/* Copyright 2021-2023 Gabriel Jensen. This file is part of Luma. Luma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Luma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Luma. If not, see . */ use crate::{Error, log_assignment, MEMORY_LENGTH}; use crate::cpu_mode::CpuMode; use crate::state::{address_unused, State}; macro_rules! read_only { ($address: expr) => {{ match $address { 0x00000000..=0x00003FFF => true, 0x04000130..=0x04000131 => true, // KEYINPUT 0x08000000..=0x0DFFFFFF => true, _ => false, } }}; } impl State { #[inline(always)] pub fn write_register(&mut self, register: u8, value: u32) { log_assignment!(format!("r{register}"), format!("{value:#010X}")); let index = (register & 0b00001111) as usize; unsafe { **self.registers.get_unchecked_mut(index) = value }; } pub fn write_word(&mut self, address: u32, value: u32) { log_assignment!(format!("{address:#010X}"), format!("{value:#010X}")); if address > MEMORY_LENGTH - 0x4 { Error::OutOfBounds( address).trap(); return; } if address % 0x4 != 0x0 { Error::BadAlignment(address, 0x4).trap(); return; } if read_only!(address) || address_unused!(address) { return }; unsafe { let pointer = (self.memory.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8).add(address as usize) as *mut u32; *pointer = value; } } pub fn write_halfword(&mut self, address: u32, value: u16) { log_assignment!(format!("{address:#010X}"), format!("{value:#06X}")); if address > MEMORY_LENGTH - 0x2 { Error::OutOfBounds( address).trap(); return; } if address % 0x2 != 0x0 { Error::BadAlignment(address, 0x2).trap(); return; } if read_only!(address) || address_unused!(address) { return }; unsafe { let pointer = (self.memory.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8).add(address as usize) as *mut u16; *pointer = value; } } pub fn write_byte(&mut self, address: u32, value: u8) { log_assignment!(format!("{address:#010X}"), format!("{value:#04X}")); if address > MEMORY_LENGTH - 0x1 { Error::OutOfBounds(address).trap(); return; } if read_only!(address) || address_unused!(address) { return }; let memory = self.memory.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8; match address { // Extend to halfwords: | 0x05000000..=0x050003FF | 0x06000000..=0x06017FFF | 0x07000000..=0x070003FF => { // Align to halfwords. let address = address & 0b11111111111111111111111111111110; // Repeat value. let value = value as u16 | (value as u16) << 0x8; unsafe { let pointer = memory.add(address as usize) as *mut u16; *pointer = value; } }, // Bytes are allowed: _ => unsafe { let pointer = memory.add(address as usize); *pointer = value; }, }; } #[inline(always)] pub fn write_cpsr(&mut self, value: u32) { log_assignment!("cpsr", format!("{value:#034b}")); self.cpsr = value; } #[inline(always)] pub fn write_spsr(&mut self, mode: CpuMode, value: u32) { log_assignment!("spsr", format!("{value:#034b}")); unsafe { *self.spsr.get_unchecked_mut(Self::spsr_index(mode)) = value }; } }