# 9 * styling: Add specific styling for notes; * styling: Use span for emphasis (instead of i); * physics: Use different formula for power; # 8 * about: Fix bad link to french; # 7 * about: Fix incorrect link to repository; # 6 * chemistry: Use generic symbols for measures; # 5 * html: Use the thead, tbody, and tfoot tags in tables; * phsyics: Minor updates; * mathjax: Fix syntax inconsistency; * styling: Remove dead links; * astronomy: Update unit definitions; * astronomy: Link to the constants of physics; * mathematics: Add note to formula for getting the area of the triangle; * chemistry: Remove extraneous information in constant definitions; * chemistry: Add note to formulae section; # 4 * chemistry: Fix small error with regards to measures and units; # 3 * styling: Decrease size of logotype and heading; * styling: Organise CSS; * styling: Contain navigation bar and page in a common div; * styling: Update page border; * styling: Decrease theme toggler size; * styling: Use variables for font families; * styling: Update copyright notice placement; * styling: Round tables corners and thicken outlines; * files: Put topic pages inside 'topic' folder; * spanish: Add topic; * greek: Add topic; * mathjax: Use decimal power notation more; * styling: Make logotype monochromatic; * styling: Move heading down to copyright notice (and rename it to projectName); * styling: Use sans serif in navigation bar; * styling: Strikethrough links to empty topics; # 2 * physics: Add note to temperature formula under thermodynamics; * Split project according to subdomain; # 1 * reference: styling: Rename backgroundColour0 to bodyColour and backgroundColour1 to backgroundColour; * reference: Update about page text; * reference: german: Add conjugation of sein; * reference: physics: Use different terms; * reference: styling: Implement small table rows; * reference: styling: Implement subheadings; * reference: styling: Rename sectionTitle and pageTitle to sectionHeading and pageHeading; * reference: styling: Align page headings to the right; * reference: Add copyright notice to the page footer; # 0 * Move encyclopedia frome fadaesen-webservice (and rename to reference); * reference: Update chemistry page; * reference: Update physics page; * reference: Update mathematics page; * reference: mathematics: Use the miniscule greek letters alpha, beta, and gamma instead of the majuscule latin letters A, B, and C; * reference: Split physics page into more sections; * Update MathJax syntax; * reference: astronomy: Use Jupiter's symbol for jupitermasses and jupiterradii; * reference: mathematics: Fix incorrect methods for getting the sides of a triangle;