/* Copyright 2022 Gabriel Jensen. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #if zap_priv_fastimpl __asm__ ( ".globl zap_fndbyte\n" "zap_fndbyte:\n" /* void const * pos size_t num unsigned char byte */ #if defined(sus_arch_amd64) /* rax: Address of the current element. */ "movq %rdi,%rax\n" /* rsi: Address of the element after the last element. */ "addq %rdi,%rsi\n" /* rcx: Current element. */ ".loop:\n" "cmpq %rax,%rsi\n" "je .nfnd\n" /* We have went through the entire array without finding the byte. */ "movb (%rax),%cl\n" "cmpb %cl,%dl\n" "je .fnd\n" /* We have found the byte. */ "incq %rax\n" "jmp .loop\n" ".fnd:\n" "subq %rdi,%rax\n" "ret\n" ".nfnd:\n" "movq $0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,%rax\n" "ret\n" #elif defined(sus_arch_ia32) /* eax: Address of the current element. */ "movl 0x4(%esp),%eax\n" /* ecx: Address of the element after the last element. */ "movl 0x8(%esp),%ecx\n" "addl %eax,%ecx\n" /* edx: Byte value. */ "movb 0xC(%esp),%dl\n" /* ebx: Current element. */ "pushl %ebx\n" ".loop:\n" "cmpl %eax,%ecx\n" "je .nfnd\n" /* We have went through the entire array without finding the byte. */ "movb (%eax),%bl\n" "cmpb %bl,%dl\n" "je .fnd\n" /* We have found the byte. */ "incl %eax\n" "jmp .loop\n" ".fnd:\n" "popl %ebx\n" "subl 0x4(%esp),%eax\n" "ret\n" ".nfnd:\n" "popl %ebx\n" "movl $0xFFFFFFFF,%eax\n" "ret\n" #endif ); #else size_t zap_fndbyte(void const * const _ptr,size_t const _num,unsigned char const _byte) { unsigned char const * startpos = _ptr; unsigned char const * pos = startpos; unsigned char const * const afterbuf = pos + _num; for (;pos != afterbuf;++pos) {sus_unlikely (*pos == _byte) {return pos - startpos;}} return SIZE_MAX; } #endif