.TH "u8c_abrt" "3" "" "u8c" "u8c API Manual" .SH NAME .PP u8c_abrt - Abort - Abort program with diagnostic information. .SH DECLARATION .PP .nf \f[C] # include # include extern noreturn bool u8c_abrt(char const * const fl,long long const ln,char const * const fn,char const * const why); \f[R] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The function \f[B]u8c_abrt\f[R] aborts the program and prints diagnostic infiormation to \f[B]stderr\f[R]. .PP \f[B]__FILE__\f[R] is to be passed at \f[B]fl\f[R], \f[B](long long)__LINE__\f[R] at \f[B]ln\f[B], and \f[B]__func__\f[R] at \f[B]fn\f[R]. A standard string (\f[B]char const *\f[R]) must be passed at \f[B]why\f[R], which explains the reason for aborting. .PP All arguments are printed, in the end followed by a timestamp representing the number of seconds passed since the current epoch (as returned by \f[B]time(NULL)\f[R]). .SH VERSION .PP u8c 16