cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.20 ) project( dux VERSION 29 DESCRIPTION "General purpose library." HOMEPAGE_URL "" LANGUAGES CXX ) set( CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 23 ) # Options: option( DUX_ENABLE_DEMO "Build the demo program." ) option( DUX_ENABLE_SYS "Enable the system extensions." ) option( DUX_GFXPROTO "Set the graphics protocol: \"windx\" (WinAPI/DirectX), \"wlgl\" (Wayland/OpenGL), \"wlvk\" (Wayland/Vulkan), \"xgl\" (X/OpenGL), \"xvk\" (X/Vulkan)" ) option( DUX_SFXPROTO "Set the sound protocol: \"dx\" (DirectX), \"pa\" (PulseAudio), \"pw\" (PipeWire)" ) # Disable in-souce builds: if( "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" STREQUAL "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "In-source building is not allowed." ) endif() # Compiler Settings: message( STATUS "Enabling colour output for Clang or GCC..." ) if( "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang" ) add_compile_options( "-fcolor-diagnostics" ) elseif( "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU" ) add_compile_options ( "-fdiagnostics-color=always" ) endif() message( STATUS "Enabling compile warnings..." ) if( MSVC ) add_compile_options( "/W4" "/WX" ) else() add_compile_options( "-pedantic-errors" "-Wfatal-errors" "-Wall" "-Wconversion" "-Werror" "-Wextra" "-Wunreachable-code" "-Wunused" ) if( "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang" ) add_compile_options( "-Wnewline-eof" ) endif() endif() if( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Release ) message( STATUS "Setting optimisation level..." ) if( MSVC ) add_compile_options( "/Os" ) else() add_compile_options( "-Os" ) endif() endif() # Include directories: include_directories( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include" ) # dux settings: add_library( dux SHARED "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" ) if( UNIX ) set_property( TARGET dux APPEND PROPERTY SOURCES "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" "src/dux/" ) endif() target_compile_definitions( dux PRIVATE _XOPEN_SOURCE=700 ) if( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "wlgl" ) message( STATUS "Using Wayland/OpenGL for graphics." ) target_compile_definitions( dux PRIVATE dux_gfxproto_wlgl ) elseif( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "wlvk" ) message( STATUS "Using Wayland/Vulkan for graphics." ) target_compile_definitions( dux PRIVATE dux_gfxproto_wlvk ) elseif( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "xgl" ) message( STATUS "Using X/OpenGL for graphics." ) target_compile_definitions( dux PRIVATE dux_gfxproto_xgl ) elseif( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "xvk" ) message( STATUS "Using X/Vulkan for graphics." ) target_compile_definitions( dux PRIVATE dux_gfxproto_xvk ) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "Graphics system undefined (or invalid)! Set option \"DUX_GFXPROTO\" to: \"wlgl\" (Wayland/OpenGL), \"wlvk\" (Wayland/Vulkan), \"xgl\" (X/OpenGL), or \"xvk\" (X/Vulkan)!" ) endif() if( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "wlgl" OR DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "wlvk" ) target_link_libraries( dux wayland-client ) elseif( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "xgl" OR DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "xvk" ) target_link_libraries( dux xcb ) if( DUX_GFXPROTO STREQUAL "xgl" ) target_link_libraries( dux X11-xcb ) endif() endif() if( NOT WIN32 ) target_link_libraries( dux dl pthread ) endif() # Demo settings: if( DUX_ENABLE_DEMO ) add_executable( demo "dux-demo/" ) add_dependencies( demo dux ) target_link_libraries( demo dux ) endif()