time() - $lifetime) { echo file_get_contents($addr); exit; } } function dump_cache($addr, $buffer) { file_put_contents($addr, $buffer); } function read_config($key) { if (isset($_GET[$key])) { return htmlspecialchars($_GET[$key], ENT_SUBSTITUTE, "UTF-8"); } else { return null; } } function page_colours($page) { return match ($page) { "achernar" => ["#007B34", "#FFFFFF"], "agbsum" => ["#4D4084", "#FFFFFF"], "ax" => ["#4D4084", "#FFFFFF"], "backspace" => ["#000000", "#FFFFFF"], "benoit" => ["#BA0035", "#FFFFFF"], "bowshock" => ["#B61833", "#FFEEE0"], "bzipper" => ["#FFFFFF", "#B4202D"], "deltaWorld" => ["#000000", "#FFFFFF"], "dux" => ["#131313", "#06FBB2"], "eas" => ["#01CD93", "#00291B"], "luma" => ["#4D4084", "#FFFFFF"], "pollex" => ["#4D4084", "#FFFFFF"], "u8c" => ["#444747", "#A9E13D"], default => die(), }; } function page_metadata($page) { return match ($page) { "achernar" => [ "Achernar", "Achernar is a Danish indie studio developing video games and open-source software.", "achernar, fractals, game, open source, open-source, software, video game", ], "agbsum" => [ "agbsum | Achernar", "agbsum is a CLI utility for patching AGB images.", "achernar, advance, agb, agbsum, cli, console, embedded, game, patch, terminal", ], "ax" => [ "AX | Achernar", "AX is a C framework for developing AGB apps.", "achernar, advance, agb, arm, assembly, ax, c, c++, cpp, cxx, thumb", ], "backspace" => [ "Backspace | Achernar", "About the Backspace game engine.", "achernar, backspace, game engine, rust, udp, webgpu", ], "benoit" => [ "Benoit | Achernar", "Benoit is a Rust-written fractal renderer.", "achernar, benoit, burning ship, cli, console, fractal, julia, mandelbrot, rust, terminal, tricorn, webgpu", ], "bowshock" => [ "Bowshock | Achernar", "About Bowshock.", "achernar, bowshock, dangerous, frontier, game, rust, open world, sci-fi, science fiction, space, video game", ], "bzipper" => [ "bzipper | Achernar", "bzipper is a Rust crate for serialisation and deserialisation of binary streams.", "achernar, binary, bzipper, deserialise, deserialiser, deserialize, deserializer, octet, serialize, serializer, serialize, serializer, tcp, udp", ], "deltaWorld" => [ "Delta·World | Achernar", "About Delta World.", "achernar, adventure, delta world, open world, rust, webgpu", ], "dux" => [ "Dux | Achernar", "Dux is a cross-platform widgeting library for developing GUI applications.", "achernar, dux, multimedia, rust, webgpu, widget", ], "eas" => [ "eAS | Achernar", "eAS is an assembler for cross-compiling to Arm ISAs.", "achernar, agb, arm, as, asm, assembler, assembly, eas, embedded, risc, thumb", ], "luma" => [ "Luma | Achernar", "Luma is an emulator for the AGB line of devices.", "achernar, agb, arm, emulator, luma, rust, thumb", ], "pollex" => [ "Pollex | Achernar", "Pollex is a Rust crate for manipulating Arm ISA instructions.", "achernar, agb, arm, pollex, rust, thumb", ], "u8c" => [ "u8c | Achernar", "u8c is a library for handling Unicode sequences in C.", "achernar, u8c, unicode, utf, utf-16, utf-32, utf-8, utf16, utf32, utf8", ], default => die(), }; } function add_nav_bar_link($title, $page) { global $current_page; $aria_current = match ($page) { $current_page => "page", default => "false", }; $id = match ($page) { "achernar" => "home", default => "", }; echo "$title"; } function add_heading($title, $anchor) { $anchor = "anchor." . $anchor; echo "


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