/* Copyright 2022-2023 Gabriel Jensen. This file is part of agbsum. agbsum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. agbsum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with agbsum. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include noreturn static void agb_expparval (char const chrpar) { fprintf (stderr,"Expected value for character parameter '%c'\n", chrpar); agb_exi (agb_cnd_err, NULL); } static bool agb_chkchrpar (struct agb_dat* const restrict dat, char const* const restrict par) { char const chrpar = par[0x0]; if (chrpar == '\x0') {return true;} char const* const restrict paramval = &par[0x1]; switch (chrpar) { default: fprintf (stderr,"Invalid character parameter '%c'\n", chrpar); agb_exi (agb_cnd_err, NULL); case 'h': agb_hlp (); agb_exi (agb_cnd_oky, NULL); case 'i': { if (paramval[0x0] == '\x0') {agb_expparval (chrpar);} dat->pth = paramval; } return true; case 'p': dat->dopat = true; return false; case 's': dat->sil = true; return false; } } void agb_chkpar (struct agb_dat* const restrict dat, int const argc, char const* const* const argv) { if (argc < 0x2) { agb_hlp (); agb_exi (agb_cnd_oky, NULL); } else { size_t const numpar = argc; // Prettier. for (ptrdiff_t pos = 0x1u; pos < (ptrdiff_t)numpar; ++pos) { // Iterate over the parameters. One hyphen denotes character parameters (-h) whilst two denote long paramters (--help). char const* const par = argv[pos]; if (par[0x0] == '-') { if (par[0x1] == '-') { char const* const lngparam = &par[0x2]; // Check long parameters. if (lngparam[0x0] == '\x0') { fputs ("Missing long parameter after '--' sequence\n", stderr); agb_exi (agb_cnd_err, NULL); } if (!strcmp (lngparam,"help")) { agb_hlp (); agb_exi (agb_cnd_oky, NULL); } if (!strcmp (lngparam,"version")) { agb_cpy(); agb_exi (agb_cnd_oky, NULL); } fprintf (stderr,"Invalid long parameter \"%s\"\n", lngparam); agb_exi (agb_cnd_err, NULL); } if (par[0x1] == '\x0') { fputs ("Missing character parameter after '-'\n", stderr); agb_exi (agb_cnd_err, NULL); } // Check character parameters. for (char const* chrpos = &par[0x1];; ++chrpos) {if (agb_chkchrpar (dat, chrpos)) {break;}} continue; } } // We did not find the 'i' parameter, so we don't know where the ROM is. if (dat->pth == NULL) { fputs ("ROM not set (missing character parameter 'i')\n", stderr); agb_exi (agb_cnd_err, NULL); } } }