int) -0x80000000l)
+#define zp_minvalll ((long long) -0x8000000000000000ll)
+#define zp_maxvalcu ((char unsigned) +0xFFu)
+#define zp_maxvalsu ((short unsigned) +0xFFFFu)
+#define zp_maxvaliu ((int unsigned) +0xFFFFFFFFu)
+#define zp_maxvalllu ((long long unsigned)+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFllu)
+#define zp_maxvalcs ((char signed) +0x7F)
+#define zp_maxvals ((short) +0x7FFF)
+#define zp_maxvali ((int) +0x7FFFFFFF)
+#define zp_maxvalll ((long long) +0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFll)
+#define zp_minvalp ((zp_intptr)+0x0u)
+#define zp_minvalz ((zp_sz) +0x0u)
+#define zp_fixint8 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali8 zp_minvalcu
+#define zp_minvali8s zp_minvalcs
+#define zp_maxvali8 zp_maxvalcu
+#define zp_maxvali8s zp_maxvalcs
+typedef char unsigned zp_i8;
+typedef char signed zp_i8s;
+#define zp_fixint01 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali01 zp_minvalsu
+#define zp_minvali01s zp_minvals
+#define zp_maxvali01 zp_maxvalsu
+#define zp_maxvali01s zp_maxvals
+typedef short unsigned zp_i01;
+typedef short zp_i01s;
+#if \
+ zp_arch_arm
+// For some reason long.
+#define zp_fixint02 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali02 zp_minvallu
+#define zp_minvali02s zp_minvall
+#define zp_maxvali02 zp_maxvallu
+#define zp_maxvali02s zp_maxvall
+typedef long unsigned zp_i02;
+typedef long zp_i02s;
+#define zp_fixint02 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali02 zp_minvaliu
+#define zp_minvali02s zp_minvali
+#define zp_maxvali02 zp_maxvaliu
+#define zp_maxvali02s zp_maxvali
+typedef int unsigned zp_i02;
+typedef int zp_i02s;
+#define zp_minvali8m zp_minvali8
+#define zp_minvali8ms zp_minvali8s
+#define zp_maxvali8m zp_maxvali8
+#define zp_maxvali8ms zp_maxvali8s
+typedef zp_i8 zp_i8m;
+typedef zp_i8s zp_i8ms;
+#define zp_minvali01m zp_minvali01
+#define zp_minvali01ms zp_minvali01s
+#define zp_maxvali01m zp_maxvali01
+#define zp_maxvali01ms zp_maxvali01s
+typedef zp_i01 zp_i01m;
+typedef zp_i01s zp_i01ms;
+#define zp_minvali02m zp_minvali02
+#define zp_minvali02ms zp_minvali02s
+#define zp_maxvali02m zp_maxvali02
+#define zp_maxvali02ms zp_maxvali02s
+typedef zp_i02 zp_i02m;
+typedef zp_i02s zp_i02ms;
+#if \
+ zp_os_dos
+#define zp_minvall ((long) -0x80000000ll)
+#define zp_maxvallu ((long unsigned)+0xFFFFFFFFllu)
+#define zp_maxvall ((long) +0x7FFFFFFFll)
+#define zp_fixint04 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali04 zp_minvalllu
+#define zp_minvali04s zp_minvalll
+#define zp_maxvali04 zp_maxvalllu
+#define zp_maxvali04s zp_maxvalll
+typedef long long unsigned zp_i04;
+typedef long long zp_i04s;
+#define zp_minvali04m zp_minval04
+#define zp_minvali04ms zp_minval04s
+#define zp_maxvali04m zp_maxval04
+#define zp_maxvali04ms zp_maxval04s
+typedef zp_i04 zp_i04m;
+typedef zp_i04s zp_i04ms;
+#if \
+ zp_arch_amd64 \
+|| zp_arch_arm64
+#define zp_minvall ((long) -0x8000000000000000ll)
+#define zp_maxvallu ((long unsigned)+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFllu)
+#define zp_maxvall ((long) +0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFll)
+#define zp_fixint04 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali04 zp_minvallu
+#define zp_minvali04s zp_minvall
+#define zp_maxvali04 zp_maxvallu
+#define zp_maxvali04s zp_maxvall
+typedef long unsigned zp_i04;
+typedef long zp_i04s;
+#define zp_minvali04m zp_minval04
+#define zp_minvali04ms zp_minval04s
+#define zp_maxvali04m zp_maxval04
+#define zp_maxvali04ms zp_maxval04s
+typedef zp_i04 zp_i04m;
+typedef zp_i04s zp_i04ms;
+#elif \
+ zp_arch_arm \
+|| zp_arch_ia32
+#define zp_minvall ((long) -0x80000000ll)
+#define zp_maxvallu ((long unsigned)+0xFFFFFFFFllu)
+#define zp_maxvall ((long) +0x7FFFFFFFll)
+#define zp_fixint04 (0x1)
+#define zp_minvali04 zp_minvalllu
+#define zp_minvali04s zp_minvalll
+#define zp_maxvali04 zp_maxvalllu
+#define zp_maxvali04s zp_maxvalll
+typedef long long unsigned zp_i04;
+typedef long long zp_i04s;
+#define zp_minvali04m zp_minval04
+#define zp_minvali04ms zp_minval04s
+#define zp_maxvali04m zp_maxval04
+#define zp_maxvali04ms zp_maxval04s
+typedef zp_i04 zp_i04m;
+typedef zp_i04s zp_i04ms;
+#if \
+ __INT128__ /* Not defined by any compiler that I know, but Clang does define __FLOAT128__. */ \
+|| __SIZEOF_INT128__
+#define zp_fixint08 (0x1)
+zp_priv_ext typedef __int128 unsigned zp_i08;
+zp_priv_ext typedef __int128 zp_i08s;
+#if \
+ zp_arch_amd64 \
+|| zp_arch_arm64
+#if \
+ zp_os_win
+#define zp_maxvalp ((zp_intptr)+zp_maxvalllu)
+typedef long long unsigned zp_intptr;
+#define zp_maxvalz ((zp_sz)+zp_maxvalllu)
+typedef long long unsigned zp_sz;
+#define zp_maxvalp zp_maxvallu
+typedef long unsigned zp_intptr;
+#define zp_maxvalpd zp_maxvall
+typedef unsigned zp_intptrdif;
+#define zp_maxvalz zp_maxvallu
+typedef long unsigned zp_sz;
+#elif \
+ zp_arch_arm \
+|| zp_arch_ia32
+#define zp_maxvalp zp_maxvaliu
+typedef int unsigned zp_intptr;
+#define zp_maxvalz zp_maxvaliu
+typedef int unsigned zp_sz;
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/os.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/os.h
index 0a8e85c..7e15eab 100644
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/os.h
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/os.h
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
os------- macro---------- vendors-----------------------------------
clang cray edg gcc icc icx msvc pcc tiny vsi watcom xlc
- aix __HOS_AIX__ clang
aix __TOS_AIX__ clang
aix _AIX clang
@@ -58,32 +57,25 @@
#if \
- defined(__HOS_AIX__) \
-|| defined(__TOS_AIX__) \
+ defined(__TOS_AIX__) \
|| defined(_AIX)
-#define zap_os_aix (0x1)
+#define zp_os_aix (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_os_drgnfly (0x1)
-#if \
- defined(__DOS__) \
-|| defined(_DOS)
-#define zap_os_dos (0x1)
+#define zp_os_drgnfly (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_os_freebsd (0x1)
+#define zp_os_freebsd (0x1)
#if \
defined(__GNU__) \
|| defined(__gnu_hurd__)
-#define zap_os_hurd (0x1)
+#define zp_os_hurd (0x1)
#if \
@@ -91,45 +83,45 @@
|| defined(__gnu_linux__) \
|| defined(__linux) \
|| defined(__linux__)
-#define zap_os_linux (0x1)
+#define zp_os_linux (0x1)
#if \
defined(__APPLE__) \
|| defined(__MACH__)
-#define zap_os_mac (0x1)
+#define zp_os_mac (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_os_minix (0x1)
+#define zp_os_minix (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_os_netbsd (0x1)
+#define zp_os_netbsd (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_os_openbsd (0x1)
+#define zp_os_openbsd (0x1)
#if \
-#define zap_os_os2 (0x1)
+#define zp_os_os2 (0x1)
#if \
defined(__sun) \
|| defined(__sun__)
-#define zap_os_sol (0x1)
+#define zp_os_sol (0x1)
#if \
|| defined(__vms)
-#define zap_os_vms (0x1)
+#define zp_os_vms (0x1)
#if \
@@ -139,22 +131,30 @@
|| defined(_WIN32) \
|| defined(_WIN64) \
|| defined(_WINDOWS)
-#define zap_os_win (0x1)
+#define zp_os_win (0x1)
+#if \
+ zp_os_os2 \
+|| zp_os_win \
+|| defined(__DOS__) \
+|| defined(_DOS)
+#define zp_os_dos (0x1)
#if \
- zap_os_aix \
-|| zap_os_drgnfly \
-|| zap_os_freebsd \
-|| zap_os_hurd \
-|| zap_os_linux \
-|| zap_os_mac \
-|| zap_os_minix \
-|| zap_os_netbsd \
-|| zap_os_openbsd \
-|| zap_os_sol \
+ zp_os_aix \
+|| zp_os_drgnfly \
+|| zp_os_freebsd \
+|| zp_os_hurd \
+|| zp_os_linux \
+|| zp_os_mac \
+|| zp_os_minix \
+|| zp_os_netbsd \
+|| zp_os_openbsd \
+|| zp_os_sol \
|| defined(__UNIX__) \
|| defined(__unix) \
|| defined(__unix__)
-#define zap_os_unix (0x1)
+#define zp_os_unix (0x1)
diff --git a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/lang.h b/zp/include/zp/priv/std.h
index c7157e5..9062cea 100644
--- a/zap/include/zap/sys.d/lang.h
+++ b/zp/include/zp/priv/std.h
@@ -6,25 +6,27 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define zap_lang_cxx89 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx89 (0x1)
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
-#define zap_lang_cxx99 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx99 (0x1)
#if __cplusplus >= 201103
-#define zap_lang_cxx11 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx11 (0x1)
#if __cplusplus >= 201402
-#define zap_lang_cxx14 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx14 (0x1)
#if __cplusplus >= 201703
-#define zap_lang_cxx17 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx17 (0x1)
#if __cplusplus >= 202002
-#define zap_lang_cxx20 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx20 (0x1)
#if __cplusplus > 202002
-#define zap_lang_cxx23 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_cxx23 (0x1)
@@ -34,22 +36,24 @@
-#define zap_lang_c90 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_c (0x1)
+#define zp_std_c90 (0x1)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199409
-#define zap_lang_c95 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_c95 (0x1)
-#if zap_lang_c99
-#define zap_lang_c99 (0x1)
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901
+#define zp_std_c99 (0x1)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112
-#define zap_lang_c11 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_c11 (0x1)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201710
-#define zap_lang_c17 (0x1)
+#define zp_std_c17 (0x1)
-#if zap_lang_c23
-#define zap_lang_c23 (0x1)
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 202311
+#define zp_std_c23 (0x1)
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str b/zp/include/zp/str
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b811558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_cxxhdr_str
+#define zp_priv_cxxhdr_str
+#include <zp/bs>
+#include <zp/str.h>
+namespace zp {
+ namespace priv {
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto numdig(typ val,::zp::i8m bs) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ }
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto strcpy(typ * dst, typ const * src) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto strequ(typ const * lstr,typ const * rstr) noexcept -> bool;
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto strlen(typ const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto strsrh(typ * str, typ chr) noexcept -> typ *;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto strsrh(typ const * str, typ chr) noexcept -> typ const *;
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto utf8enclen( ::zp::c02 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto utf8declen( ::zp::c8 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto utf16enclen(::zp::c02 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto utf16declen(::zp::c01 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz;
+ constexpr auto utf8enc( ::zp::c8 * dst,::zp::c02 const * src) noexcept -> void;
+ constexpr auto utf8dec( ::zp::c02 * dst,::zp::c8 const * src) noexcept -> void;
+ constexpr auto utf16enc( ::zp::c01 * dst,::zp::c02 const * src) noexcept -> void;
+ constexpr auto utf16dec( ::zp::c02 * dst,::zp::c01 const * src) noexcept -> void;
+ constexpr auto win1252enc(::zp::c8 * dst,::zp::c02 const * src) noexcept -> void;
+ constexpr auto win1252dec(::zp::c02 * dst,::zp::c8 const * src) noexcept -> void;
+ template<typename typ> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto fmtlen(typ val,::zp::i8m bs) noexcept -> ::zp::sz; // Including (potential) decorations.
+ template<typename typ> constexpr auto fmt(::zp::c02 * buf,typ val,::zp::i8m bs,bool rtl = false) noexcept -> void;
+#include <zp/str.d/fmt.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/fmtlen.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/numdig.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/strcpy.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/strequ.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/strlen.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/strsrh.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf16dec.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf16declen.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf16enc.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf16enclen.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf8dec.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf8declen.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf8enc.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/utf8enclen.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/win1252dec.ii>
+#include <zp/str.d/win1252enc.ii>
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/fmt.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/fmt.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f227551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/fmt.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename sgntyp> constexpr auto ::zp::fmt(::zp::c02 * buf,sgntyp sgnval,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) noexcept -> void {
+ using typ = typename ::zp::usgn<sgntyp>;
+ ::zp::c02 const * digs = U"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+ if (bs == 0xCu) digs = U"0123456789\u218A\u218B";
+ if (sgnval < sgntyp {0x0}) {
+ sgnval = sgntyp {0x0}-sgnval;
+ *buf++ = 0x2212u;
+ }
+ typ val = static_cast<typ>(sgnval);
+ if (rtl) {
+ buf += ::zp::priv::numdig(val,bs)-0x1u;
+ for (;val > 0x0u;val /= bs) *buf-- = digs[static_cast<::zp::sz>(val % static_cast<typ>(bs))];
+ return;
+ }
+ for (;val > 0x0u;val /= bs) *buf++ = digs[static_cast<::zp::sz>(val % static_cast<typ>(bs))];
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/fmtlen.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/fmtlen.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1e3cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/fmtlen.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::fmtlen(typ val,::zp::i8m const bs) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ static_assert(::zp::isint<typ>,"type must be an integral type");
+ ::zp::sz len = 0x0u;
+ if (val < typ {0x0}) {
+ val = typ {0x0}-val;
+ len = 0x1u;
+ }
+ len += ::zp::priv::numdig(val,bs);
+ return len;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/numdig.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/numdig.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482cae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/numdig.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::priv::numdig(typ fmtval,::zp::i8m const bs) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ static_assert(::zp::isint<typ>,"type must be an integral type");
+ if (fmtval == typ {0x0}) return 0x1u;
+ ::zp::sz len = 0x0u;
+ for (typ val = fmtval;val > typ {0x0};val /= static_cast<typ>(bs)) {++len;}
+ return len;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/strcpy.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strcpy.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47fc213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strcpy.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::strcpy(typ * dst,typ const * src) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ static_assert(::zp::ischr<typ>,"type must be a character type");
+#if zp_std_cxx17
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char>) {return ::zp_strcpy( dst,src);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>) {return ::zp_wstrcpy( dst,src);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char32_t>) {return ::zp_utf32cpy(dst,src);}
+ }
+ auto const dstsrt = dst;
+ while ((*dst++ = *src++) != typ {0x0}) {}
+ return static_cast<::zp::sz>(dst-dstsrt)-0x1u; // Number of values copied.
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/strequ.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strequ.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b3844c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strequ.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::strequ(typ const * lstr,typ const * rstr) noexcept -> bool {
+ static_assert(::zp::ischr<typ>,"type must be a character type");
+#if zp_std_cxx17
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char>) {return ::zp_strequ( lstr,rstr);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>) {return ::zp_wstrequ( lstr,rstr);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char32_t>) {return ::zp_utf32equ(lstr,rstr);}
+ }
+ for (;;++lstr,++rstr) {
+ zp_likly (*lstr != *rstr) {return false;}
+ zp_ulikly (*lstr == typ {0x0}) {break;}
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/strlen.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strlen.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2287ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strlen.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::strlen(typ const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ static_assert(::zp::ischr<typ>,"type must be a character type"); // If the string format uses multiple values per character, the number of these values is returned (use utfXdeclen if the number of characters is needed).
+#if zp_std_cxx17
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char>) {return ::zp_strlen( str);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>) {return ::zp_wstrlen( str);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char32_t>) {return ::zp_utf32len(str);}
+ }
+ auto const srt = str;
+ while (*str++ != typ {0x0}) {}
+ return static_cast<::zp::sz>(str-srt)-0x1u;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/strsrh.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strsrh.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a7b8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/strsrh.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::strsrh(typ * str,typ const chr) noexcept -> typ * {
+ static_assert(::zp::ischr<typ>,"type must be a character type");
+ return const_cast<typ *>(::zp::strsrh(const_cast<typ const *>(str),chr));
+template<typename typ> constexpr auto ::zp::strsrh(typ const * str,typ const chr) noexcept -> typ const * {
+ static_assert(::zp::ischr<typ>,"type must be a character type");
+#if zp_std_cxx17
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char>) {return ::zp_strsrh( str,chr);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,wchar_t>) {return ::zp_wstrsrh( str,chr);}
+ if constexpr (::zp::typequ<typ,char32_t>) {return ::zp_utf32srh(str,chr);}
+ }
+ for (;;++str) {
+ auto const curchr = *str;
+ zp_ulikly (curchr == chr) {return str;}
+ zp_ulikly (curchr == typ {0x0}) {break;}
+ }
+ return nullptr;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16dec.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16dec.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2bab10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16dec.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf16dec(::zp::c02 * dst,::zp::c01 const * src) noexcept -> void {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf16dec(dst,src);
+ }
+ for (;;++dst) {
+ auto const hex = *src++;
+ if (hex >= 0xD800u && hex < 0xDC00u) {
+ ::zp::c02 chr = (static_cast<::zp::c02>(hex)^0b1101100000000000u)<<0xAu;
+ chr |= static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b1101110000000000u;
+ *dst = chr+0x10000u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ *dst = hex;
+ zp_ulikly (hex == 0x0u) {break;}
+ }
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16declen.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16declen.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c03620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16declen.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf16declen(::zp::c01 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf16declen(str);
+ }
+ ::zp::sz len = 0x0u;
+ for (;;++len) {
+ auto const chr = *str;
+ if (chr >= 0xD800u && chr < 0xDC00u) {
+ str += 0x2u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ zp_ulikly (chr == 0x0u) {break;}
+ ++str;
+ }
+ return len;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16enc.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16enc.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016f141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16enc.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf16enc(::zp::c01 * dst,::zp::c02 const * src) noexcept -> void {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf16enc(dst,src);
+ }
+ for (;;++src) {
+ auto const chr = *src;
+ if (chr > 0xFFFFu) { /* Two hextets. */
+ ::zp::c02 const tmp = chr-0x10000u;
+ *dst++ = (tmp>>0xAu) |0b1101100000000000u;
+ *dst++ = (tmp &0b0000001111111111u)|0b1101110000000000u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* One hextet. */
+ *dst++ = chr;
+ zp_ulikly (chr == 0x0u) {break;}
+ }
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16enclen.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16enclen.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed0a420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf16enclen.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf16enclen(::zp::c02 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf16enclen(str);
+ }
+ ::zp::sz len = 0x0u;
+ for (;;++str) {
+ auto const chr = *str;
+ if (chr > 0xFFFFu) {
+ len += 0x2u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ zp_ulikly (chr == 0x0u) {break;}
+ ++len;
+ }
+ return len;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8dec.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8dec.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1d8c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8dec.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf8dec(::zp::c02 * dst,::zp::c8 const * src) noexcept -> void {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf8dec(dst,src);
+ }
+ for (;;++dst) {
+ auto const oct = *src++;
+ if (oct >= 0xF0u) { /* Four octets. */
+ ::zp::c02 chr = (static_cast<::zp::c02>(oct)^0xF0u)<<0x12u;
+ chr |= (static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b10000000u)<<0xCu;
+ chr |= (static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b10000000u)<<0x6u;
+ chr |= static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b10000000u;
+ *dst = chr;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (oct >= 0xE0u) { /* Three octets. */
+ ::zp::c02 chr = (static_cast<::zp::c02>(oct)^0b11100000u)<<0xCu;
+ chr |= (static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b10000000u)<<0x6u;
+ chr |= static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b10000000u;
+ *dst = chr;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (oct >= 0xC0u) { /* Two octets. */
+ ::zp::c02 chr = (static_cast<::zp::c02>(oct)^0b11000000u)<<0x6u;
+ chr |= static_cast<::zp::c02>(*src++)^0b10000000u;
+ *dst = chr;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* One octet. */
+ *dst = oct;
+ ++src;
+ zp_ulikly (oct == 0x0u) {break;}
+ }
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/utf8declen.c b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8declen.ii
index f8b7ae8..027fbad 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/str/utf8declen.c
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8declen.ii
@@ -4,26 +4,35 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf8declen(::zp::c8 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf8declen(str);
+ }
+ ::zp::sz len = 0x0u;
-zap_sz zap_utf8declen(zap_i8 const * buf) {
- zap_sz len = 0x0u;
for (;;++len) {
- zap_i8 const oct = *buf;
- if (oct == 0x0u) break;
+ auto const oct = *str;
+ zp_ulikly (oct == 0x0u) {break;}
if (oct >= 0xF0u) {
- buf += 0x4u;
+ str += 0x4u;
if (oct >= 0xE0u) {
- buf += 0x3u;
+ str += 0x3u;
if (oct >= 0xC0u) {
- buf += 0x2u;
+ str += 0x2u;
- ++buf;
+ ++str;
return len;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8enc.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8enc.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42daf23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8enc.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf8enc(::zp::c8 * dst,::zp::c02 const * src) noexcept -> void {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf8enc(dst,src);
+ }
+ for (;;++src) {
+ auto const chr = *src;
+ if (chr > 0xFFFFu) { /* Four octets. */
+ *dst++ = (chr>>0x12u) |0b11110000u;
+ *dst++ = (chr>>0xCu &0b00111111u)|0b10000000u;
+ *dst++ = (chr>>0x6u &0b00111111u)|0b10000000u;
+ *dst++ = (chr &0b00111111u)|0b10000000u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (chr >= 0x7FFu) { /* Three octets. */
+ *dst++ = (chr>>0xCu) |0b11100000u;
+ *dst++ = (chr>>0x6u&0b00111111u)|0b10000000u;
+ *dst++ = (chr &0b00111111u)|0b10000000u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (chr >= 0x7Fu) { /* Two octets. */
+ *dst++ = (chr>>0x6u) |0b11000000u;
+ *dst++ = (chr &0b00111111u)|0b10000000u;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* One octet. */
+ *dst++ = chr;
+ zp_ulikly (chr == 0x0u) {break;}
+ }
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/utf8enclen.c b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8enclen.ii
index f49031e..9f93912 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/str/utf8enclen.c
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/utf8enclen.ii
@@ -4,26 +4,35 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
+constexpr auto ::zp::utf8enclen(::zp::c02 const * str) noexcept -> ::zp::sz {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_utf8enclen(str);
+ }
+ ::zp::sz len = 0x0u;
+ for (;;++str) {
+ auto const chr = *str;
-zap_sz zap_utf8enclen(zap_i02 const * buf) {
- zap_sz len = 0x0u;
- for (;;++buf) {
- zap_i02 const chr = *buf;
- if (chr == 0x0u) break;
if (chr >= 0x10000u) {
len += 0x4u;
if (chr >= 0x800u) {
len += 0x3u;
if (chr >= 0x80u) {
len += 0x2u;
+ zp_ulikly (chr == 0x0u) {break;}
return len;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.d/win1252dec.ii b/zp/include/zp/str.d/win1252dec.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3914b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/win1252dec.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+constexpr auto ::zp::win1252dec(::zp::c02 * dst,::zp::c8 const * src) noexcept -> void {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_win1252dec(dst,src);
+ }
+ for (;;++src,++dst) {
+ ::zp::c8 const chr = *src;
+ switch (chr) {
+ default:
+ *dst = *src;
+ break;
+ case 0x00u:
+ return;
+ case 0x81u: /* Bad characters. */
+ case 0x8Du:
+ case 0x8Fu:
+ case 0x90u:
+ case 0x9Du:
+ break;
+ case 0x80u:
+ *dst = 0x20ACu;
+ break;
+ case 0x82u:
+ *dst = 0x201Au;
+ break;
+ case 0x83u:
+ *dst = 0x192u;
+ break;
+ case 0x84u:
+ *dst = 0x201Eu;
+ break;
+ case 0x85u:
+ *dst = 0x2026u;
+ break;
+ case 0x86u:
+ *dst = 0x2020u;
+ break;
+ case 0x87u:
+ *dst = 0x2021u;
+ break;
+ case 0x88u:
+ *dst = 0x2C6u;
+ break;
+ case 0x89u:
+ *dst = 0x2030u;
+ break;
+ case 0x8Au:
+ *dst = 0x160u;
+ break;
+ case 0x8Bu:
+ *dst = 0x2039u;
+ break;
+ case 0x8Cu:
+ *dst = 0x152u;
+ break;
+ case 0x8Eu:
+ *dst = 0x17Du;
+ break;
+ case 0x91u:
+ *dst = 0x2018u;
+ break;
+ case 0x92u:
+ *dst = 0x2019u;
+ break;
+ case 0x93u:
+ *dst = 0x201Cu;
+ break;
+ case 0x94u:
+ *dst = 0x201Du;
+ break;
+ case 0x95u:
+ *dst = 0x2022u;
+ break;
+ case 0x96u:
+ *dst = 0x2013u;
+ break;
+ case 0x97u:
+ *dst = 0x2014u;
+ break;
+ case 0x98u:
+ *dst = 0x2DCu;
+ break;
+ case 0x99u:
+ *dst = 0x2122u;
+ break;
+ case 0x9Au:
+ *dst = 0x161u;
+ break;
+ case 0x9Bu:
+ *dst = 0x203Au;
+ break;
+ case 0x9Cu:
+ *dst = 0x153u;
+ break;
+ case 0x9Eu:
+ *dst = 0x17Eu;
+ break;
+ case 0x9Fu:
+ *dst = 0x178u;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/win1252enc.c b/zp/include/zp/str.d/win1252enc.ii
index d7ae548..60556c7 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/str/win1252enc.c
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.d/win1252enc.ii
@@ -4,105 +4,110 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
+constexpr auto ::zp::win1252enc(::zp::c8 * dst,::zp::c02 const * src) noexcept -> void {
+ if (!::zp::isconsteval()) {
+ return ::zp_win1252enc(dst,src);
+ }
+ for (;;++src,++dst) {
+ ::zp::c02 const chr = *src;
+ constexpr ::zp::c8 bad = 0x3Fu;
-void zap_win1252enc(zap_i8 * dest,zap_i02 const * src) {
- for (;;++src,++dest) {
- zap_i02 const chr = *src;
- if (chr == 0x0u) break;
- zap_i8 const bad = 0x3Fu;
switch (chr) {
if (chr > 0xFFu) {
- *dest = bad;
+ *dst = bad;
if (chr >= 0x80u && chr <= 0x9Fu) {
- *dest = bad;
+ *dst = bad;
- *dest = *src;
+ *dst = *src;
+ case 0x0u:
+ return;
case 0x20ACu:
- *dest = 0x80u;
+ *dst = 0x80u;
case 0x201Au:
- *dest = 0x82u;
+ *dst = 0x82u;
case 0x192u:
- *dest = 0x83u;
+ *dst = 0x83u;
case 0x201Eu:
- *dest = 0x84u;
+ *dst = 0x84u;
case 0x2026u:
- *dest = 0x85u;
+ *dst = 0x85u;
case 0x2020u:
- *dest = 0x86u;
+ *dst = 0x86u;
case 0x2021u:
- *dest = 0x87u;
+ *dst = 0x87u;
case 0x2C6u:
- *dest = 0x88u;
+ *dst = 0x88u;
case 0x2030u:
- *dest = 0x89u;
+ *dst = 0x89u;
case 0x160u:
- *dest = 0x8Au;
+ *dst = 0x8Au;
case 0x2039u:
- *dest = 0x8Bu;
+ *dst = 0x8Bu;
case 0x152u:
- *dest = 0x8Cu;
+ *dst = 0x8Cu;
case 0x17Du:
- *dest = 0x8Eu;
+ *dst = 0x8Eu;
case 0x2018u:
- *dest = 0x91u;
+ *dst = 0x91u;
case 0x2019u:
- *dest = 0x92u;
+ *dst = 0x92u;
case 0x201Cu:
- *dest = 0x93u;
+ *dst = 0x93u;
case 0x201Du:
- *dest = 0x94u;
+ *dst = 0x94u;
case 0x2022u:
- *dest = 0x95u;
+ *dst = 0x95u;
case 0x2013u:
- *dest = 0x96u;
+ *dst = 0x96u;
case 0x2014u:
- *dest = 0x97u;
+ *dst = 0x97u;
case 0x2DCu:
- *dest = 0x98u;
+ *dst = 0x98u;
case 0x2122u:
- *dest = 0x99u;
+ *dst = 0x99u;
case 0x161u:
- *dest = 0x9Au;
+ *dst = 0x9Au;
case 0x203Au:
- *dest = 0x9Bu;
+ *dst = 0x9Bu;
case 0x153u:
- *dest = 0x9Cu;
+ *dst = 0x9Cu;
case 0x17Eu:
- *dest = 0x9Eu;
+ *dst = 0x9Eu;
case 0x178u:
- *dest = 0x9Fu;
+ *dst = 0x9Fu;
diff --git a/zp/include/zp/str.h b/zp/include/zp/str.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f080d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/include/zp/str.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#ifndef zp_priv_hdr_str
+#define zp_priv_hdr_str
+#include <zp/bs.h>
+zp_nthrw zp_sz zp_strcpy(char * dst, char const * src);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres bool zp_strequ(char const * lstr,char const * rstr);
+zp_nthrw zp_sz zp_strlen(char const * str);
+zp_nthrw char * zp_strsrh(char const * str, char chr);
+zp_nthrw zp_sz zp_wstrcpy(zp_wchr * dst, zp_wchr const * src);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres bool zp_wstrequ(zp_wchr const * lstr,zp_wchr const * rstr);
+zp_nthrw zp_sz zp_wstrlen(zp_wchr const * str);
+zp_nthrw zp_wchr * zp_wstrsrh(zp_wchr const * str, zp_wchr chr);
+zp_nthrw zp_sz zp_utf32cpy(zp_c02 * dst, zp_c02 const * src);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres bool zp_utf32equ(zp_c02 const * lstr,zp_c02 const * rstr);
+zp_nthrw zp_sz zp_utf32len(zp_c02 const * str);
+zp_nthrw zp_c02 * zp_utf32srh(zp_c02 const * str, zp_c02 chr);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_utf8enclen( zp_c02 const * str);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_utf8declen( zp_c8 const * str);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_utf16enclen(zp_c02 const * str);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_utf16declen(zp_c01 const * str);
+zp_nthrw void zp_utf8enc( zp_c8 * zp_restr dst,zp_c02 const * zp_restr src);
+zp_nthrw void zp_utf8dec( zp_c02 * zp_restr dst,zp_c8 const * zp_restr src);
+zp_nthrw void zp_utf16enc( zp_c01 * zp_restr dst,zp_c02 const * zp_restr src);
+zp_nthrw void zp_utf16dec( zp_c02 * zp_restr dst,zp_c01 const * zp_restr src);
+zp_nthrw void zp_win1252enc(zp_c8 * zp_restr dst,zp_c02 const * zp_restr src);
+zp_nthrw void zp_win1252dec(zp_c02 * zp_restr dst,zp_c8 const * zp_restr src);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtleni( int val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenl( long val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenll( long long val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlens( short val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlensc( char signed val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenuc( char unsigned val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenui( int unsigned val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenul( long unsigned val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenull(long long unsigned val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw zp_useres zp_sz zp_fmtlenus( short unsigned val,zp_i8m bs);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmti( zp_c02 * buf,int val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtl( zp_c02 * buf,long val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtll( zp_c02 * buf,long long val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmts( zp_c02 * buf,short val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtsc( zp_c02 * buf,char signed val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtuc( zp_c02 * buf,char unsigned val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtui( zp_c02 * buf,int unsigned val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtul( zp_c02 * buf,long unsigned val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtull(zp_c02 * buf,long long unsigned val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
+zp_nthrw void zp_fmtus( zp_c02 * buf,short unsigned val,zp_i8m bs,bool rtl);
diff --git a/zap/source/amd64/sys/syscall.s b/zp/source/amd64/bs/syscl.s
index f6a615a..1161625 100644
--- a/zap/source/amd64/sys/syscall.s
+++ b/zp/source/amd64/bs/syscl.s
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-.globl zap_syscall
+.globl zp_syscl
# System calls on AMD64 use the following registers:
# rax : System call identifier
# rdi : First parameter
diff --git a/zap/source/amd64/bs/trap.s b/zp/source/amd64/bs/trp.s
index 19c52a8..614aba0 100644
--- a/zap/source/amd64/bs/trap.s
+++ b/zp/source/amd64/bs/trp.s
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
.intel_syntax noprefix
-.globl zap_trap
+.globl zp_trp
diff --git a/zp/source/amd64/mem/memcpy.s b/zp/source/amd64/mem/memcpy.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc1c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/amd64/mem/memcpy.s
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+.intel_syntax noprefix
+.globl zp_memcpy
+ # zp_i8 val1;
+ # zp_i04 vali8;
+ # int unsigned128_t vali01;
+ # int unsigned256_t vali02;
+.big02cpy: # big02cpy:; // We assume AVX.
+ cmp rdx,0x20
+ jl short .big01cpy # if (rem < 0x20u) goto big01cpy;
+ vmovdqu ymm0,[rsi] # vali02 = *(int unsigned256_t *)src;
+ vmovdqu [rdi],ymm0 # *(int unsigned256_t *)dst = vali02;
+ add rdi,0x20 # dst += 0x20u;
+ add rsi,0x20 # src += 0x20u;
+ sub rdx,0x20 # rem -= 0x20u;
+ jmp short .big02cpy # goto big02cpy;
+.big01cpy: # big01cpy:;
+ cmp rdx,0x10
+ jl short .wrdcpy # if (rem < 0x10u) goto wrdcpy;
+ movdqu xmm0,[rsi] # vali01 = *(int unsigned128_t *)src;
+ movdqu [rdi],xmm0 # *(int unsigned128_t *)dst = vali01;
+ add rdi,0x10 # dst += 0x10u;
+ add rsi,0x10 # src += 0x10u;
+ sub rdx,0x10 # rem -= 0x10u;
+ jmp short .big01cpy # goto big01cpy;
+.wrdcpy: # wrdcpy:;
+ cmp rdx,0x8
+ jl short .bytcpy # if (rem < 0x8u) goto bytcpy;
+ mov rcx,[rsi] # vali8 = *(zp_i04 *)src;
+ mov [rdi],rcx # *(zp_i04 *)dst = vali8;
+ add rsi,0x8 # dst += 0x8u;
+ add rdi,0x8 # src += 0x8u;
+ sub rdx,0x8 # rem -= 0x8u;
+ jmp short .wrdcpy # goto wrdcpy
+.bytcpy: # bytcpy:;
+ test rdx,rdx # if (rem == 0x0)
+ jz short .done # goto done
+ mov cl,[rsi] # val1 = *(zp_i8 *)src;
+ mov [rdi],cl # *(zp_i8 *)dst = val1;
+ inc rdi # ++dst;
+ inc rsi # ++src;
+ dec rdx # --rem;
+ jmp short .bytcpy # goto bytcpy;
+ mov rax,rdi
+ mov rdx,rsi
+ ret # return (zp_cpyret) {.dst = dst,.src = src};
diff --git a/zp/source/amd64/mem/memfil.s b/zp/source/amd64/mem/memfil.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef09c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/amd64/mem/memfil.s
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+.intel_syntax noprefix
+.globl zp_memfil
+ movzx rsi,sil # zp_i04 extval = val;
+ mov rax,0x0101010101010101 # zp_i04 val = 0x0101010101010101u;
+ imul rax,rsi # val *= extval;
+.wrdfil: # wrdfil:;
+ cmp rdx,0x8
+ jl short .bytfil # if (num < 0x8u) goto bytfil;
+ mov [rdi],rax # *(zp_i04 *)dst = vali8;
+ add rdi,0x8 # dst += 0x8u;
+ sub rdx,0x8 # num -= 0x8u;
+ jmp short .wrdfil # goto wrdfil
+.bytfil: # bytfil:;
+ test rdx,rdx # if (rem == 0x0)
+ jz short .done # goto done
+ mov [rdi],al # *(zp_i8 *)dst = val1;
+ inc rdi # ++dst;
+ dec rdx # --rem;
+ jmp short .bytfil # goto bytfil;
+ ret # return
diff --git a/zap/source/any/str/strlen.c b/zp/source/any/bs/syscl.c
index e763701..e2b8081 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/str/strlen.c
+++ b/zp/source/any/bs/syscl.c
@@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/str.h>
+#include <zp/bs.h>
-zap_sz zap_strlen(char const * str) {
- char const * const start = str;
- while (*str++ != '\x0');
- return (zap_sz)(str - start) - 0x1u;
+zp_sysclret zp_syscl(zp_nuse zp_sysclid id,...) {
+ zp_urch(); // Unsupported.
diff --git a/zap/source/any/bs/trap.c b/zp/source/any/bs/trp.c
index 307a7f0..4082ffc 100644
--- a/zap/source/any/bs/trap.c
+++ b/zp/source/any/bs/trp.c
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-#include <zap/bs.h>
+#include <zp/bs.h>
-void zap_trap(void) {
-#if zap_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_trap)
+void zp_trp() {
+#if zp_priv_hasbuiltin(__builtin_trap)
for (;;) {}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mem/ b/zp/source/any/mem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb7161b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mem/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mem>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_memcpy(void * const zp_restr dst,void const * const zp_restr src,zp_sz const num) -> struct zp_cpyret {
+ auto const ret = ::zp::cpy(static_cast<char unsigned *>(dst),static_cast<char unsigned const *>(src),num);
+ return ::zp_cpyret {
+ ret.dst,
+ ret.src,
+ };
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mem/ b/zp/source/any/mem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d035510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mem/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mem>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_memequ(void const * const lbuf,void const * const rbuf,::zp::sz const num) -> bool {
+ return ::zp::equ(static_cast<char unsigned const *>(lbuf),static_cast<char unsigned const *>(rbuf),num);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mem/ b/zp/source/any/mem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93111cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mem/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mem>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_memfil(void * const dst,char unsigned const val,::zp::sz const num) -> void {
+ return ::zp::fil(static_cast<char unsigned *>(dst),val,num);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mem/ b/zp/source/any/mem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768ed92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mem/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mem>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_memsrh(void const * const buf,char unsigned const val,::zp::sz const num) -> void * {
+ return const_cast<char unsigned *>(::zp::srh(static_cast<char unsigned const *>(buf),val,num));
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mth/ b/zp/source/any/mth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aecae23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mth/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mth>
+extern "C" {
+ zp_nthrw float zp_absf( float const val) {return ::zp::abs(val);}
+ zp_nthrw double zp_absd( double const val) {return ::zp::abs(val);}
+ zp_nthrw long double zp_absld(long double const val) {return ::zp::abs(val);}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mth/ b/zp/source/any/mth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e158a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mth/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mth>
+extern "C" {
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_divmodsc(char signed const num,char signed const den) -> ::zp_pairsc {return ::zp::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_divmods( short const num,short const den) -> ::zp_pairs {return ::zp::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_divmodi( int const num,int const den) -> ::zp_pairi {return ::zp::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_divmodl( long const num,long const den) -> ::zp_pairl {return ::zp::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_divmodll(long long const num,long long const den) -> ::zp_pairll {return ::zp::divmod(num,den).cpair();}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mth/ b/zp/source/any/mth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc5bd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mth/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mth>
+extern "C" {
+ auto zp_dot2f( ::zp_vec2f const lvec,::zp_vec2f const rvec) -> float {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec2<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,});}
+ auto zp_dot2d( ::zp_vec2d const lvec,::zp_vec2d const rvec) -> double {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec2<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,});}
+ auto zp_dot2ld(::zp_vec2ld const lvec,::zp_vec2ld const rvec) -> long double {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec2<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,});}
+ auto zp_dot3f( ::zp_vec3f const lvec,::zp_vec3f const rvec) -> float {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec3<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,});}
+ auto zp_dot3d( ::zp_vec3d const lvec,::zp_vec3d const rvec) -> double {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec3<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,});}
+ auto zp_dot3ld(::zp_vec3ld const lvec,::zp_vec3ld const rvec) -> long double {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec3<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,});}
+ auto zp_dot4f( ::zp_vec4f const lvec,::zp_vec4f const rvec) -> float {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec4<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,});}
+ auto zp_dot4d( ::zp_vec4d const lvec,::zp_vec4d const rvec) -> double {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec4<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,});}
+ auto zp_dot4ld(::zp_vec4ld const lvec,::zp_vec4ld const rvec) -> long double {return ::zp::dot(::zp::vec4<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,});}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mth/ b/zp/source/any/mth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3513ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mth/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mth>
+extern "C" {
+ auto zp_v2addf( ::zp_vec2f const lvec,::zp_vec2f const rvec) -> ::zp_vec2f {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec2<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v2addd( ::zp_vec2d const lvec,::zp_vec2d const rvec) -> ::zp_vec2d {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec2<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v2addld(::zp_vec2ld const lvec,::zp_vec2ld const rvec) -> ::zp_vec2ld {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec2<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v3addf( ::zp_vec3f const lvec,::zp_vec3f const rvec) -> ::zp_vec3f {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec3<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v3addd( ::zp_vec3d const lvec,::zp_vec3d const rvec) -> ::zp_vec3d {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec3<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v3addld(::zp_vec3ld const lvec,::zp_vec3ld const rvec) -> ::zp_vec3ld {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec3<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v4addf( ::zp_vec4f const lvec,::zp_vec4f const rvec) -> ::zp_vec4f {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec4<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v4addd( ::zp_vec4d const lvec,::zp_vec4d const rvec) -> ::zp_vec4d {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec4<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v4addld(::zp_vec4ld const lvec,::zp_vec4ld const rvec) -> ::zp_vec4ld {return ::zp::vadd(::zp::vec4<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,}).cvec();}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/mth/ b/zp/source/any/mth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58977a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/mth/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mth>
+extern "C" {
+ auto zp_v2subf( ::zp_vec2f const lvec,::zp_vec2f const rvec) -> ::zp_vec2f {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec2<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v2subd( ::zp_vec2d const lvec,::zp_vec2d const rvec) -> ::zp_vec2d {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec2<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v2subld(::zp_vec2ld const lvec,::zp_vec2ld const rvec) -> ::zp_vec2ld {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec2<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,},::zp::vec2<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v3subf( ::zp_vec3f const lvec,::zp_vec3f const rvec) -> ::zp_vec3f {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec3<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v3subd( ::zp_vec3d const lvec,::zp_vec3d const rvec) -> ::zp_vec3d {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec3<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v3subld(::zp_vec3ld const lvec,::zp_vec3ld const rvec) -> ::zp_vec3ld {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec3<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,},::zp::vec3<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v4subf( ::zp_vec4f const lvec,::zp_vec4f const rvec) -> ::zp_vec4f {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec4<float> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<float> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v4subd( ::zp_vec4d const lvec,::zp_vec4d const rvec) -> ::zp_vec4d {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec4<double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,}).cvec();}
+ auto zp_v4subld(::zp_vec4ld const lvec,::zp_vec4ld const rvec) -> ::zp_vec4ld {return ::zp::vsub(::zp::vec4<long double> {lvec.x,lvec.y,lvec.z,lvec.w,},::zp::vec4<long double> {rvec.x,rvec.y,rvec.z,rvec.w,}).cvec();}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a57e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" {
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmti( char32_t * const buf,int const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtl( char32_t * const buf,long const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtll( char32_t * const buf,long long const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmts( char32_t * const buf,short const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtsc( char32_t * const buf,char signed const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtuc( char32_t * const buf,char unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtui( char32_t * const buf,int unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtul( char32_t * const buf,long unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtull(char32_t * const buf,long long unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtus( char32_t * const buf,short unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs,bool const rtl) -> void {return ::zp::fmt(buf,val,bs,rtl);}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c19a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/mth>
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" {
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtleni( int const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenl( long const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenll( long long const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlens( short const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlensc( char signed const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenuc( char unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenui( int unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenul( long unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenull(long long unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
+ zp_nthrw auto zp_fmtlenus( short unsigned const val,::zp::i8m const bs) -> ::zp::sz {return ::zp::fmtlen(val,bs);}
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b411c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_strcpy(char * const dst,char const * const src) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::strcpy(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac15b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_strequ(char const * const lstr,char const * const rstr) -> bool {
+ return ::zp::strequ(lstr,rstr);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a730541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_strlen(char const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::strlen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08cd8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_strsrh(char const * const str,char const chr) -> char * {
+ return const_cast<char *>(::zp::strsrh(str,chr));
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d996b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf16dec(::zp::c02 * const dst,::zp::c01 const * const src) -> void {
+ return ::zp::utf16dec(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f5260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf16declen(::zp::c01 const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::utf16declen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fabbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf16enc(::zp::c01 * const dst,::zp::c02 const * const src) -> void {
+ return ::zp::utf16enc(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf42074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf16enclen(::zp::c02 const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::utf16enclen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa219b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf32cpy(::zp::c02 * const dst,::zp::c02 const * const src) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::strcpy(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3789217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf32equ(::zp::c02 const * const lstr,::zp::c02 const * const rstr) -> bool {
+ return ::zp::strequ(lstr,rstr);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96f9d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf32len(::zp::c02 const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::strlen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78d52c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf32srh(::zp::c02 const * const str,::zp::c02 const chr) -> ::zp::c02 * {
+ return const_cast<::zp::c02 *>(::zp::strsrh(str,chr));
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1d5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf8dec(::zp::c02 * const dst,::zp::c8 const * const src) -> void {
+ return ::zp::utf8dec(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de9fa51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf8declen(::zp::c8 const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::utf8declen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b5ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf8enc(::zp::c8 * const dst,::zp::c02 const * const src) -> void {
+ return ::zp::utf8enc(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6c4543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_utf8enclen(::zp::c02 const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::utf8enclen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3ed028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_win1252dec(::zp::c02 * const dst,::zp::c8 const * const src) -> void {
+ return ::zp::win1252dec(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89733ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_win1252enc(::zp::c8 * const dst,::zp::c02 const * const src) -> void {
+ return ::zp::win1252enc(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb4618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_wstrcpy(::zp::wchr * const dst,::zp::wchr const * const src) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::strcpy(dst,src);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56f565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_wstrequ(::zp::wchr const * const lstr,::zp::wchr const * const rstr) -> bool {
+ return ::zp::strequ(lstr,rstr);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f84246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_wstrlen(::zp::wchr const * const str) -> ::zp::sz {
+ return ::zp::strlen(str);
diff --git a/zp/source/any/str/ b/zp/source/any/str/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..068b27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zp/source/any/str/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen.
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
+#include <zp/str>
+extern "C" zp_nthrw auto zp_wstrsrh(::zp::wchr const * const str,::zp::wchr const chr) -> ::zp::wchr * {
+ return const_cast<::zp::wchr *>(::zp::strsrh(str,chr));
diff --git a/zap/source/arm/sys/syscall.s b/zp/source/arm/bs/syscl.s
index c4f8d40..c7cca36 100644
--- a/zap/source/arm/sys/syscall.s
+++ b/zp/source/arm/bs/syscl.s
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
-.globl zap_syscall
+.globl zp_syscl
@ System calls on ARM EABI use the following registers:
@ r0 : System call identifier
@ r1 : First parameter
diff --git a/zap/source/arm64/sys/syscall.s b/zp/source/arm64/bs/syscl.s
index df4817d..7009fd7 100644
--- a/zap/source/arm64/sys/syscall.s
+++ b/zp/source/arm64/bs/syscl.s
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-.globl zap_syscall
+.globl zp_syscl
// System calls on ARM64 use the following registers:
// x0 : System call identifier
// x1 : First parameter
diff --git a/zap/source/ia32/sys/syscall.s b/zp/source/ia32/bs/syscl.s
index c99cd2b..9dd3195 100644
--- a/zap/source/ia32/sys/syscall.s
+++ b/zp/source/ia32/bs/syscl.s
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at <>.
-.globl zap_syscall
+.globl zp_syscl
# System calls on IA-32 use the following registers:
# eax : System call identifier
# ebx : First parameter