# 0.2.0 * Clean up code * Implement `Ord` and `PartialOrd` for `FixedString` * Implement `Index` and `IndexMut` for `FixedString` * Add `get` and `get_mut` methods to `FixedString` * Implement `From<[char; N]>` for `FixedString` * Bump minor * Implement `Serialise` and `Deserialise` for tuples # 0.1.0 * Bump minor * Export all in crate root * Add fixed string type * Add new errors * Update documentation * Add `as_d_stream` method to `SStream` * Add `to_s_stream` and `as_slice` methods to `DStream` # 0.0.2 * Add license files # 0.0.1 * Fix copyright notices * Add license notices * Update readme # 0.0.0 * Add changelog * Fork from `backspace` * Add gitignore * Add documentation * Add tests * License under LGPL-3 * Configure lints * Add readme