path: root/bzipper/src/fixed_string/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzipper/src/fixed_string/')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzipper/src/fixed_string/ b/bzipper/src/fixed_string/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b40a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzipper/src/fixed_string/
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// Copyright 2024 Gabriel Bjørnager Jensen.
+// This file is part of bzipper.
+// bzipper is free software: you can redistribute
+// it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+// Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later
+// version.
+// bzipper is distributed in the hope that it will
+// be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+// even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Less-
+// er General Public License along with bzipper. If
+// not, see <>.
+mod test;
+use crate::{Deserialise, Error, FixedIter, Serialise};
+use core::cmp::Ordering;
+use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
+use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
+use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Index, IndexMut};
+use core::slice::SliceIndex;
+use core::str::FromStr;
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
+/// Owned string with maximum size.
+/// This is in contrast to [String] -- which has no size limit in practice -- and [str], which is unsized.
+/// # Examples
+/// All instances of this type have the same size if the value of `N` is also the same.
+/// This size can be found through
+/// `size_of::<char>() * N + size_of::<usize>()`.
+/// Therefore, the following four strings have -- despite their different contents -- the same total size.
+/// ```
+/// use bzipper::FixedString;
+/// use std::str::FromStr;
+/// let str0 = FixedString::<0xF>::new(); // Empty string.
+/// let str1 = FixedString::<0xF>::from_str("Hello there!");
+/// let str2 = FixedString::<0xF>::from_str("أنا من أوروپا");
+/// let str3 = FixedString::<0xF>::from_str("COGITO ERGO SUM");
+/// assert_eq!(size_of_val(&str0), size_of_val(&str1));
+/// assert_eq!(size_of_val(&str0), size_of_val(&str2));
+/// assert_eq!(size_of_val(&str0), size_of_val(&str3));
+/// assert_eq!(size_of_val(&str1), size_of_val(&str2));
+/// assert_eq!(size_of_val(&str1), size_of_val(&str3));
+/// assert_eq!(size_of_val(&str2), size_of_val(&str3));
+/// ```
+/// These three strings can---by extend in theory---also interchange their contents between each other.
+#[derive(Clone, Deserialise, Serialise)]
+pub struct FixedString<const N: usize> {
+ buf: [char; N],
+ len: usize,
+impl<const N: usize> FixedString<N> {
+ /// Constructs a new, fixed-size string.
+ ///
+ /// Note that it is only the internal buffer that is size-constrained.
+ /// The string internally keeps track of the amount of used characters and acts accordingly.
+ /// One must therefore only see the value of `N` as a size *limit*.
+ ///
+ /// The constructed string will have a null length.
+ /// All characters inside the internal buffer are instanced as `U+0000 NULL`.
+ ///
+ /// For constructing a string with an already defined buffer, see [`from_chars`](Self::from_chars) and [`from_raw_parts`](Self::from_raw_parts).
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { buf: ['\0'; N], len: 0x0 } }
+ /// Consumes the buffer into a fixed string.
+ ///
+ /// The internal length is to `N`.
+ /// For a similar function but with an explicit size, see [`from_raw_parts`](Self::from_raw_parts).
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn from_chars(buf: [char; N]) -> Self { Self { buf, len: N } }
+ /// Constructs a fixed string from raw parts.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn from_raw_parts(buf: [char; N], len: usize) -> Self { Self { buf, len } }
+ /// Deconstructs a fixed string into its raw parts.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn into_raw_parts(self) -> ([char; N], usize) { (self.buf, self.len) }
+ /// Gets a pointer to the first character.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const char { self.buf.as_ptr() }
+ /// Gets a mutable pointer to the first character.
+ ///
+ /// This function can only be marked as `const` when `const_mut_refs` is implemented.
+ /// See tracking issue [`#57349`]( for more information.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut char { self.buf.as_mut_ptr() }
+ /// Borrows the string as a character slice.
+ ///
+ /// The range of the returned slice only includes characters that are "used."
+ /// For borrowing the entire internal buffer, see [`as_mut_slice`](Self::as_mut_slice).
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn as_slice(&self) -> &[char] {
+ // We need to use `from_raw_parts` to mark this
+ // function `const`.
+ unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr(), self.len()) }
+ }
+ /// Mutably borrows the string as a character slice.
+ ///
+ /// The range of the returned slice includes the entire internal buffer.
+ /// For borrowing only the "used" characters, see [`as_slice`](Self::as_slice).
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [char] { &mut self.buf[0x0..self.len] }
+ /// Returns the length of the string.
+ ///
+ /// This does not necessarily equate to the value of `N`, as the internal buffer may be used but partially.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len }
+ /// Checks if the string is empty, i.e. `self.len() == 0x0`.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0x0 }
+ /// Checks if the string is full, i.e. `self.len() == N`.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub const fn is_full(&self) -> bool { self.len() == N }
+ /// Sets the internal length.
+ ///
+ /// The length is compared with `N` to guarantee that bounds are honoured.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This method panics if the value of `len` is greater than that of `N`.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn set_len(&mut self, len: usize) {
+ assert!(self.len <= N, "cannot set length longer than the fixed size");
+ self.len = len;
+ }
+ /// Borrows characters at the specified index.
+ ///
+ /// If no element can be retrieved using the given index, [`None`] is returned instead.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn get<I: SliceIndex<[char]>>(&self, index: I) -> Option<&I::Output> { self.buf.get(index) }
+ /// Borrows characters at the specified index *without* checking bounds.
+ ///
+ /// For performing a similar operation *with* bounds checks, see [`get`](Self::get).
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// If the given index points out of the bounds of the string, behaviour is undefined.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub unsafe fn get_unchecked<I: SliceIndex<[char]>>(&self, index: I) -> &I::Output { self.buf.get_unchecked(index) }
+ /// Mutably borrows characters at the specified index.
+ ///
+ /// If no element can be retrieved using the given index, [`None`] is returned instead.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn get_mut<I: SliceIndex<[char]>>(&mut self, index: I) -> Option<&mut I::Output> { self.buf.get_mut(index) }
+ /// Mutably borrows characters at the specified index *without* checking bounds.
+ ///
+ /// For performing a similar operation *with* bounds checks, see [`get_mut`](Self::get_mut)
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// If the given index points out of the bounds of the string, behaviour is undefined.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut<I: SliceIndex<[char]>>(&mut self, index: I) -> &I::Output { self.buf.get_unchecked_mut(index) }
+ /// Pushes a character into the string.
+ ///
+ /// The internal length is updated accordingly.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the string cannot hold any more character (i.e. it is full), this method will panic.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn push(&mut self, c: char) {
+ assert!(!self.is_full(), "cannot push character to full string");
+ self.buf[self.len] = c;
+ self.len += 0x1;
+ }
+ /// Pops a character from the string.
+ ///
+ /// The internal length is updated accordingly.
+ ///
+ /// If no characters are left (i.e. the string is empty), an instance of [`None`] is returned.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
+ self.len
+ .checked_sub(0x1)
+ .map(|len| {
+ let c = self.buf[self.len];
+ self.len = len;
+ c
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator to the contained characters.
+ ///
+ /// This iterator only covers "used" character.
+ /// See [`iter_mut`](Self::iter_mut) for borrowing the entire buffer.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> core::slice::Iter<'_, char> { self.as_slice().iter() }
+ /// Returns a mutable iterator to the contained characters.
+ ///
+ /// This iterator covers the entire internal buffer.
+ /// See [`iter`](Self::iter) for borrowing only "used" characters.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> core::slice::IterMut<'_, char> { self.as_mut_slice().iter_mut() }
+impl<const N: usize> AsMut<[char]> for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [char] { self.as_mut_slice() }
+impl<const N: usize> AsRef<[char]> for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &[char] { self.as_slice() }
+impl<const N: usize> Debug for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "\"")?;
+ for c in self { write!(f, "{}", c.escape_debug())? }
+ write!(f, "\"")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<const N: usize> Default for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn default() -> Self { Self { buf: [Default::default(); N], len: 0x0 } }
+/// See [`as_slice`](Self::as_slice).
+impl<const N: usize> Deref for FixedString<N> {
+ type Target = [char];
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { self.as_slice() }
+/// See [`as_mut_slice`](Self::as_mut_slice).
+impl<const N: usize> DerefMut for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { self.as_mut_slice() }
+impl<const N: usize> Display for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ for c in self { write!(f, "{c}")? }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<const N: usize> Eq for FixedString<N> { }
+impl<const N: usize> From<[char; N]> for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn from(value: [char; N]) -> Self { Self::from_chars(value) }
+impl<const N: usize> FromStr for FixedString<N> {
+ type Err = Error;
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ let mut buf = [Default::default(); N];
+ let len = s.chars().count();
+ for (i, c) in s.chars().enumerate() {
+ if i >= N { return Err(Error::ArrayTooShort { req: len, len: N }) }
+ buf[i] = c;
+ }
+ Ok(Self { buf, len })
+ }
+impl<I: SliceIndex<[char]>, const N: usize> Index<I> for FixedString<N> {
+ type Output = I::Output;
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn index(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output { self.get(index).unwrap() }
+impl<I: SliceIndex<[char]>, const N: usize> IndexMut<I> for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn index_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut Self::Output { self.get_mut(index).unwrap() }
+impl<const N: usize> IntoIterator for FixedString<N> {
+ type Item = char;
+ type IntoIter = FixedIter<char, N>;
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ FixedIter {
+ buf: unsafe { self.buf.as_ptr().cast::<[MaybeUninit<char>; N]>().read() },
+ pos: 0x0,
+ len: self.len,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, const N: usize> IntoIterator for &'a FixedString<N> {
+ type Item = &'a char;
+ type IntoIter = core::slice::Iter<'a, char>;
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.iter() }
+impl<'a, const N: usize> IntoIterator for &'a mut FixedString<N> {
+ type Item = &'a mut char;
+ type IntoIter = core::slice::IterMut<'a, char>;
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.iter_mut() }
+impl<const N: usize> Ord for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.partial_cmp(other).unwrap() }
+impl<const N: usize, const M: usize> PartialEq<FixedString<M>> for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn eq(&self, other: &FixedString<M>) -> bool {
+ if self.len() != other.len() { return false };
+ for i in 0x0..self.len() {
+ if self.buf[i] != other.buf[i] { return false };
+ }
+ true
+ }
+impl<const N: usize> PartialEq<&str> for FixedString<N> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
+ for (i, c) in other.chars().enumerate() {
+ if self.get(i) != Some(&c) { return false };
+ }
+ true
+ }
+impl<const N: usize, const M: usize> PartialOrd<FixedString<M>> for FixedString<N> {
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &FixedString<M>) -> Option<Ordering> {
+ let len = self.len().max(other.len());
+ for i in 0x0..len {
+ let lc = self.get(i);
+ let rc = other.get(i);
+ match (lc, rc) {
+ (None, None) => return Some(Ordering::Equal),
+ (Some(_), None) => return Some(Ordering::Greater),
+ (None, Some(_)) => return Some(Ordering::Less),
+ (Some(lc), Some(rc)) => {
+ match lc.partial_cmp(rc) {
+ Some(Ordering::Equal) => {},
+ ordering => return ordering
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Some(Ordering::Equal)
+ }
+impl<const N: usize> TryFrom<&str> for FixedString<N> {
+ type Error = <Self as FromStr>::Err;
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { Self::from_str(value) }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<const N: usize> TryFrom<String> for FixedString<N> {
+ type Error = <Self as FromStr>::Err;
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn try_from(value: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { Self::from_str(&value) }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<const N: usize> From<FixedString<N>> for String {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn from(value: FixedString<N>) -> Self { value.to_string() }