cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17) set(ZP_ENABLE_SYSTEM_CALLS False CACHE BOOL "Disable the syscl function (False|True).") set(ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE "Static" CACHE STRING "Type of library file (Static|Shared).") set(ZP_TARGET "Any" CACHE STRING "Target of the library (Any or Amd64|Arm|Arm64|Ia32).") if("${ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE}" STREQUAL "Static") set(ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE_VALUE STATIC) elseif("${ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE}" STREQUAL "Shared") set(ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE_VALUE SHARED) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Library type \"${ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE}\" is invalid") endif() message(STATUS "Building ${ZP_LIBRARY_TYPE} library") message(STATUS "Targeting ${ZP_TARGET}") project( zp VERSION 0.0.2 HOMEPAGE_URL "" LANGUAGES C CXX ASM ) add_subdirectory(zp)