path: root/zap/src/mem/utf8enc.S
blob: 24e09d856b4eafd60130466e462ad54ed33e23d1 (plain) (tree)

	Copyright 2022 Gabriel Jensen.
	This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
	If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

#include <zap/priv.h>

.globl zap_utf8enc


		zap_chr20 const * in
		zap_chr8 *        out

#if defined(__amd64__)

	# rdi: Current input codepoint.
	# rsi: Current output octet.
	# rax: Current codepoint.
	# rdx: Temporary.

	# Iterate over the input:

	movl (%rdi),%eax

	cmpl $0xFFFF,%eax
	jg .oct4

	cmpl $0x7FF,%eax
	jg .oct3

	cmpl $0x7F,%eax
	jg .oct2 # Otherwise, only one octet is needed.

	# One octet:

	# Octet #0:
	movb %al,(%rsi) # No conversion needed:

	incq %rsi

	# Test if we have reached the null-terminator:
	testb %al,%al
	jz .done

	jmp .cnt

	# Two octets:

	/* Octet #0: */
	movl %eax,%edx
	shrl $0x6,%edx
	orb $0xC0,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Octet #1:
	movl %eax,%edx
	andb $0x3F,%dl
	orb $0x80,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	jmp .cnt

	# Three octets:

	# Octet #0:
	movl %eax,%edx
	shrl $0xC,%edx
	orb $0xE0,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Octet #1:
	movl %eax,%edx
	shrl $0x6,%edx
	andb $0x3F,%dl
	orb $0x80,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Octet #2:
	movl %eax,%edx
	andb $0x3F,%dl
	orb $0x80,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	jmp .cnt

	# Four octets:/

	# Octet #0:
	movl %eax,%edx
	shrl $0x12,%edx
	orb $0xF0,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Octet #1:
	movl %eax,%edx
	shrl $0xC,%edx
	andb $0x3F,%dl
	orb $0x80,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Octet #2:
	movl %eax,%edx
	shrl $0x6,%edx
	andb $0x3F,%dl
	orb $0x80,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Octet #3:
	movl %eax,%edx
	andb $0x3F,%dl
	orb $0x80,%dl
	movb %dl,(%rsi)

	incq %rsi

	# Continue to the next codepoint:

	addq $0x4,%rdi
	jmp .loop

	# Done:
